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Zeitgeist - Moving Forward... when is it available online?



  • Registered Users Posts: 688 ✭✭✭Shulgin

    This film is bound to cause controversy as it is dealing with possibly the biggest taboo of our history. Highandmighty I understand what you are trying to do and your heart is in the right place, but this stuff is not easy for most people to digest. :)

    The message will get across, but it takes a little more subtlety.

    I came across this open letter on the zeitgeist Ireland site.
    Might be worth printing and sending around to a few neighbours at least to get the ball rolling locally with people not so net savvy.
    Dear household,

    You receive this letter at a pivotal moment in the history of this country and of the world at
    large. It is quite clear from simple observation that the social system in which we live our lives is
    growing increasingly unstable. The demand for all of the basic necessities of life such as food,
    water and energy is increasing dramatically with the rise of China, India and Brazil thereby pushing
    up prices worldwide. This coupled with the sharp rise in unemployment in the western world is
    leading to a crises of epidemic proportions where people are finding it increasingly difficult to
    sustain themselves and their families. There is a lot of suffering in store for millions of Irish people
    if we do not address the problems in an open, transparent and logical manner. It is time we
    acknowledged the fact that we can no longer rely on our politicians to address the problems of our
    society as they have shown an utter incapability of providing us with any level of meaningful
    debate. Politicians fight the symptoms, and not the underlying problems such as:

    1. Finite resources. The goal of the current economic system is to grow and expand. Without
    growth, people have no jobs and thus no money to buy the things they need to live. This would
    not be a problem in an environment with infinite resources. The problem is that the earth is a
    closed system with finite resources, meaning there is a limit on economic growth. This fact
    simply renders our current economic system invalid. The economy cannot grow forever. We are
    starting to realise this fact at present. The goal of any real economy in an environment of finite
    resources should be to sustain, not to grow forever.

    2. The profit incentive. In the current system, businesses are created to make a profit. This has
    hugely debilitating and limiting effects for society. The profit incentive generates an inherent
    disregard for human well being as it is profitable to create problems in which to service. Without
    problems, there are no products, no services and thus no economy. In order for an economy to
    grow, businesses must either find or create new problems, and service them. For example it is
    not profitable for pharmaceutical companies to cure illness, it is much more profitable for them to
    ʻserviceʼ the illness so that the sick will continually come back to buy more product (drugs). This
    creates profit, jobs and positive economic growth, all at the expense of human well-being.

    3. Technological unemployment. Following on from the previous point, businesses with a profit
    driven goal will make all efforts to reduce costs. With the rise of technology and automation,
    these businesses are systematically replacing human workers with machines. Machines work
    24/7 and donʼt require holidays, pensions, sick leave etc.. The output of machines is far superior
    to that of the human. As technology continues to develop, this problem is only going to
    accelerate. The entire economy will come to a grinding halt when unemployment skyrockets due
    to this inherent systematic dilemma. The problem will be masked for a while as GPD will grow
    due to increased machine production. However it will very soon become apparent that there is a
    complete disconnect between GDP and the well-being of people.

    The current money-market paradigm is destroying our planet and the lives of all the people on it. It
    is time we accepted that our current way of living is coming to an end, and embrace the change
    that is essential to our survival. It would be much less painful if we, as a society, openly discussed
    these issues and actively worked toward a sustainable and prosperous future. The alternative is
    that the coming change hits us unexpectedly causing massive suffering for our people, and the
    prospect of a new age of oppression and institutional and violent control. There is a worldwide
    movement of people rising from the woodwork who recognise the true problems we face and are
    debating and discussing the required solutions in a reasonable and open fashion. Please take the
    time to watch the free movie ʻzeitgeist moving forwardʼ online (just google it), and join the Irish
    chapter of the movement if and when the cause rings true for you.
    Concerned human

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Sothis

    Why is Zeitgeist: Moving Forward under the topic of "Conspiracy Theories"? Has the person who put this in here even watched the film? It covers "nature vs nurture", social pathology, economics, resources and technological innovation. Where's the conspiracy?

    I understand that the first Zeitgeist did paint the 9/11 attacks in terms of a government conspiracy, but no that is no reason to regard all the films as conspiratorial. In fact, no matter what you believe about September 11th, you still believe a conspiracy occurred and some version of a theory on it. It comes down to which is more plausable and supported by the most evidence.=
