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Here goes...again!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Friday 10th Feb
    Gosh what a frustrating day this is turning out to be. Nothing has gone to plan. Still I managed to fit in a 20k cycle to see if my new tube was ok since I hadnt used that wheel since I had the flat last Saturday. Glad to report its ok so I'm all set to go for tomorrow's duathlon. Had planned to run off the bike but had a visitor waiting for me when I got home so couldnt. Then I finally got to run but had to stop early as had a phone call to day a delivery guy would be at the house in a few minutes. Managed 2.43 miles in 23 minutes. Had planned to swim at 3 but only got round to having my lunch then so that's a wash out too. I've also been mucking up the SBR challenge table. Argh, what else can go wrong??

    I'm going off to walk the dog now after which the baking will begin for the race tomorrow :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 11th Feb - Dromineer Duathlon 1
    Whooop whooop if only you could bottle this feeling :D. Participated in my first ever duathlon this morning. It was really really hard, I think I came second last but wow I loved it!

    I was sick with nerves heading down, really scared. But I just had to HTFU and get on with it. Slowest went first so I volunteered to head off with two other girls. We were quickly passed by 2 other quick girls. The first mile was very tough, straight away a big long hill. I knew we are going fast but was shocked to see my garmin say 8:12 for the first mile. :eek: This is my fastest mile in any run ever since I've been keeping records 4 years ago!!! In fact every mile in both runs today was faster than my quickest mile of 8:49 I set last summer. This is why Im so thrilled. My speed and fitness has to have improved grately since I got injured. I'm very excited now about what the rest of the year will hold for me.

    Maybe I will finally blast that sub60 10k:).

    Anyway back to the race. I found the run very tough but pushed on. 5.06kms in 26:35. Transition was a total mess. I can definitely do better here. I spent some time trying to decide wether to put on my sunglasses or just leave them. I put them on, they fogged up, I took them off, changed my mind, put them on, changed my shoes, took a drink, took off my sunglasses and then walked with the bike for a bit when I should have just jumped on and raced off. lesson learned.

    The cycle was a bit of a disappointment. I think I'm strong on the bike but didnt manage to catch many people. I only passed about 4 people and 2 of those passed me again later on. I had expected to reel some people in but it didnt happen. (note to self- more speed work to be done on the bike). I also clipped out coming up to the two roundabouts as I'm still scared of falling and stopped totally at the second one even when people after me kept going and passed me out:o. Bike section 18.41kms in 41:24.

    T2 was much quicker -43 seconds.

    It was mentally tough going out for the second run when nearly everyone else was finished. Physically it was a total biach!! I have never felt anything like it, my legs, my arse they were broken. I wasnt even sure I was running and I still had that hill to face again. I wanted to stop. I wanted to walk but I told myself it was only 2k, I could do it. And I did- quicker again than any mile in any race before today. 2.12kms in 11:07.

    Total time 1:22:10. Great day, loved it. Cant wait for the next one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Well done bally8, you must be over the moon. I am so impressed. Great run for the 5k. Again well done. Glass of wine tonight for you ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Congratulations! You totally embody the spirit we all should train and race with. Well done. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Well done A, delighted for you! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Excellent stuff Bally8! :)

    Did your cakes go down a treat afterwards?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thanks guys, I'm still in shock about my run time, just never believed I had it in me :)

    Sunday 12th Feb
    Body sore and tired today so I ditched the idea of a run and swim and just went to the pool instead. I had timed a 750 m swim a few weeks back and it took me an embarrassing 38 minutes as I had to take lengthy breaks after each length. I decided to do it again today to see if a month of regular swimming had made any difference. Delighted to say it has :D. The 30 lengths took me 28;58. Still incredibly slow but its a 9 minute improvement for me, and now at least I know I can do the 30 lengths in less then the dreaded 30 minute cut off time:). Looking forward to working on my stamina and stroke over the next month. Maybe next time I time myself I will be able to do 3 or 4 lengths without having to take a break, or maybe the breaks will be shorter.

    850m total.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Did your cakes go down a treat afterwards?

    They sure did :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    You're in flying form at mo A, great stuff

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Happy Valentines Day, hot chick from Tri forum!


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  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    ^ Mid-life crisis :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Happy Valentines Day, hot chick from Tri forum!


    Why thank you, crazy internet man :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Monday 13th - Wed 15th Feb
    My daughter is home for the mid-term so I planned this week to be a recovery week. I'm also wrecked for some reason so the timing is perfect for me to step back a little.

    We had a family walk up Coum forest trail Monday morning. It was lovely to do something active all of us together. Our 12 year old even enjoyed it despite herself:D

    Nothing Tuesday, I felt I couldnt go to turbo on Valentines Day and didnt want to spend the 2 hours away from my daughter after being in work all day.

    I was totally shattered yesterday so all I managed to do was a 40 minute walk with my students at work. I was falling asleep on the couch last night and went to bed at 10.30.

    Thursday 16th Feb
    The plan was to get up for the 6.30 club swim but I didnt sleep much last night. We were all feeling sick, think it might be some chicken from our chinese that wasn't quite right. Alarm went off at 5.50, I turned it off and didnt wake again till 6.20 which was too late to get to the pool on time.

    Finally I got up and decided to go for a run. It had to be a treadmill one because I'm a dedicated parent :). 7.32 miles in 70 minutes. Woohoo longest run since July 7th last year! I'm nearly confident enough to say my injury is completely healed :D 30 mins of core, weights and stretching followed the run.

    Walked the dog after lunch then came back and set up the turbo. It's only my second time using it on my own at home. I much prefer my classes. Anyway I put on the tv and did a 5 min spinning wu then worked my way up and down the gears 2 minutes in each gear, then 5 mins easy spinning and up and down the gears 1 minute each then just spinned it out until I reached 1hr 25 minutes. My ass was broken by the end:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Just catching up on logs - big congrats on the duathlon B8. Great stuff. Your hard-a*s training will only keep paying off! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 18th Feb
    Group cycle this morning. A big turn out which is great, these cycles were in danger of being cancelled before Christmas so it's great to see how well supported they are now. I think there was 18 of us. The problem is I'm not very comfortable cycling in a big group. I find it very tiring having to deal with constant changing of speeds and directions of the cyclists ahead. It's never a smooth cycle, people always seem to be brakeing or swerving or coming up outside you. Its a bit mental when you're near the back and today I spent most of my time there as the roll overs went haywire too. Still on the other hand, I had no energy in me so wouldn't have been able to be at the front either. No pleasing me at the moment :D

    Anyway it was a long hard slog for me today. I felt sick and cold and just really put the head down and got on with it. We stopped for a break after about 45kms and when the group took off again I found myself at the back with one of the girls and we decided to let them go and continue on at our own pace as she was having pains in her legs and I was just lazy. Got caught in a hail stone shower as we approached the hardest climb of the cycle. Had to pull over at one point to check if I had a puncture after I hit a pothole but luckily I was grand.

    Made it back to Nenagh in one piece and as I approached the meeting point and my car I saw I had 66kms done. That equals my longest cycle ever and I couldnt leave it at that so I carried on by myself for a few more kms up the road. Back to the car after 3 hrs, 71.88kms.

    Too cold, tired and lazy to swim this afternoon. Really have to go tomorrow, I havent been all week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done! Way to stick it out and push through the ugliness, which will in the end make you stronger and more formidable. You've got this cycling thing down! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thanks Dory Dory your support is greatly appreciated:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Sunday 19th Feb
    Hubby away in Liverpool today so I had the whole day completely to myself with nothing much to do (apart from clean my house but like come on, as if that's going to happen:D)

    After a nice sleep in I headed off to the pool for the first time in a week :o. Paid, went for a toilet break, took off my pants then realised I had forgot to bring my togs! They dont sell them there so I had to get my money back and go to Tesco to see if they had anything. Picked out the least flouncy ones for a steal at €11.50 and picked up some beansprouts for the dinner. The girl at the till was a bit bemused- swimming togs and beansprouts a bit of a weird combination. Anyway got back the pool and the girl at reception asked me if I wanted a student rate for my swim. I said 'No but if you want to give it to me:)' and she did- €3, nice :D. Realised when I was taking off my hoodie in the changing room that its my old college one. Score, I think I might wear it more often!

    Anyway I suppose I should talk about the actual swim:). I just decided to take it easy and do as much as I could do without thinking about how fast I was going or how many lengths I did. I just did mostly front crawl with some breast stroke to recover, back stroke and side stroke. I decided to try take a breath every 4th stroke and not every second. This allowed me to concentrate on the actual pull of my arms. Was very happy with this as I felt my arms were doing much more work today instead of me having to kick like hell to move along. 44 lengths in the end. Nice enjoyable session

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Sunday 19th Feb contd
    Headed up to Coum forest this afternoon for a run/walk with the dog. What a glorious afternoon, like a lovely summers day. We went further along the trail then ever before and wow there are miles of trails up there. Yippie, all these different places for me to explore in the future. 6.27 stop/start miles with doggie trying at various times to flatten me, eat me, knock me and bulldoze me over:D. Very happy with my running bits, I felt strong and fast. The hills are a killer though, I find it hard to control my breathing, bet my heart rate goes sky high cos that's what it feels like. I cheated a bit towards the end and took a few walk breaks when there were hills and ran all the down hill and flat bits:)

    So another week of 2012 down. Delighted to say I'm feeling good and strong, no niggles or injuries of note to report. 8hrs 13 minutes of training this week- not bad for a stepback week:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Great work as always Bally8! You put me to shame :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Havent updated in a week it's just been a bit mental and I dont have much training to log either. On Monday we had a death in the family, a robbery and I found out my hours might be cut again in work. Wasnt the best start to the week.

    No training until Thursday morning. 6.30am club swim session. It was my best one yet. Felt like I could have gone on for another hour. 56 lengths - the most I've ever done in a session by 250m- delighted with that. I also did 4 lengths in a row- not a big deal for anyone else on here but its my first time doing more than 2 without a break so I'm hoping I can start to string more and more together from now on.

    Swam again Friday after work. 50 lengths. Again I felt great. It must have been the 3 days off. I hadnt had 3 days off together since Christmas.

    Saturday was 76.41k group cycle. Very tough hill after about 20k, I was wrecked from it. Got dropped again This time about 10k from the car park. They just took off like the clappers and I couldnt keep the pace of 35kph at that stage. It doesnt put me off- it motivates me to keep working and some day I will be able to keep up with them.

    Headed to Cork after the cycle and didnt get home till this evening so no training to add.

    So after such a non-impressive week I'm all worked up and ready for a great week this week. Roll on 5pm tomorrow when I get back in the pool:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sounds like the swimming is going great! Woo hoo! Keep up the good work...and the bike ride sounds like it was fantastic as well! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    Bally8 wrote: »
    This time about 10k from the car park. They just took off like the clappers and I couldnt keep the pace of 35kph at that stage. It doesnt put me off- it motivates me to keep working and some day I will be able to keep up with them.

    Love the attitude:D. Great swimming too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Ok so again I've been neglecting to update my log. I have been training, its been my saviour really. The past week has been totally crazy, our lives have been turned upside-down and I'm still reeling from the after effects. So in between all the craziness I managed to do a nice bit of exercise to prove to myself that I can do it even if everything has changed.

    Monday 27th Feb
    800m swim with 8 lengths in a row, was delighted with myself. First time swimming more then 4 in a row. 3.17 mile run in 30 mins on the treadmill when I got home.

    Tuesday 28th Feb
    Group turbo session. I havent been at a group session in over 2 weeks. I had 30 minutes done before the warm up and kept going for a bit after so it was an hour and a half session in the end.

    Wed 29th Feb
    First time going to a club evening swim session. It was very full on with lots of sprints after a long warm up of various different drills. 60 lengths in total. Much less then everyone else, even the others in my slow lane but still the longest I've ever swam in one session. Happy with that.

    Thursday 1st March
    Trail run up Coum forest with the doggie and Mr.Bally8. 3.38 miles covered but mostly walking. Couldnt make club turbo that evening so I set my own up in the sitting room and sweated in front of America's Next top model. 55 mins

    Friday 2nd March
    Timed swim. Warmed up with a few slow lengths then started the stopwatch. Last time I timed the 750 m it took me 28:59 and I was just happy to have gotten it under 30 minutes. Today it took---22.40!!:D:D:D Thrilled. I never thought I could swim that distance in that kind of time. Over 6 minutes of an improvement in a few weeks.

    Saturday 3rd March
    I decided to give this weeks group cycle a miss. I havent been enjoying them recently. They are just all over the place with people not paying attention or listening properly . I'm left drained from them as I have to concentrate so hard especially with my irrational fear of falling anyway. Instead I headed out on my own. Went on the main road to Borrisokane and back. 50k and finished it with a slog up Portroe hill to prove to myself that I could still do it.

    8hrs 48 minutes total training for the week. Not bad with all the stuff that's going on. Thrilled wit my swimming. Must do so much more running though, it's really being neglected recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,842 ✭✭✭Micilin Muc

    I like your attitude :) That's a good week's training, with or without other craziness. Hope it works out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Bally8 wrote: »
    January Summary:
    Swim: 4825 m
    Cycle: 427.9 kms
    Running: 76.94 kms

    Feb Aims:
    Swim: 6000m
    Cycle: 500 kms
    Running: 100 kms

    February Summary:
    Swim: 9255m - delighted with this, totally smashed my aim
    Cycle: 357.49kms - disappointed with this. I missed a lot of turbo sessions and allowed life get in the way too often
    Running: 56.05 kms - again a disappointment, way short of my aim, much less then January total too.

    March Aims:
    Swim: 12000m
    Cycle: 500kms
    Run: 80kms

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    This weeks training so far:
    Monday 5th March
    Took my students to the gym for sport this afternoon. Didnt manage to get much done myself but I can see myself getting the chance to do a sneaky 3 miler here every now and then- I have a great job:D. 1 mile on treadmill followed by 1 mile on the crosstrainer.

    Straight to the pool after work. Had a lane all to myself so tried out a planned session instead of just swimming aimlessly. All front crawl with about 20 seconds recovery 4x50, 4x100, 4x50, then 250 straight followed by 4x50. Loved it :D

    Had a run in with a weird man though at the end of my 250m, I was going to do more but had to stop because of him. He was swimming two lanes over from me and came into my lane as I ended the 10th length. He just sat down under the water with his legs sticking out along the ground as far as he could put them so I had no where to go but to kind of squash myself up to the ropes so as not to be on top of him:eek:. He then came up for air and stood in the corner (I use the lane at the edge of the pool). I decided to just get away from him and did another 50 but he was still there. Then he took off swimming down the lane but kind of spread himself out as if to take over the whole lane. no bother I thought I will just swim down the same way I had been going, along by the ropes but when I was about 3/4 way down he was there right infront of me and we nearly had a collision. I got such a shock, he totally shouldnt have been there and I had to stop as I didnt see him coming at all. I shouted some expletives at him and thank god he was gone back to his own lane when I got back to shallow end. Really dont know what he was trying to do. I am well able to share lanes, I've often been in it with 7 other people but never anyone as weird as that.

    Tuesday 6th March
    Kayaking in Bellharbour with work this afternoon. Lovely to get back at it, cant wait to get my own out now:). 30 min run on the treadmill when I got home 3.3miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Bally8 wrote: »
    Sunday 19th Feb contd
    Headed up to Coum forest this afternoon for a run/walk with the dog. What a glorious afternoon, like a lovely summers day. We went further along the trail then ever before and wow there are miles of trails up there. Yippie, all these different places for me to explore in the future. 6.27 stop/start miles with doggie trying at various times to flatten me, eat me, knock me and bulldoze me over:D. Very happy with my running bits, I felt strong and fast. The hills are a killer though, I find it hard to control my breathing, bet my heart rate goes sky high cos that's what it feels like. I cheated a bit towards the end and took a few walk breaks when there were hills and ran all the down hill and flat bits:)

    Just spotted this- if there's one thing I know about it's gasping up hills! As you suspect, your heart rate will shoot up once you lose control of your breathing. One thing I've learned by watching good climbers, is they all start taking baby steps, and increase the cadence, when running uphill. Use your upper body to help propel you upwards, too. The trick is to keep the motor ticking over, and that will help keep the breathing under control. Try it next time- its a shame to let the uphills beat you when you're otherwise feeling strong!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thanks for the tip donpop I will give it a go next time I'm out. I'm very stubborn so I wont let it defeat me:D. I love being up there, it makes me wonder why I've spent so much time running on flat roads.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Bally8 wrote: »
    Thanks for the tip donpop I will give it a go next time I'm out. I'm very stubborn so I wont let it defeat me:D. I love being up there, it makes me wonder why I've spent so much time running on flat roads.
    And another imra runner is born....
