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Zionist Mainstream media



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    Here is Chomsky talking in 2006 about US compliance with Israel in committing war crimes and western medias failure to report it.

    2.46 RE Clinton providing Israel with military helicopters 'The US press cooperated with that by refusing to publish this story...'
    3.58 Re US boycotting meeting condemning Israeli atrocities- ' Media refused to publish it therefore no-one here knows the US once again enhanced terror by refusing applicability of conventions

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    robtri wrote: »
    Media.. yes we are reliant on them... but they are in business to make MONEY, as much of it as possible..

    That's a big statement.

    On the one hand you accept we are reliant on the media. Yet in your own words they are motivated primarily by money.

    Casebook doublethink-

    I assume you realise how ****ed up a situation like this is?
    robtri wrote: »
    so they have to appeal to the what THEY believe is the wider audience....

    Well they have to appeal to to their corporate advertisers which have no ties to Gazan peasants making a programme imposed on 1.5 million of near-starvation on innocent people not newsworthy.

    Allegations of a war crime = Newsworthy
    Evidence of a war crime = Newsworthy

    State documents proving a war crime has been committed = unquestionably newsworthy.
    robtri wrote: »
    its not a simple challenge its an opinion piece....

    I don't understand what you mean by opinion piece.

    It is a simple challenge. Yourself and Meglome have both stated unequivocally that near-starving a population intentionally is not newsworthy. I've simply asked you both to read the world news section of a publication of your choice and point out what is less newsworthy than this issue.

    It's putting your money where your mouth is but it's still a very simple challenge.

    robtri wrote: »
    So in answer to your question.... for the last week, the weather and the Budget ( which effects me and how I am going to take care of my family) are a hell of a lot more important than the leaking and contents of these documents......

    As i Said the better challenge to find out if these Media outlets are PRO ZIONIST.. is to look back at the articles they have done.. if you can not find articles that show Israel in a bad ligt then yes you might ahve a case... but if there are articles showing Israel in a bad light well then you cant say they are pro zionist....

    I appreciate it is difficult to gauge the policy of near-starvation on an entire population.

    Let's scale it down and apply it to a local setting.

    Pretend an orphanage/old folks home/ mental hospital something like that has just released documents following a freedom of information act request that prove in specific detail that the institution was enforcing a policy to punish all the people in their care through a strictly enforced policy of just giving them enough food to survive.

    It'd be front page news and the people involved would be locked up and you know it.

    Now pretend the mental hospital had 1.5 million people, half of those children and you might see the scale of this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    The new John Pilger documentary was on last night on ITV1. Essential viewing. Will post link when it is available online. He deals with the medias collusion in covering up atrocities and allowing disinformation to be spread by US/British/Israeli governments

    Here is one review:
    What shone through was that those we rely on to think clearly in times of war are often those most seduced by myopic machismo and that any sense of history gets instantly forgotten. When Blair was talking about bringing democracy to Iraq, where were the voices suggesting this was highly improbable given that our Middle-Eastern allies are all totalitarian dictatorships? And which media organisations were saying that civilians accounted for 90% of the casualties?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    That's a big statement.

    On the one hand you accept we are reliant on the media. Yet in your own words they are motivated primarily by money.

    Casebook doublethink-

    I assume you realise how ****ed up a situation like this is?

    i absolutely agree... it is ****ed up...
    but it doesnt mean they tell lies all teh time or are pro zionist... it is as you said just ****ed up

    Well they have to appeal to to their corporate advertisers which have no ties to Gazan peasants making a programme imposed on 1.5 million of near-starvation on innocent people not newsworthy.

    Allegations of a war crime = Newsworthy
    Evidence of a war crime = Newsworthy

    State documents proving a war crime has been committed = unquestionably newsworthy.

    I don't understand what you mean by opinion piece.

    no offence BB .. to you they are news worthy thats an opinion not a fact.. as i said i have more important things to think about right now..

    Also as i said Gisha site, I couldnt see them saying it was a war crime or that they where intentinally starving them..
    that came from somebodys elses opinion on reading the gisha site...

    It is a simple challenge. Yourself and Meglome have both stated unequivocally that near-starving a population intentionally is not newsworthy. I've simply asked you both to read the world news section of a publication of your choice and point out what is less newsworthy than this issue.

    It's putting your money where your mouth is but it's still a very simple challenge.

    and i answered that already
    you know for the last few days.... the cold weather here in ireland and how people are getting to and from work and on top of that the Budget here is more important to most people in ireland, than soemthing that is happening thousands of miles away... unfortunately thats just life, people are self centred and always look after number one ( yes i am being very generalised)....

    So in answer to your question.... for the last week, the weather and the Budget ( which effects me and how I am going to take care of my family) are a hell of a lot more important than the leaking and contents of these documents......

    I appreciate it is difficult to gauge the policy of near-starvation on an entire population.

    Let's scale it down and apply it to a local setting.

    Pretend an orphanage/old folks home/ mental hospital something like that has just released documents following a freedom of information act request that prove in specific detail that the institution was enforcing a policy to punish all the people in their care through a strictly enforced policy of just giving them enough food to survive.

    It'd be front page news and the people involved would be locked up and you know it.

    Now pretend the mental hospital had 1.5 million people, half of those children and you might see the scale of this.

    no lets pretend that through this freedom of information act it came out that the people running the mental hospital had calculated the basic food needs for its residents to survive for a three day period....
    is that news worthy...???

    possibly cause the majority of people here would have a personal interest in that if it was local... thats what sell papers... making an emotional connection with the reader/viewer sells stuff in bucket loads...

    As i said already if these media outlets are so pro zionist... that would mean they would not show israel in a bad light is that correct???
    so If i took fox news for example, i should be able to find any stories that reflect badly on Israel.....

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Too add some context to that video here is what that prick Israeli
    MK Danny Danon had to say about Israel commiting mass-murder of civilians in international waters.

    Which according to the UN:

    “The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel towards the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence,” the report states.
    “It betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality. Such conduct cannot be justified or condoned on security or any other grounds. It constituted grave violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law.”

    Israel MK to Turkey: "Sorry We Didn't Shoot Sooner"

    To the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    (by way of the Turkish ambassador to Israel)

    Regarding: The request for an apology to the government of Turkey for the events aboard the Mavi Marmara of the Gaza flotilla.

    I would like to apologize to you in the name of the entire state of Israel for the fact that the state of Israel did not take sufficient care to check the terrorist ship Marmara before it left Turkey. That would have prevented the ship from being armed with guns and other weapons, and from transporting terrorist activists under the patronage of the Turkish government.

    Because of our excellent relationship, and your great respect for the state of Israel and the Zionist enterprise, I must apologize for the fact that the naval commandos who, when they reached the ship, were greeted by armed terrorist resistance that aimed to murder them did not immediately defend themselves with gunfire, and instead acted with restraint toward the pretend "peace activists" who sought to kill them.

    Apologies for the fact that the commandos acted carefully, taking into account the presence of civilians on the ship, and killed only nine terrorists. If the state authorities had known that there were terrorists on the ship, the order would have been given to kill any person endangering our troops.

    With your permission, one more apology is necessary, for Israel's decision to release the dangerous terror supporters who were on the ship and not put them on trial for attempted murder, and even to pay for their tickets home.

    And finally, please accept our full and heartfelt apology, for not asking the United Nations to censure Turkey, and for not demanding an investigation into the connection between the IHH terrorist organization, your party and you, Mr. Erdogan.

    Warm wishes,
    MK Danny Danon, speaking on behalf of the Israeli Knesset

    They killed two people with cameras in their hands.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,171 ✭✭✭af_thefragile

    John Pilger released a latest documentary which deals with how much part the media has played towards the current wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
    Like all of his documentaries, its a must watch!

    You should check this out:

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    John Pilger released a latest documentary which deals with how much part the media has played towards the current wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
    Like all of his documentaries, its a must watch!

    You should check this out:

    Nice one af. I will.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Anyone care to explain this one?

    “The Guardian, El Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel.

    Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US"

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Anyone care to explain this one?

    Ha. Didn't think so.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    studiorat wrote: »
    Five minutes having a look around presents us a list of work that supports the argument that your pals in the Main Stream Media are pro Palestinian

    Let's see shall we?...

    Mostly ripped from here:

    First we have to go back to July of this year when CNN fired 20-year employee Octavia Nasr for a twitter message.
    A senior Middle East editor at the US cable news channel CNN has been fired after she wrote on Twitter that she "respected" a late Lebanese Shia Muslim leader with links to Hezbollah.

    Octavia Nasr lost her job after the 140-character tweet sparked fierce online debate and the channel's management decided that her credibility had been compromised.

    Nasr posted the tweet as news of the death of Lebanon's Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah broke over the weekend. She called him "one of Hezbollah's giants I respect a lot".

    Now let's see what happens to CNN contributor Fran Townsend for supporting an officially designated terrorist group.

    Frances Townsend Becomes CNN Contributor

    Who spoke in Paris in support of Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) an Iranian terrorist organisation, officially designated terrorists by the US.

    They are linked to:
    • The series of mortar attacks and hit-and-run raids during 2000 and 2001 against Iranian government buildings; one of these killed Iran’s chief of staff
    • The 2000 mortar attack on President Mohammad Khatami’s palace in Tehran
    • The February 2000 “Operation Great Bahman,” during which MEK launched 12 attacks against Iran
    • The 1999 assassination of the deputy chief of Iran’s armed forces general staff, Ali Sayyad Shirazi
    • The 1998 assassination of the director of Iran’s prison system, Asadollah Lajevardi
    • The 1992 near-simultaneous attacks on Iranian embassies and institutions in 13 countries Assistance to Saddam Hussein’s suppression of the 1991 Iraqi Shiite and Kurdish uprisings
    • The 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party and of Premier Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, which killed some 70 high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei and Bahonar Support for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries
    • The 1970s killings of U.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran

    In the early 1970s, angered by U.S. support for the pro-Western shah, MEK members killed several U.S. soldiers and civilians working on defense projects in Iran. Some experts say the attack may have been the work of a Maoist splinter faction operating beyond the Rajavi leadership’s control. MEK members also supported the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, in which 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,142 ✭✭✭M three

    Thanks Brown Bomber for posting good informative factual stuff on here. Sorry you have to waste so much of your time correcting studioart and meglome, maybe they are just constantly arguing against you to dilute the message.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    Ha. Didn't think so.

    explain what???

    also Look up CNN and see how many articles or reports they have done on israel, including the larry king interview with iirc the Iranian president (if not president, onr of top honchos) call Israels prime minister all sorts including a killer...

    if Cnn where pro zionist as you suggest explain how stuff like this is published by CNN

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 728 ✭✭✭joebucks

    Here is a good article by Gideon Levy. It is great that the truth is finally coming out but the question must be asked that who was responsible for concealing this information in the past. Why did the mainstream media not cover these issues before.

    The coverage by the likes of CNN seems to me like more of a token geture rather than ground-breaking investigative journalism.
    This was (also ) a good year - the year of truth. The year that concludes tonight with a kiss was the year the Israeli masquerade party ended, the year the costumes were torn off and the truth came out. The true face was revealed. This was the year we finally came out of the closet - no more saccharine phrases and hollow talk about justice and equality, no more flowery and superficial words about peace and two states. This year the truth was heard in public, echoing loud and clear from one end of the country to the other, worrisome and depressing.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    M three wrote: »
    Thanks Brown Bomber for posting good informative factual stuff on here. Sorry you have to waste so much of your time correcting studioart and meglome, maybe they are just constantly arguing against you to dilute the message.

    Nice of you to say. I think the media is an important issue as it is the foundation for democracy.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    robtri wrote: »
    explain what???

    This quote from Assange in the Al Jazeera interview I posted:

    “The Guardian, El Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel.

    Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US"

    What are the "sensitive relations" and the "sensitivities" he speaks of?

    Why is the unfiltered truth filtered but only to cover up the crimes of apartheid Israel?

    robtri wrote: »
    also Look up CNN and see how many articles or reports they have done on israel, including the larry king interview with iirc the Iranian president (if not president, onr of top honchos) call Israels prime minister all sorts including a killer...

    I remember that interview. Ahmadinejad was actually quite rational and calm and IMO was overall quite impressive. Larry King attempted to demonise him but he was unable to simply because King is an idiot and Ahmadinejad isn't.

    Case in point.

    In any case Netanyahu is a killer. Civilian leaders are responsible for the actions of the state according international law and Israel is a murderous, terrorist state.

    Just yesterday Israel (the state) murdered an unarmed civilian, a peaceful protestor protesting the Apartheid wall which even the (Rothschild) Isreali Supreme Court declared illegal.

    Don't you find it depressingly profound that Israeli racists are gassing innocent people to death?

    It is only a year since the IDF murdered her brother again an unarmed civilian peacefully protesting oppression.

    This is the wall. Can you guess which is the Israeli and which is the Palestinian side? Racism in action. This is what you defend.

    robtri wrote: »
    if Cnn where pro zionist as you suggest explain how stuff like this is published by CNN

    I keep trying to tell you it is not as much what they publish/broadcast it is more what is omitted.

    For example as we are discussing CNN The case of CNN War Correspondent Michael Ware:
    Brisbane war correspondent Michael Ware is set to reveal that an alleged war crime he filmed in Iraq has never been seen or investigated by authorities.

    Mr Ware, who covered the Afghanistan war from 2001 and the Iraq war from 2003 for Time magazine and the US television network CNN from 2006, returned to Brisbane in December suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    His harrowing near-decade of war coverages were documented last Monday in the first of a two-part ABC Australian Story series, with the second part to be broadcast tomorrow night.

    Mr Ware tells of the alleged incident he says he witnessed and filmed in 2007 when working for US news giant CNN, but claims the network decided the footage was too graphic to go to air.

    He alleges that a teenager in a remote Iraqi village run by the militant Islamist group, al-Qaeda was carrying a weapon to protect himself.

    ‘‘(The boy) approached the house we were in and the (US) soldiers who were watching our backs, one of them put a bullet right in the back of his head. Unfortunately it didn't kill him,’’ he tells Australian Story.

    ‘‘We all spent the next 20 minutes listening to his tortured breath as he died.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    joebucks wrote: »
    Here is a good article by Gideon Levy. It is great that the truth is finally coming out but the question must be asked that who was responsible for concealing this information in the past. Why did the mainstream media not cover these issues before.

    The coverage by the likes of CNN seems to me like more of a token geture rather than ground-breaking investigative journalism.

    That was an excellent article, thanks for sharing. Terribly depressing imo to see such evil and racism tolerated in today's age.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Well the Behind the scenes cCables seem to play out what BB is saying
    ISRAEL'S blockade of the Gaza Strip was meant to push the area's economy "to the brink of collapse", according to a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

    The cable signalled that Israel was well aware that the policy was taking a heavy toll on the area's civilian population.

    Israeli leaders have long maintained that the blockade was necessary to weaken the ruling Hamas militant group. The newly released document, published in Norway's Aftenposten newspaper, indicates that Israel hoped to accomplish that goal by targeting Gaza's 1.5 million people.

    According to the March 3, 2008, cable written by an American official, Israeli officials told American diplomats "on multiple occasions that they intend to keep Gaza's economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge".

    Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev refused to comment. Israel imposed the blockade after Hamas militants routed forces loyal to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and seized control of Gaza in June 2007. Its official policy was that it would never allow a humanitarian crisis to develop in Gaza.

    Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
    Related Coverage

    * Israel warned against new Gaza war The Daily Telegraph, 14 hours ago
    * Israel 'blocking Libyan aid ship' The Australian, 14 Jul 2010
    * Israel orders aid ship to Egypt The Australian, 13 Jul 2010
    * Israel 'asks UN to stop Gaza-bound boat' The Australian, 10 Jul 2010
    * Israel further loosens Gaza blockade The Australian, 5 Jul 2010

    End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

    The blockade failed to oust Hamas, although it brought Gaza's economy to a virtual standstill. Tens of thousands of jobs have been lost, exports have been largely halted and for three years Israel carefully monitored what types of consumer goods were allowed into the territory.

    Under heavy international pressure, Israel has largely eased the blockade regarding consumer goods since a deadly naval raid on a Gaza-bound international flotilla last May.

    But construction materials, needed to repair damage from an Israeli military offensive two years ago, are still largely banned.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev refused to comment.

    Only way to Stop that Slimey Shítbag from Lying is to Stop him from Talking.
    Israel imposed the blockade after Hamas militants routed forces loyal to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and seized control of Gaza in June 2007.
    Interestin way of describing a Free and Fair Election
    Its official policy was that it would never allow a humanitarian crisis to develop in Gaza.
    Fixed that for em
