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Possible Ancient Astronaut Rock Carving found in China



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    Undergod wrote: »
    I can't like this enough. Not because it's useful in any argument about aliens or stonehenge or anything, just because it's awesome. That guy is a freaking king.

    Let's carve his face in a rock so that the people of tomorrow realise that

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭GhostInTheRuins

    charlemont wrote: »
    Sure look at our own "janus man" looks like a grey to me....

    What is the Janus man?
    All over the world, megalithic construction occurred on massive scales, despite the apparent lack of technology that the people used to achieve them.

    At Pumapunku in Bolivia for example, stone-masonry like the example below are widespread, even though such craftsmanship would be extremely difficult to do today using modern hand-tools.. and this was done at a time when metal tools were apparently non existent.. the people of the day had not even reached the point of discovering the wheel

    To be honest with you I love these ancient astronaut theories purely because they're fun and entertaining, but I also kind of find it insulting that people think our ancestors that built such amazing places like Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth, Loughcrew, Carrowkeel and the thousands of others were just thick primitive humans that couldn't possibly have built these places, so it must have been the aliens that did it. Those people were the same as we are today, if not smarter in some ways.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 johnnyvega86

    Mr Plough wrote: »
    Figure of a God with a helmet, located at the Anthropological Museum of Mexico City, photo taken by Tatjana Ingold.

    Whilst living in Cuenca Ecuador, a man known as Father Carlo Crespi received many gifts from the locals. There are remarkable similarities between these figurines and a modern day space suit. The locals claimed they came from subterranean cave systems in the jungles.

    These clay figures found in Equador also have a remarkable resemblance to space suites. For comparison a real astronaut is seen next to the figure.

    This highly odd figure which seems to be wearing a suit was found in Kiev and is apparently dated at around 4,000 BC.
    Located in Iraq, these sculptures seem to have reptilian type heads. Dated from around 5ooo-4000 B.C.

    The "lizard man" engravings.

    Credits to Chaos @ ATS.

    Surely it is more likely to be some time of ceremonial head dress or battle helmet?

    Walt Disney liked to draw mice and ducks and dogs that wore human clothes and walked on their back legs so presumably he must have been visited by alien mice, ducks and dogs?

    The ancients were probably into wearing masks and fancy dress much like their modern counterparts.

    Don't you think some guy might have thought 'Ya know what? I think for the fun of it I'll carve a statue with a lizard head instead of a man's head?'

    But of course you dismiss simpler explanations and jump to the conclusion that it must have been aliens?:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 635 ✭✭✭SEANoftheDEAD

    Good post johnnyvega86.

    That was always one of my thoughts on the cave paintings...
    No one ever say's or come the conclution that people at the time could have been artistic.

    I love Van Daniken and all, but I reckon on his travels that out of all the cave paintings he's saw/found he only writes about the ''alien'' looking ones and says nothing about what else was drawn in the caves.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭studiorat

    Mr Plough wrote: »
    There are remarkable similarities between these figurines and a modern day space suit. The locals claimed they came from subterranean cave systems in the jungles.

    Why would aliens, again with technology hundreds of years ahead of of our own be using a "modern day space suit"?

    What's happening here is people are finding artifacts from 1,000's of years ago and noting similarities with current technology. Ignoring the fact that the technology needed for such space travel would be totally different from our own current technology. And presuming a "space suit" would still look like a one designed in the 1960's here on Earth.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 johnnyvega86

    Good post johnnyvega86.

    That was always one of my thoughts on the cave paintings...
    No one ever say's or come the conclution that people at the time could have been artistic.

    I love Van Daniken and all, but I reckon on his travels that out of all the cave paintings he's saw/found he only writes about the ''alien'' looking ones and says nothing about what else was drawn in the caves.

    Fossils have been known about since ancient times.
    People presumed these were the remains of giants or ancient monsters killed by heroes like Hercules.

    This comes from an ancient Babylonian ruin. It looks very like a sauropod dinosaur from the Jurassic or Creteceous period.



    A previous poster drew attention this carving.


    There were many dinosaurs like Velociraptor which walked upright on their back legs.


    It's not unreasonable to assume that some ancient people saw the bones of similar animals and thought they were men with reptile heads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    Proxy wrote: »
    I've often wondered, "if" ancient astronauts helped to build the pyramids, then why would they do it? Why bother do such a thing for a young society, reliant on hierarchy and slavery,:)

    It's now considered a misconception that slaves built the pyramids. Burials suggest that they were willing if even volunteer workers who were honoured with a burial.

    Dead slaves would have been fed to the animals.

    It's now thought it was a religious experience for the Egyptians to work on the Pyramids.

    Now, add in the ancient astronaut visitor theory and it makes even more sense that slaves were not involved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 johnnyvega86

    gbee wrote: »
    It's now considered a misconception that slaves built the pyramids. Burials suggest that they were willing if even volunteer workers who were honoured with a burial.

    Dead slaves would have been fed to the animals.

    It's now thought it was a religious experience for the Egyptians to work on the Pyramids.

    Now, add in the ancient astronaut visitor theory and it makes even more sense that slaves were not involved.

    The Pharoahs like all rulers since were worshipped as gods.
    Thousands of years later kings had a divine right to rule and the Queen of England is still the head of the Anglican Church and defender of the faith.
    Today the US President and most heads of state swear by Almighty God when they take their oath of office.

    In ancient times there was no distinction made between politics and religion, the supernatural and the physical world, God and the king. Everything was seen as one and the same.

    Even today people will sing national anthems, they see their identity as part of the national identity, many people identify with people of the same skin color and language and are prepared to kill and sacrifice their lives.

    Hitler had a semi-divine status, he was included in many Christian prayers and oaths. The loyalty of the elite Waffen SS was only to Hitler. Fanatical Nazi soldiers fought to the last man and the last bullet to defend the Third Reich and many committed suicide rather than be taken alive.

    People create gods and these causes greater than themselves in their imaginations.

    People invented religion to explain the world and explain the political and social order.

    It has nothing to do with aliens.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    It has nothing to do with aliens.

    I often hypotheses that one can interchange God/Gods/Religion/Aliens ;)
