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Arrested Development



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,975 ✭✭✭nkay1985

    Delighted if that's true. I knew the movie was on the way but hadn't heard anything about the series. Superb show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭Smarmy

    Just finished watching all 3 seasons back to back. I've heard a lot about this show and I loved every second of it, a few times I almost choked on something I was eating while watching this. It is so clever and layered, a lot of the dialogue has double meanings and there is so much that can be easily missed on first viewing.

    For example this video is 15 seconds long and has 3 jokes in it.

    Can't wait for the movie and new series, although it probably won't happen for at least 18 months
