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sick?..."you need to eat meat!"



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,228 ✭✭✭Breezer

    --LOS-- wrote: »
    Maameeo I knew you had been sick on and off but when you put it like for the last 10 weeks, that sucks and I just hope you get better soon.
    Yep, sounds pretty rotten alright, get well soon Maameeo.
    Other health issues have surfaced in the past due to stress, a doctor would never be able to tell me that, I avoid them anyway, I really don't believe in taking medicines unless I really had to.
    Obviously you've had bad experiences with doctors in the past. I'd really encourage you to try find one who will look at 'non-medical' factors like stress. Contrary to popular belief, doctors are trained to take these into consideration, although I'm well aware that some choose to ignore it. Sometimes it's hard to judge whether or not you need medicines for something (as opposed to whether or not you want medicines for something, which of course is completely up to you).

    Maameeo, I've read my post again, and I think it may have come across a little strong. What I meant was that while your symptoms may have something to do with your diet, they may not, and it's not really something that a bunch of people sitting at keyboards can help you with, no matter how well-intentioned they are. If being sick is causing you to miss work then it's obviously having a serious impact on your life. 10 weeks is really beyond the 'wait and see' stage of fighting off an infection IMO. I'd really encourage you to talk to a doctor who respects your beliefs regarding your diet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭sweet-rasmus

    And with that sound advice I think this discussion is best closed for now. Best of luck :)

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