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Irish Red Cross vs Blogger



  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I'm meeting Noel next week for a pint as it happens... should be interesting! :)


  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 29,509 Mod ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    Encourage him to stand for the Dáil, we could do with a few like him there.

    If he could bear to be involved with another organisation where politics, power and petty personalities are more important than the mission of the organisation, of course!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    Whilst I am not privy to the goings on within the higher echelons of Red Cross one would think that the Case against Google and UPC the Blog and of course all that is on boards accompanied with the multitude of all bad press that has been in most National papers, that this would have caused enough embarrassment for the organisation to have created at least some concern. not at all they are so contemptuous of the Irish people that I believe that none of the above is on the Agenda of the Central Council who only meet twice a year and even then only for two hours. Does any one think that we are being paranoid or do the really not give a toss....!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    Interesting article on Wardick's blog. Seems its eleven years to the very day since 9 permanent Irish Red Cross staff went on RTE television with Charlie Bird and called on the Government to launch an independent investigation in the operations of the Irish Red Cross 'in order to preserve its integrity'. Imagine, eleven years later and the Irish Red Cross seems in an even worse mess than it was then. No word on a new Secretary General which is essential if anything is to improve. Also no word on the Vice Chairman stepping down which is another essential ingredient for reform. Link to article is:

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    "We're sorry, your government is not here right now. Please leave a message and they will get back to you, right after the election."


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    Isn't it just great hard to imagine that 11 years has passed and before that I had waited 10 years so that is 21 years since I first discovered that the Irish Red Cross is not unlike the church they both use the old doctrine of "Mental Reservation". A doctrine that allows one to lie in the belief that it is for the greater good. So when the vice chairman told lies about the money in the bank this was a classic act of "Mental Reservation" a life for the greater good.

    We teach them well !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    Want to see some more debate on this sham !

    The minister was hilarious he wasn't even listening his answer could have been the weather report as it had no bearing whatsoever on the content of what Finian Mc Grath asked. The Minister just read out the same old speel. At one stage it sounded like he did not have a clue what he was reading and he got lost.

    Just goes to show that this Minister could not give a toss about what goes on in the Red Cross. He still has not answered a single question on the topic other than repeating what has been written by the speech writers for the last 20 years. When I look back at Dail debates and answers given every single answer is the same. This is how informed debate goes in Ireland. You could stand a Muppet in the Dail with a recording and you wouldn't know the difference.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Lets see what happens in the new year... :)

    Had a great laugh and a pint with Noel last night, he's in decent spirits if a bit shook at losing his job!


  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    The press release from Fine Gael (14th November 2010) on the Irish Red Cross crisis was brought to my attention today. These guys will be in Government by February 2011 the latest. Good to know they are not dismissive of and in denial about Irish Red Cross problems like the current bunch. Role on the election then....

    Fine Gael National Press Office
    Press Statement by David Stanton TD

    Sunday November 14th 2010
    Defence Minister Still Stalling on Red Cross Reforms - Stanton

    Despite possessing detailed proposals for reform of the Irish Red Cross, the Minister for Defence has still failed to act according to Fine Gael Defence Spokesperson David Stanton TD.

    "Following lengthy considerations, the Irish Red Cross published detailed governance reform proposals for their own organisation last year. These proposals were supplied to the Minister for Defence in January 2010. Despite intense media coverage of the need for reform within the Red Cross, 10 months on nothing has happened. I can only deduce that the proposals are still sitting on his desk.

    “I deplore the Minister’s reticence for reform in the Red Cross. It is obvious that the Red Cross needs an updated governance structure; its thousands of volunteers across the country deserve this. I want to see public confidence in the Red Cross being maintained and enhanced. The Minister’s stalling must stop; he must act now to bring in governance reforms at the Red Cross.

    "The Government must also, in light of recent events in the Red Cross, introduce whistleblower legislation. This legislation, if properly drafted, would benefit both whistleblowers and other individuals or organisations against whom allegations of mismanagement or misconduct would be made. People should be facilitated to come forward and draw attention to issues of genuine concern in the workplace or in organisations. Clear procedures should be in place to allow whistleblowers to act and to have their claims to be investigated in a transparent way. Such procedures whould protect both whistleblowers and other involved parties."

    Contact: Mike Miley: 086 3811203

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 29,509 Mod ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    Oscail wrote: »
    The press release from Fine Gael (14th November 2010) on the Irish Red Cross crisis was brought to my attention today. These guys will be in Government by February 2011 the latest. Good to know they are not dismissive of and in denial about Irish Red Cross problems like the current bunch. Role on the election then....
    The hurler on the ditch is always a better player, though.

    If / when they get in, I will be interested to see if they follow through.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 Della Digby

    When one looks back at the promises made by many political representatives from all walks of life in relation to the Red Cross and the misuse of power and monies by this organisation one must question the ability of any political representative to take the Executive Committee members off their roost.

    They have for years intimidated people into submission , they have taken monies donated and utilised in ways which could be deemed to stretch morality to it's extremes. They have lied to their members and actually think they are untouchable. That is why the Blog and this discussion is not on the Agenda of their next meeting. They don't care in the least about the rantings and promises of politicians. The Minister of Defence is actually in someway beholding to them as no other sane person would allow them to control what he does and says. Look at the answers the Minister has come up with so far, they are a repeat in exact words of those 20 years ago. This Minister is scared but of what ?

    This is why this Minister will only put out the same old rhetoric. They have to have something on Fianna Fail or action would have been taken years ago.

    What is it that the Red Cross knows that we don't. If I was spending a million on something every year I would want to know what they were spending it on I certainly would not be paying the stand in Secretary General 160k. What does he and the Executive know? Why is he still there. What has Tony Lawlor got on this Minister that he is afraid of... ? If you had money hid away in a bank account in Tipperary would the revenue not be having your ass for dinner !

    So many questions so few answers or no answers !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 running nowhere

    The grip that a certain few have maintained on the Irish Red Cross is synonymous with the abuse of position of politicians and bankers.

    It has taken a seismic shift in the well being of this country for us to realise how rotten the establishment has been for many years.

    One wonders what has to be done for action to be taken in the Irish Red Cross if the damning evidence produced by Noel Wardick and others before him is ignored by the Government and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

    However it is reassuring to hear from sources that those in power in the Irish Red Cross, the council and executive, are in fear. In fear of what? Those who have been knowingly running the Red Cross for years in a manner contrary to everything that the Red Cross Movement stands for most likely fear the likes of Noel Wardick. It must be very worrying to be in a position whereby very soon you will be called upon to defend your questionable and immoral management of a humantarian organistation, especially whereby the evidence is being presented by someone who has presented himself with dignity, bravery and with a clear demonstration of true belief in the Irish Red Cross Movement.

    Will the politicians and bankers ever really be held accountable for the state of the nation? Probably not, but either way even 3 years ago who would of thought that Fianna Fail would be staring at obliteration in a general election. Who would of thought that the poster boy of banking, the former of CEO/Chairman Anglo Irish Bank, would be seen leaving a Garda Station after questioning, while his former bank is being deleted from existence.

    So even though the consequences for the guilty are not serious enough, at least there have been consequences of previously unthinkable nature.

    The great hope for the Irish Red Cross is that consequences currently unthinkable (for those in power) will manifest themselves as a result of the actions of Noel Wardick and others. Those in power who are destroying the Irish Red Cross appear to operate with a sense of invincibility. Hopefully the cold reality of being held accountable is dawning on them.

    It will happen.

    As an aside an interesting discussion topic has appeared on the IRC facebook discussion page. Interesting to see how long it stays there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    Today's Irish Times carries an article written by Mary Fitzgerald, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, on the Irish Red Cross crisis. The link is:

    Meanwhile Transparency International-Ireland has issued an open letter to the board members of the Irish Red Cross calling for an independent investigation and the reinstatement of Noel Wardick. The link is:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭LostinBlanch

    Well the whitewash is in.

    One thing jumps out at me though. This statement:
    The fact that no returns were submitted to Red Cross HQ by Tipperary branch for 2005 and 2006 is, in our view, a more serious governance issue for HQ then the late transfer of the tsunami monies. This is compounded by the fact that the submitted 2007 late returns from Tipperary branch did not feature the tsunami account.

    Wouldn't that lead most people to assume that someone was "hiding" that money by not declaring it? But the article goes on to state that it might have been because
    there was no place on the return forms for such non local designated accounts at that time to be recorded, their position was supported

    So who set up such a non local designated account, and why wasn't it recorded? Does no-one in the local branch not have a telephone number for the head office? Could they not write and say, look we have all this tsunami money lying here, would you like to use it to help victims of the tsunami? Was someone just waiting for things to die down and hope that people would forget about the existence of the account and the monies in it? That would be a concern if it was the case.

    But fear not all is in hand according to
    Chairman of the Irish Red Cross, David O'Callaghan, admitted: "The report shows serious deficiencies in our accounting procedures.

    "We have already implemented procedures to avoid a recurrence of these events."

    Yes, by sacking the whistleblower it seems. Then no more recurrence of any reports showing serious deficiencies in accounting schemes.

    Wonderful isn't it? :rolleyes:

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    What we need to do is make this an election issue.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    The irony of the admission of irregularities is is not on foot of an account in Tipperary, this on foot of accounts held by Head Office for years. Whilst they did not hide the money they just didn't use it. When I was a member of the Overseas Committee ( 1989) serious allegations were made by myself and others to the then Executive Committee that we, the Society were sitting on money that was supposed to be used for Appeals.

    What happened is typical of the current events, we like Noel Wardick were sacked and a sub committee of the Executive Committee was set up to investigate themselves... (sound familiar) this committee included Mr Tony Lawlor and Ms Sheila Callan (Prime Time fame). Needless to say they have yet to publish the findings of this internal investigation into themselves 20 years later.

    Some time later we were then to take issue with the Society of retention of money due to go to Armenia and retained for an inordinate period after the Appeal. It was an article I believe in the Irish Times and other events which shamed the Society into sending the money to the Federation some years later.

    So don't look at current events in isolation. One must also delve into the sacking of the Financial controller of the time (Mr Louis White) and the correspondence which relates to his refusal to change Society accounts. Who asked Mr White to change the accounts and why did he refuse ! Obviously his refusal and subsequent sacking were as a result of the Executive members expressing their power. Mr White like Noel Wardick refused to be apart of wrong doing.

    The reason why the financial controller refused to make changes are recorded and will be made available to any proper investigation into the Red Cross should that ever happen.

    In the mean time the status quo remains and Noel Wardick joins the line of those who refused to bow to the power of individuals within the Irish Red Cross

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    See link below for Dail Debate on Irish Red Cross yesterday, 15th December. A bit more informative than the Minister's usual bland responses.

    The Irish Red Cross whistleblower has posted a very long but excellent response to the Irish Red Cross internal report into their financial shenanigans:

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    If you want to express your views to Irish Red Cross fill in the survey they are carrying out and let them know what you think of their shennanigans!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    If you feel like letting Irish Red Cross know what you think of their shennanigans fill in the survey below and have your say!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    So I heard today that Minister for Defence Tony Killeen is to resign in two or three months time and he will not contest the soon to be held general election. Those who have lobbied and encouraged him to reform the Irish Red Cross and end the scandals of incompetence, abuse of power, and desparate governance at the organisation will not be in the least bit sad to hear about his upcoming departure. As the Minister with statutory responsibility for the Irish Red Cross he has failed spectacularly in his duties to protect and safeguard the €1 million he gives the Irish Red Cross every year never mind the millions donated by the general public. His failure to intervene or insist on an independent investigation into the organisation's affairs means cronyism, mismanagement and awful governance remains alive and well in the Irish Red Cross. That will be Tony Killeen's legacy to the Irish Red Cross.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    See link below as Irish Red Cross appoints Donal Forde, former AIB managing director of AIB, as its new CEO. Interesting choice and hopefully his first task will be to demand the resignation of the Irish Red Cross Vice Chairman. Then the reform agenda can begin in earnest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,717 ✭✭✭Nehaxak

    He's a young enough guy too and only sat his relevant degree's in the early 90's, having worked his way up through AIB at the time via practical experience and hard work through starting out at AIB via a part time job (if hard work is something you could say of anyone working in a bank but anyway....) - Shall wait and see if it's not just another job for the boys type of appointment and if indeed he has the balls necessary to make the changes needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    Today's Independent carries an article about disgraced AIB bankers and their role in destroying AIB and having it removed from the Irish and London stock exchanges. The new Irish Red Cross Secretary General, a former senior AIB executive, gets a mention. And a damaging mention it is too. Will take him a very long time to shake of his history but one way to do it would be to turn around Irish Red Cross and fire those who have disgraced the organisation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,717 ✭✭✭Nehaxak

    Just remember that normally a CEO of a charity/NGO in Ireland at least, will be appointed to the position by the board - unless that is, the members of the IRC in Ireland also get a chance to cast a vote on candidates put to them at an AGM/EGM - which is unlikely though please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Regardless, the board that would've appointed him would've been the same board that took the ultimate decision to sack Noel for being a whistleblower.
    So I wouldn't hold your breath on any real significant changes or actual removal of bad apples within taking place, other than that which might be seen as a PR stunt, pick someone from the finance lowly admin staff and blame it all on them maybe.

    The whole IRC board here needs to be changed imo, with at least 2 members from the general public appointed to same and all board members voted in through the membership.

    I'm assuming the IRC here has an actual membership like other NGO's do in Ireland but I'm not sure, again, maybe someone might confirm ?

    If they don't have a membership, then they should - as it provides the ability for all appointments to be upfront, transparent and proper. It's not a private company we're talking about here listed on the stock exchange, it's a charity who has funds provided from both the state and public donations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    Irish Red Cross has around 5,000 members on its books in theory but the reality is less than a fifth of those are even remotely actively involved. The Irish Red Cross is supposed to be a multi disciplinary organisation involved in communtiy services, youth, IHL, refugees, the elderly, the marginalised overseas and first aid. Unfortunately the organisation is totally dominated by the first aid brigade and because of this the organisation has suffered terribly. The Irish Red Cross has in effect closed itself off to people who have no interest in first aid. Nearly every branch is about first aid and ambulances. This has been a disaster for all other Irish Red Cross services and the Society as a whole. The Irish Red Cross board is therefore dominated by people who have only one interest, first aid. Irish Red Cross has yet to realise its not the Order of Malta or St. John's Ambulance. A number of Irish Red Cross board members are appointed by the government and others are 'technically' elected at local branch AGM's etc but as the same people have dominated for decades no-one new ever goes forward so all we have is a jaded, antiquated and out of date national executive who refuse to hand over to the next generation. The baord is mostly sheep like characters who follow the controlling one or two. The key to reform is the removal of one or two individuals and that is what the new guy, Forde, has to concentrate on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    The board of the Irish Red Cross are like ten pin bowls take one down correctly and guess what they will be like the house of cards nothing to hold them up.

    Many years ago I made a commitment to uphold the Principles of the Red Cross and I will do exactly that. No no matter how long it takes to bring those responsible to the public justice system, for taking the food and medicine from those that needed it I will continue to seek that they are held accountable. They will suffer the consequences of their actions. The Irish Red Cross Executive have been proven again and again to have misused their power for the benefit of the Irish Red Cross to the detriment of International Appeals. They have manipulated minutes, rigged meetings and have taken actions against members to protect their cartel.

    If I couldn't prove it I would make the allegation. I have written to the Society and the Central Council members and the Executive members with zero response for the last 25 years.

    They sacked Noel Wardick as they did with Louis White to keep him quiet, but they didn't bank on the success of the Blog and long may it continue. They actually thought the case against Google would be like the case with Mr Walsh, even if they lost the Government would bail them out with more money to pay the legal fees.

    Guess what lads the days of political parties bailing you all out is almost at an end. You are now surplus to requirements there are bigger fish to fry !

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Oscail

    Fair play to the Labour Party. Lets hope those responsible for the disgraceful actions at the Irish Red Cross go the same way as Egypt's President Mubarek.

    "Labour will reform the governance
    structures of the Irish Red Cross to
    enable it to discharge its duties more effectively and transparently"

    P87 Labour Party Election manifesto launched today.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Awesome. I will give them first or second pref now, after the JB debacle I'm back being abivalent between FG and Lab.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin
    Sacked AIB whistleblower to be reinstated after tribunal ruling

    AIB HAS been directed to reinstate a former employee and whistleblower who was dismissed after accessing the bank accounts of other staff.

    The Employment Appeals Tribunal found that Brian Purcell, Skerries, Co Dublin, had been unfairly dismissed by the bank in April 2009.

    Its good to see that at least the courts recognise the injustice in some organisations. Hopefully this will set a precedent for Noel Wardick, if he's taking a case.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭gmoyne

    We shall see what this next administration will bring to the table of actions completed. Will they have the balls to take on the Fianna Fail party and their cronies within the Red Cross. Will they have the integrity to expose the wrong doing to the members who have been threatened and the staff who have been sacked. Will they re instate Noel Wardick for doing what is right!

    But the real test will be with the members of the Red Cross will they be willing to relinquish power and allow change to happen !
