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American Airlines Flight 587



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,475 ✭✭✭drkpower

    nullzero wrote: »
    No it's not. Then worst thing is that the piss taking was allowed to happen in the first place.
    So you want to silence people from voicing their opinions on what the ELITES are up to? That's typical of the attitude of the sheeple; just listen to what you are told, do what your told and silence those who disagree with you. Good little sheeple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 887 ✭✭✭Podman

    OutlawPete wrote: »
    Sorry if this has been covered before, I'm new here.

    - -

    This is one 'crash' which I have always had trouble believing was just an accident.

    It happened just over two months after 9/11, right in the heart of the New York suburb of Queens.

    Al Qaeda took responsibility at one point.

    260 passengers were killed and yet to this day, the crash is rarely mentioned in the media.


    US Government blamed Pilot trainer error and over used rudders.

    Was the date and location all just a coincidence?

    I myself believe it was a shoe bomber.

    What says you?

    Before I watched the video I was thinking it was pilot error around the rudder situation. Perhaps leading to a computer failure, as nobody knows what an Airbus's flight computer will do once it loses it's rudder or gets confused. Would have to watch the video for more info.

    Then as the video started, I realized I was watching another pro-war production.

    The video starts off by saying...
    September 11th 2001. Al Qaeda Operatives hijack and crash four US commercial planes, bringing down the World Trade Center towers and damaging The Pentagon.
    This automatically creates a link to 911 for people. Notice the use of scary music and "terror" sound effects alongside the propaganda at the beginning.

    I say Propaganda because the same argument is used to justify an expensive war. The US authorities say they have the whole case signed, sealed and delivered, despite no official "investigation" starting until over a year later.

    Once "reportage" has this propaganda slant, it cannot be taken seriously by any thinking person.

    They go on to say...
    Just two months later, it appears that the unthinkable happens again.
    November 12th 2001, American Airlines flight 587 mysteriously falls from the sky shortly after leaving JFK airport. It crashes into a residential neighborhood in Queens, New York. All 260 passengers and 5 people on the ground are killed.
    This tells people that they are not longer safe in their homes, and compounds their reliance on the government even more. This device is one of many still used by the US government to terrorize it's own people, first making them afraid, then relieved but still suspicious and filled with anxiety, and all the while being told it's "normal". There is only so much horror a person can stand, Those living conditions are unsustainable and so the people hand over their faith to uncle sam to fix it, who then sends their kids off to war.

    Even after they reveal the "mechanical failure", the music and sound effects continue, along with the presenter's "dramatic" narrative.

    Total manipulation.
    I'm really disappointed that, if it was pilot error, that the crash should be spun as another "terror attack", and associated with the images of the wtc implosion and the pentagon. That those people at the crash site died, and all their government would do was tell the survivors to be afraid, be very afraid. Vulnerable Americans were stabbed in the heart again, by their own people.

    As far as timing goes, If this plane crash was an accident then the date and location was coincidental, obviously. But I think if it was, then it was picked up and used by the war machine, to induce local paranoia and serves to keep people afraid and surrender their liberties in favour of a police state.

    By "local" here, I mean bringing terror to people's homes and neighborhood, aswel as the business district.

    So in the end, It could very well have been pilot error or some other anomaly, but because it works so well as a "war device", I would have to question it's accidental nature.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,578 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    I thougth it was funny I meant to say
    Well it wasn't...
    So you want to silence people from voicing their opinions on what the ELITES are up to? That's typical of the attitude of the sheeple; just listen to what you are told, do what your told and silence those who disagree with you. Good little sheeple.
    ...and still isn't.
    Maybe they could if conspiracy theorists provided some evidence or proper thought out theories, instead of a random youtube video that your a sheep if you don't believe.
    I'd love to see where somebody actually called you a sheep for not agreeing with them.
    I certainly don't go around doing things like that myself.
    Don't have a problem. The burden of proof in on the person providing the theory.
    Not really true is it?
    It is possible for a discussion to take place without have to prove or disprove everything in every thread. I'm sure a lot of forums on this site manage to function perfectly well without people looking for proof all the time. Thats not to say that theories shouldn't be questioned, it would be nice for those doing the questioning to treat others as equals as oppossed to treating them like filth.
    The posters with a sense of humour have gone up in my book.
    What has gone on in this thread has nothing to do with having a sense of humour and everything to do with having no respect for others, being condescending and belittiling others.
    If people who behave that way go up in your books, then I'd have to wonder what sort of person you are.
    Sounds as much like you have a problem with people disagreeing if you can't handle a bit of sarcasm.

    I've got no problem with people disagreeing with me.
    I do have a problem with what has happened in this thread, which is a long way from a bit of good humoured fun.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,309 ✭✭✭✭alastair

    Humour's subjective, but can we at least try to keep the typos down? Illiteracy isn't cool, kids.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭Jeboa Safari

    Well it wasn't...

    ...and still isn't.
    Well thats a matter of opinion then, I thought it was
    I'd love to see where somebody actually called you a sheep for not agreeing with them.
    I certainly don't go around doing things like that myself.
    Either that or wake up or something similar, theres plenty of examples on this forum
    Not really true is it?
    It is possible for a discussion to take place without have to prove or disprove everything in every thread. I'm sure a lot of forums on this site manage to function perfectly well without people looking for proof all the time. Thats not to say that theories shouldn't be questioned, it would be nice for those doing the questioning to treat others as equals as oppossed to treating them like filth.
    Well yeah thats fair enough, but some threads on here are just some far out theory without any real merit, and if you don't believe it your blind. If it warrants discussion and the op actually wants a discussion instead of everyone agreeing with them and thanking their for his great find.
    If people who behave that way go up in your books, then I'd have to wonder what sort of person you are.
    Someone wrote something I consider funny and my opinion of them changes, hardly the biggest crime against humanity now is it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,578 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    alastair wrote: »
    Humour's subjective, but can we at least try to keep the typos down? Illiteracy isn't cool, kids.

    Humour's fine as long as it isn't to the detriment of the entire thread.
    No one here is illiterate, that's another example of you're condescending attitude. I've seen you mis-spell a good few words it doesn't make you illiterate or stupid.
    I really couldn't care less what you or anyone else thinks or believes, you're your own person, you're entitled to your opinions more power to you.
    I am however sick of your attitude towards other users here, you're not a nice guy at all, not that I'd expect you to give a toss about that anyway.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,309 ✭✭✭✭alastair

    I believe they found this at the crash site in Queens.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    alastair wrote: »
    Humour's subjective, but can we at least try to keep the typos down? Illiteracy isn't cool, kids.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    alastair wrote: »
    I believe they found this at the crash site in Queens.



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Alastair and Drkpower banned for a week for trolling. The rest of you, if you've a problem with someones posts, you report them, you don't argue them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭amen

    just noticed this thread but
    that there were 'issues' with the tail rudder on those planes
    not true.

    Issue is with tail rudders on ALL planes Boeing, Airbus etc.

    In this case there was repeated full left/right deflection over a very short time period which lead to rudder failure.

    Both Boeing/Airbus planes affected.

    Attributed to the pilot training which over emphassised rudder use.

    Captain is heard asking the copilot on the CVR if has it and is he ok?
