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The Scotland yard trained Irish secret police



  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    uprising2 wrote: »

    These forums are monitored, and all our emails and passwords are known, I know this because I wanted to test my security, I used one laptop as the victim and another as the attacker on my network, then I was surprised how easy I could access anything on the victim laptop, including a live feed from my webcam that shouldn't have been on, beaming out to cyberspace somewhere.

    In 2002 I was looking into 9/11 etc a bit, and my computer was getting lifted out of it with virus's, everyday, I got a program that showed where the attacks were coming from, it originated in Fort Worth, Texas, on to Washington DC and then straight to me in Dublin.

    Anyway back on topic, OP I believe you, millions wouldn't, and I understand your fears of reprecussions from letting whatever you know out in the open.

    I agree. And I understand your concern stephenoneil but by what you say, they are aware that you know. And they know who you are. So it might be a good strategy to just come out with it publicly, and done is done then.

    Also, I'm getting to the stage of thinking well ... fukc it, if anybody in the SIS anywhere's interested in our opinions I'm under no illusion they know who we are too. Speaking for myself now, having no big insider secrets anyway I'm just a small fish flying beside the Borg Cube.

    But I do feel it's a false sense of security that we can hide our identity on these forums, from the big boys, that is. Perfectly understandable having to hide from some lone whack-job who might hold a grudge against ya for your opinions, ect ... but if I did ever come across something that I was being harassed for, I'd be sure to try and let as many people know that I could.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    meglome wrote: »
    To be fair here uprising you admitted to the cop you went with some complete strangers to a strange flats complex to buy illegal drugs. So his treatment of you while still unfair makes much more sense now. Not quite the way you told it initially.

    If I were to tell it in detail you'd think WTF?, but thats just me, the adventurist, going to 2 eastern european countries again maybe next week and then in a month, on my own again:D, better on your own, nobody to worry about you, went missing in thailand for a few weeks, my family thought i was dead, I was partying, life is short, and it doesn't matter what you do from birth to death, when your number come's up its up, nothing you can do to change it, my time will come but I won't sit here worrying about it. People told me to write a book on my life, but it wouldn't be believed.
    Although it was a stupid thing to do, but hey, let the one without sin cast the first stone.

    I agree. And I understand your concern stephenoneil but by what you say, they are aware that you know. And they know who you are. So it might be a good strategy to just come out with it publicly, and done is done then.

    Also, I'm getting to the stage of thinking well ... fukc it, if anybody in the SIS anywhere's interested in our opinions I'm under no illusion they know who we are too. Speaking for myself now, having no big insider secrets anyway I'm just a small fish flying beside the Borg Cube.

    But I do feel it's a false sense of security that we can hide our identity on these forums, from the big boys, that is. Perfectly understandable having to hide from some lone whack-job who might hold a grudge against ya for your opinions, ect ... but if I did ever come across something that I was being harassed for, I'd be sure to try and let as many people know that I could.

    There is a myth of security and privacy on the internet, I say things here that I know is being watched and they know who I am, but fukk them, I don't have worry lines on my face, I stopped caring a long time ago, I just say "God send your angels to protect me", thats my security sorted, who God bless nobody can harm, call me foolish, but truth should always come before fear. I'm not saying people should take this approach cause most will be harmed or killed, but too many people worry about what if's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    uprising2 wrote: »
    There is a myth of security and privacy on the internet, I say things here that I know is being watched and they know who I am, but fukk them, I don't have worry lines on my face, I stopped caring a long time ago, I just say "God send your angels to protect me", thats my security sorted, who God bless nobody can harm, call me foolish, but truth should always come before fear. I'm not saying people should take this approach cause most will be harmed or killed, but too many people worry about what if's.

    Yeah, living in 'The World's of If' is a living death. Reaching the stage where I seriously don't give a fukc either. I'm sure a secret police was formed long ago - in the light of Europe's involvement with affairs here, it would be nieve to think the cops would not need to step up to the plate with the rest of the security forces abroad.

    The Church's role in that regard is rapidly becoming obsolete, and with the advent of the internet, it's probably the first time in history where so much freely-given information is available; about our opinions, and 'how' we think and what we believe - an entire profile on an individual can be easily created and stored.

    And if they ever do need a roundup of 'undesirables', then internet forums like these are great intel - a good way for them to create profiles, while at the same time giving people the idea they're anonymous and their identity is protected. In many ways the internet would have been Hitler's wet dream.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Yeah, living in 'The World's of If' is a living death. Reaching the stage where I seriously don't give a fukc either. I'm sure a secret police was formed long ago - in the light of Europe's involvement with affairs here, it would be nieve to think the cops would not need to step up to the plate with the rest of the security forces abroad.

    The Church's role in that regard is rapidly becoming obsolete, and with the advent of the internet, it's probably the first time in history where so much freely-given information is available; about our opinions, and 'how' we think and what we believe - an entire profile on an individual can be easily created and stored.

    And if they ever do need a roundup of 'undesirables', then internet forums like these are great intel - a good way for them to create profiles, while at the same time giving people the idea they're anonymous and their identity is protected. In many ways the internet would have been Hitler's wet dream.

    Yea true, people think the CIA facebook sh1t is all there is to worry about, this and every other forum, skype, windows messanger etc are ALL database fillers for the spooks.

    I mentioned here a few months ago about how they can see and hear anything, from anybody on the net, somebody quoted me and said it was bolloxx, then a few weeks later on one of the news channels it came out about a school in the US spying on students, they even informed one parent that her son was doing "inappropriate";) things on the internet, now what teenage fella isn't going to pull his plum to some slutt spreading her stuff on the net?.

    So boys/men/pensioners (and women:P) next time your doing "inappropriate" things stick something over your webcam:D.

    Your computer is a monitoring device, I've opened and dismantled quite a few computers, and saw a few things that could be mic's/listening devices apart from the mic and even on computers without built in mic's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    uprising2 wrote: »
    Yea true, people think the CIA facebook sh1t is all there is to worry about, this and every other forum, skype, windows messanger etc are ALL database fillers for the spooks.

    I mentioned here a few months ago about how they can see and hear anything, from anybody on the net, somebody quoted me and said it was bolloxx, then a few weeks later on one of the news channels it came out about a school in the US spying on students, they even informed one parent that her son was doing "inappropriate";) things on the internet, now what teenage fella isn't going to pull his plum to some slutt spreading her stuff on the net?.

    So boys/men/pensioners (and women:P) next time your doing "inappropriate" things stick something over your webcam:D.

    Your computer is a monitoring device, I've opened and dismantled quite a few computers, and saw a few things that could be mic's/listening devices apart from the mic and even on computers without built in mic's.

    Interesting. I've heard that many times before, that computes, mobile phones, etc can be used like that - the microphone, camera works even if switched off - but I know feck all when it really comes down to it, as regards what software might be available to hack into your computer and read files, etc. Is there such a thing for 'ordinary' people too?

    (Not that I'm after doing anything like that, just wanna know how easy it could be done!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    Interesting. I've heard that many times before, that computes, mobile phones, etc can be used like that - the microphone, camera works even if switched off - but I know feck all when it really comes down to it, as regards what software might be available to hack into your computer and read files, etc. Is there such a thing for 'ordinary' people too?

    (Not that I'm after doing anything like that, just wanna know how easy it could be done!)

    it used to be a very simple matter of sending remote commnds to turn on webcams and such.
    it is harder now, but still very possible, as for ordinary folk, well yes iwth a bit of knowledge on basic hacking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Interesting. I've heard that many times before, that computes, mobile phones, etc can be used like that - the microphone, camera works even if switched off - but I know feck all when it really comes down to it, as regards what software might be available to hack into your computer and read files, etc. Is there such a thing for 'ordinary' people too?

    (Not that I'm after doing anything like that, just wanna know how easy it could be done!)

    Backtrack4, can run off a live cd, just boot from cd/dvd drive first, "The quieter you are, the more you hear"

    Plenty of tutorials on youtube.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Just another thing to add, always turn off bluetooth on your mobile, it's an easy gateway, with above mentioned software and a bluetooth dongle the entire contents of your phone can be obtained in seconds literally, calls can be made etc, and much more with your phone looking like it's on standby.

    And thats just the sh1t any joesoap can do, more advanced techniques and equipment can clone your phone, read data on your creditcard in your pocket, what we now know has been available 10 years or more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,117 ✭✭✭talla10


    this is where you lost me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    talla10 wrote: »
    this is where you lost me

    I think he may know things that he can't/won't say, say for instance you witness a conversation between two (insert well known criminals/psychopaths names) and you hear them saying they just killed a fella, chopped him up and buried him in a certain place, they know you heard them and live next door, your the only one they know could tell the garda, your beautiful children live with you, and you have family living in the area.

    Do you report it and tell all you know to the garda?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭RoboClam

    uprising2 wrote: »
    I think he may know things that he can't/won't say, say for instance you witness a conversation between two (insert well known criminals/psychopaths names) and you hear them saying they just killed a fella, chopped him up and buried him in a certain place, they know you heard them and live next door, your the only one they know could tell the garda, your beautiful children live with you, and you have family living in the area.

    Do you report it and tell all you know to the garda?

    I'd probably post about it on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    RoboClam wrote: »
    I'd probably post about it on

    You don't often make me laugh, but thanks this ONCE!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    uprising2 wrote: »
    Just another thing to add, always turn off bluetooth on your mobile, it's an easy gateway, with above mentioned software and a bluetooth dongle the entire contents of your phone can be obtained in seconds literally, calls can be made etc, and much more with your phone looking like it's on standby.

    And thats just the sh1t any joesoap can do, more advanced techniques and equipment can clone your phone, read data on your creditcard in your pocket, what we now know has been available 10 years or more.

    Can you elaborate on this device that can read your credit card in your pocket... very interested as i deal with security as a job....

    but bang on about bluetooth.... and if your phone has wi fi.... turn it off till u using it... its way too easy to do a lot of funky stuff

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    robtri wrote: »
    Can you elaborate on this device that can read your credit card in your pocket... very interested as i deal with security as a job....

    but bang on about bluetooth.... and if your phone has wi fi.... turn it off till u using it... its way too easy to do a lot of funky stuff

    Well what I should have said was the device reads the magnetic data strip on cards(black line on back for those that don't know), I know it's all chip and pin now with an extra chip inside, that I don't know about.

    But a guy (chinese) I became friends with before in a foreign land had a device that he handheld, he claimed it could read magnetic strips remotely from a few feet, I didn't believe him, so I asked him could I test him, he had a few cards and was pointing it at them press a button and a green light came on it, and a number of 01111110001101 came up, a different one for each card, I still thought he was conning me, so I said give me the cards, 4 of them, and I placed 3 behind the bar and walked up to him, he did his thing and said which card it was, he was right!, I went back to get another card and try that, but I kept the same card and went back over, did his thing and said same card, I thought the bar girl was putting him wide so I got her to stand with him and went back behind the bar and changed it, got another, he was right again, this happened 4 times more, right each time.

    I was baffled, then I remembered I had a boarding pass in my hotel room with a magnetic strip, I asked could it do that he said yes, I went and got it, he did his thing knowing it was the boarding pass in my pocket, then a further 4 or 5 times he told me which card, including the boarding card 3 times.

    It was a small black box with an lcd disply, a button, a light, and some sort of connection similar to mini usb, but different, for inserting a lead.

    Either he was spoofing me and a good guesser, reading my mind or this thing worked, because not once did he get it wrong.

    Thats all I know about it.

    I don't know what this fella worked at, but I was amazed, actually I had to buy him a beer for each one.

    I know there are very good conmen out there, and I've tried umpteen times to figure out how he could have conned me and I can't think of one way, I was checking his ears for earphones.

    I believe it really worked.

    Sorry if I misled with the credit card, but there was no chip and pin at the time (I think).

    Just to add each time it was in a side pocket of my shorts, light material, dont know about heavy overcoat, thick wallet etc.
    EDIT: Each time the black strip was pointing away from my body, pockets weren't see through.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    meglome wrote: »
    To be fair here uprising you admitted to the cop you went with some complete strangers to a strange flats complex to buy illegal drugs. So his treatment of you while still unfair makes much more sense now. Not quite the way you told it initially.

    And you told them you were getting on plane to leave the country in a few hours.

    So you were drunk, looking for drugs and about to leave the country, even if the cops engaged in massive effort and found the idiots who mugged you, they'd have more than likely have gotten off, unless either Hungarian Police, or you off your own bat travelled back to Budapest, for their trial, which would go ahead if the prosecution could convince that a drunken foreigner looking for drugs was a reliable witness.

    They took you off the streets till you sobered up until they were sure you wouldn't do any further harm to yourself, and now you want them to act as a personal taxi service.


    Honestly it's your outrage about the injustice of the system, while expecting instant gratuitous service to the police. You were a waste of time and effort for the Hungarian Police.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Di0genes wrote: »
    And you told them you were getting on plane to leave the country in a few hours.

    So you were drunk, looking for drugs and about to leave the country, even if the cops engaged in massive effort and found the idiots who mugged you, they'd have more than likely have gotten off, unless either Hungarian Police, or you off your own bat travelled back to Budapest, for their trial, which would go ahead if the prosecution could convince that a drunken foreigner looking for drugs was a reliable witness.

    They took you off the streets till you sobered up until they were sure you wouldn't do any further harm to yourself, and now you want them to act as a personal taxi service.


    Honestly it's your outrage about the injustice of the system, while expecting instant gratuitous service to the police. You were a waste of time and effort for the Hungarian Police.

    HAHA, I said at the beginning I was mugged and was my own fault.
    Forget about me.

    So Mr do it right, any sins you'd like to share?

    Bet you were waiting a long time for this oppertunity, and so what?, I don't give 2 fukks what you think of me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭digme

    uprising ya mad fcker haha id love to go on the lash with you :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    I'd say it'd be a great night out alright, but would ya really want to hang around with a
    'Scumbag from Finglas':eek::D:D

    I had a rather interestin brush with the law over here recently, I should be able to tell ye all about it in 3-4 Weeks when its all settled up, but the gist is they were huntin for me in relation to a trafic incident, however I have a rather Irish first name with a traditional Irish spelling, Naturally they used the anglicised version, which didnt show up in their system, next thing ya know I'm being hauled off and detained as an Illegal, I dont carry any form of ID so it took a few hours for my Solicitor to find my Passport and clarify their stupidity.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭digme

    that's mad, I'd say your suing for emotional damages now are ya?
    I never met anyone from finglas , but uprising seems like a nice old fella.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    digme wrote: »
    that's mad, I'd say your suing for emotional damages now are ya?
    Not quite :D:D Some of us are built from sturdier stuff than that;)
    But as I said its still pending, so I'll let ye know on the Freeman thread how it goes.
    I never met anyone from finglas ,
    I have, Went out with a nurse in the Cappagh :(
    but uprising seems like a nice old fella.
    Hard Drinkin, Pot Smokin, BMW Driver with a healthy disdain for Authority

    Whats not to like:D:D:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,219 ✭✭✭Lab_Mouse

    however I have a rather Irish first name with a traditional Irish spelling
    Since when is mahatma irish:confused:or am i missing something:pac:
    Hard Drinkin, Pot Smokin, BMW Driver with a healthy disdain for Authority
    when I read that I had a vision of uprisng driving down the m50 drinking buckfast,smoking a spliff listening to an old skool rave tape screaming"I'm a Freeman of the LAND!!!":p

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    I'd say it'd be a great night out alright, but would ya really want to hang around with a
    'Scumbag from Finglas':eek::D:D

    I had a rather interestin brush with the law over here recently, I should be able to tell ye all about it in 3-4 Weeks when its all settled up, but the gist is they were huntin for me in relation to a trafic incident, however I have a rather Irish first name with a traditional Irish spelling, Naturally they used the anglicised version, which didnt show up in their system, next thing ya know I'm being hauled off and detained as an Illegal, I dont carry any form of ID so it took a few hours for my Solicitor to find my Passport and clarify their stupidity.

    so why didnt you use the freeman stuff..... and decline to contract and walk away on your merry way

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    I didnt Contract with the Police, I exercised my Right to silence, and my right to request representation prior to ANY Questioning, thats why it took 5 hours and a trip to the Watchouse,where it was Established that I DID However previously Contract with Immigration and once this was established I was released. So thats kinda the Freeman in effect, if ya get me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    I didnt Contract with the Police, I exercised my Right to silence, and my right to request representation prior to ANY Questioning, thats why it took 5 hours and a trip to the Watchouse,where it was Established that I DID However previously Contract with Immigration and once this was established I was released. So thats kinda the Freeman in effect, if ya get me?

    nope freeman is not contracting.... so that not freeman stuff at all, that just plain old common legal justce working

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Lab_Mouse wrote: »
    when I read that I had a vision of uprisng driving down the m50 drinking buckfast,smoking a spliff listening to an old skool rave tape screaming"I'm a Freeman of the LAND!!!":p

    Ahh the good old days they just dont make it like they use to:D:D:DYup)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Ahh the good old days they just dont make it like they use to:D:D:DYup)

    Man! that tune brings back some good memories, I've fukking tears in my eyes listening to that, good friends that I used to run a muck to that song with are no longer here.
    Thanks, I really mean that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    robtri wrote: »
    nope freeman is not contracting.... so that not freeman stuff at all, that just plain old common legal justce working

    Come on stop the bickering, fukking tit for tat bolllox, whats it all about really, think about it, live and let live, lets try a little harder, we're all the same underneath, so what if I think this and you think that.

    I know you weren't quoting me, but I'm getting sentimental, whats it all about?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    uprising2 wrote: »
    Man! that tune brings back some good memories, I've fukking tears in my eyes listening to that, good friends that I used to run a muck to that song with are no longer here.
    Thanks, I really mean that.

    No problem at all Uprising you very welcome m8:)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    robtri wrote: »
    nope freeman is not contracting....
    HAng on a minute, You've been askin us to define what it is to be a Freeman, but when we try to define it you disagree, so what is it then in YOUR Opinion?
    so that not freeman stuff at all, that just plain old common legal justce working
    Freeman stuff is by its very Concept the Plain OLD Justice System People seem to be confused as to what the freemen stand for and against, we are for freedom with social responsibility, and one of those responsibilities is to actively fight Tyrany.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    uprising2 wrote: »
    Come on stop the bickering, fukking tit for tat bolllox, whats it all about really, think about it, live and let live, lets try a little harder, we're all the same underneath, so what if I think this and you think that.

    I know you weren't quoting me, but I'm getting sentimental, whats it all about?

    not bickering, this is a disscussion forum, not a high five each other forum....
