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Gormley's Fluoride Hypocrisy: "Fluoridated Water Causes Cancer in Children!" But You'

  • 14-06-2010 3:06pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6

    In the video below, John Gormley, 3 years prior to becoming the Minister of the Environment clearly stated on RTE’s ‘Primetime’ program that fluoridated water was dangerous for babies and indeed elaborated on this by informing the public, quite rightly, that it caused bone cancer in children. He now expects us to pay, through the use of water meters, for the very same fluoridated toxic water which he openly admits is detrimental to human health.
    Despite the clear evidence that this is indeed the case and the statement by Gormley back in 2003 that there was no need for fluoride in the public water supply, it is still there poisoning our children and adults alike. Fluoride is better known as a rat and insect poison and is still used as such to this day.
    Why then are we still having to drink toxic water?
    Let’s go back in time to 1855 to Freiberg, Germany where fluoride was first successfully prosecuted. At that time people living close to a steel smelting plant were paid compensation due to damage to their health as a direct result of fluoride contamination of their neighbourhood. Similar cases were then brought in 1893 which again led to successful prosecutions against the steel makers where again damages were paid. In 1900 financial penalties resulting from successful prosecutions threatened to bring a halt to the steel plants in Germany and Britain such was the overwhelming evidence of fluoride damage to human health and even livestock when in 1907 crippled cattle were shown to have been poisoned by fluoride contamination of their water supply.
    Freiberg has a very close connection to John Gormley and may indeed explain his whole so called ‘green’ ideology which is nothing short of Marxist Socialism. Freiberg University is where John Gormley studied in his youth. The university is infamous for producing and indeed being run by individuals sympathetic to Nazism and Communism. Martin Heidegger, a prominent Nazi sympathiser and supporter, was a teacher and eventually rector of Freiberg University even after the end of World War II.
    So why on earth would someone in The Green Party have studied there? I’ll leave you to ponder that one bearing in mind the type of ‘socialist’ ideology which Gormley and his cabal seem to follow.
    Below is a link to the Chronology of Fluoride from 1855 to 1997
    As you will see from the above document there have been many examples of fluoride contamination for over a century yet John Gormley remains unrepentant and seemingly unaware of these cases (I beg to differ, I think he’s lying) when challenged as to why this highly dangerous toxic chemical is in the public water supply and of course 99% of toothpastes available on supermarket shelves today.
    Speaking of toothpaste, if you care to look at the health warnings written on the packaging, you will see that it clearly states that if your child swallows toothpaste then you should seek medical help. That should concern all parents especially when toothpaste manufacturers go out of their way to flavour their product making it more likely that children will swallow it. Also mentioned is the fact that if you get fluoride from any other source you should also consult a doctor.
    If this is the case then everyone who brushes their teeth with fluoridated toothpaste using fluoridated water should, by the manufacturers own advice, consult their doctor.
    Fluoridated water has been used before as mass medication
    As published in the April-May Issue of The Sovereign Independent, fluoride was used in the public water supply in the Nazi concentration camps and Stalin’s Gulags to keep the prisoners drugged into perfect docility so that they could be ‘managed’ easier. Have you never wondered why they lined up so compliantly in those old newsreel pictures to be shot and bundled into pits?
    Notwithstanding this effect of fluoridation, another worrying symptom is a 10-30 point drop in IQ levels, particularly in children exposed to fluoride.
    You must ask yourselves the question that if this is known as absolute fact, which it is, then why is it in the drinking water of our nation. I can only come to the logical conclusion that it is to have the same effects as set out above.
    I don’t think there’s any need to go down the road of suggesting that Hitler and Stalin were concerned about the dental health of their victims. As far as I’m aware, Nazi dental care consisted of a pair of pliers being used to remove gold filings so let’s just forget the myth that fluoride helps teeth. IT DOES NOT.
    What level of consumption of fluoride constitutes an overdose?
    According to health statistics the average female should be drinking approximately 2.5 litres of water per day and the average male 3.5 litres per day. So at what level are we overdosing if we consume our daily recommended doses of toxic water?
    I’ve never heard any reference to what level of fluoride we should be ingesting which is a safe limit and if anything other than toothpaste requires medical attention then I would suggest it must be very low so think again when you’re drinking 3 litres of water a day, nevermind teas and coffees or the fact that fluoride is absorbed by the skin when you shower or bathe.
    Let’s be clear here. Fluoride is a toxic chemical which is the by-product of the aluminium industry which, if they had to dispose of it themselves they would have great difficulty in doing so due to the high level of toxicity; yet we, the taxpayers, buy it from them and allow politicians to put it into our water supply.
    What a great deal for the aluminium industry!
    Gormless Gormley: We Will Tax You for Toxic Water Unfit for Human Consumption
    Is this guy for real? He openly admits, and I quote:
    “We don’t have to ingest fluoride, it works topically.”
    “We also know that we should NOT give fluoridated tap water to children” (WHY NOT?)
    “Fluoridated tap water should NOT be given to babies” (WHY NOT?)
    “Fluoridation is a manifestation of toxicity”
    “When we have too much fluoride in our bodies this can lead to bone cancer in children”
    What is fluoride doing in our drinking water if what John Gormley says and believes to be true?
    He is directly responsible today for the fact that fluoride is still in our drinking water and being given to babies, either directly through consumption or indirectly being absorbed through the skin.
    Isn’t it time John Gormley stepped down amid the growing lies and considering his utter hypocrisy around the fact that he is knowingly poisoning us and our children with, as he admits himself, a toxic chemical?
    Isn’t it indeed time he was prosecuted for his role in poisoning the public water supply by his own admission?
    Not only is he poisoning the public water supply but he now expects the public to pay to be poisoned.
    I have to say, if that is acceptable to the public at large then I’ll repeat a point from earlier in this article.
    Fluoride is responsible for lowering IQ levels between 10-30 points.
    Again, if you’re happy to pay for toxic drinking water, then possibly the above mentioned drop in IQ levels has indeed taken hold and your mental faculties have been seriously undermined.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭Banned Account much?

    Anything to add in terms of your own view?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 SovereignNelly

    My own view is that this is criminal and that Gormley should be prosecuted for deliberately being complicit in poisoning the public water supply

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,848 ✭✭✭bleg

    This argument again, seems to raise it ugly, misinformed stupid head every 18 months.

    Water fluoridation is good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,985 ✭✭✭skelliser

    Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I-I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,848 ✭✭✭bleg

    Health Sciences forum tbh.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 SovereignNelly

    I knew it wouldn't take long for the government NWO trolls to surface on this one. Fluoride is one of their main weapons to control populations. Dream on shills and I hope you realise that when your political masters no longer need you then it's bye bye to you too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 724 ✭✭✭dynamick

    This was a joke 45 years ago

    I'm glad that John Gormley and the Green party saw sense & changed their policy on water fluoridation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 SovereignNelly

    When did the Communist Gormley change his 'policy'?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 724 ✭✭✭dynamick

    When the programmes for govt 2007 & 2009 were agreed to without any reference to water fluoridation other than a commitment to measure fluoride intake levels amongst the population.

    On a related note, why not start fluoridating salt?

    commies - lol!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 SovereignNelly

    They are communists, it's where the whole 'green' movement started and also a certain Mr. Hitler was an 'environmentalist' apparently.

    Michael Gorbachov is a commited and devout Communist to this day and heads up the international 'green' movement'.

    This is my last comment on this as you are clearly a 'greenie' fool or a government lackey. Either way, God help you in the future because as always happens in a Communistic society, the helpers always get slaughtered first!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,848 ✭✭✭bleg

    They are communists, it's where the whole 'green' movement started and also a certain Mr. Hitler was an 'environmentalist' apparently.

    Michael Gorbachov is a commited and devout Communist to this day and heads up the international 'green' movement'.

    This is my last comment on this as you are clearly a 'greenie' fool or a government lackey. Either way, God help you in the future because as always happens in a Communistic society, the helpers always get slaughtered first!

    Ah yes, it' so clear to me now. The environmentalists, communists and Hitler were/are all bedfellows with each other. Their aim: to control/poison the population by putting ions in our water.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 879 ✭✭✭dunsandin

    Seems to be a lot of huffing and puffing on this topic, but to state baldly that flouride in water is good for you is not entirely a well supported theory, if that were the case, off you go and have a nice big slurp of raw flouride, It will do you the power. It might have offered some dubious benefit when peoples teeth were falling out of their heads, but I get quite enough from my colgate ta very much. Flouride is a toxic industrial waste, so its probably just as well that they get to dump it into the water supply, must save a fortune in disposal costs. Eh? Sorry?? Whats that you say, its wonderful and the govt actually pays money for it? Stroke!!!! Someone somewhere is one slick(if a bit ruthless)salesman. The guys who flog arsenic must be green sick with envy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 Ferball

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,104 ✭✭✭✭djpbarry

    dunsandin wrote: »
    Flouride is a toxic industrial waste...
    "Fluoride" refers to a vast array of compounds (essentially, anything containing fluorine), some potent toxins, some not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,488 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    bleg wrote: »
    This argument again, seems to raise it ugly, misinformed stupid head every 18 months.

    Water fluoridation is good.


    I certainly have no issue with it having read both sides of the arguement

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,196 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Is this Jim Corr again?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,717 ✭✭✭Nehaxak

    I do have a problem with it all, more so the fact that I have no choice in the matter unless I go out and buy bottled water.

    If I will now in the future have to pay for the same tap water, I do intend to make a legal challenge of some sort to have the choice of not getting tap water pumped into my house with flouride in it.

    I have to filter tap water in my house here anyway due to it being so hard and even after that you still get a film of scum on the top of your cup of tea - I'm not paying good money for that shíte !
    They will really need to improve water quality and either remove or give me a choice of not having flouride in it if they expect me to pay for it in the future.

    In fact and in all honesty, tap water is rarely used for drinking in my house anyway and when it is, it's only in cooking or tea/coffee and filtered + boiled beforehand.

    Wasn't it always the conspiracy theory that flouride coupled with orange street lights made the population at large more docile and apathetic...
    So much the effect that they became so docile and apathetic they stopped even bothering to vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,488 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    You will only pay if you use it. If you have an issue with it just buy bottled water or dig a well or collect rainwater and stop moaning, no one is forcing you to use tap water.

    If the population as a whole had an issue or even cared it would have been changed long ago but suffice to say it is not an issue to the vast majority of people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,892 ✭✭✭Head The Wall

    Nehaxak wrote: »
    I do have a problem with it all, more so the fact that I have no choice in the matter unless I go out and buy bottled water.

    If I will now in the future have to pay for the same tap water, I do intend to make a legal challenge of some sort to have the choice of not getting tap water pumped into my house with flouride in it.

    I have to filter tap water in my house here anyway due to it being so hard and even after that you still get a film of scum on the top of your cup of tea - I'm not paying good money for that shíte !
    They will really need to improve water quality and either remove or give me a choice of not having flouride in it if they expect me to pay for it in the future.

    In fact and in all honesty, tap water is rarely used for drinking in my house anyway and when it is, it's only in cooking or tea/coffee and filtered + boiled beforehand.

    Wasn't it always the conspiracy theory that flouride coupled with orange street lights made the population at large more docile and apathetic...
    So much the effect that they became so docile and apathetic they stopped even bothering to vote.

    Do you have a choice about the means by which the electricity you use is generated. I don't think so, the same would apply here

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,488 ✭✭✭✭Cookie_Monster

    Do you have a choice about the means by which the electricity you use is generated. I don't think so, the same would apply here

    of course you do, you can generate your own

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,892 ✭✭✭Head The Wall

    of course you do, you can generate your own
    Being off the grid in this country is not really an option, mega investment needed to be completly self sufficient in fairness.

    I'm talking about someone living in a house here not living on the land in a caravan

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 317 ✭✭bigjohnny80

    Most other countries have stopped doing it for good reason too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,283 ✭✭✭✭Scofflaw

    CT, maybe AH, not Politics.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Gormly is "one of them", good ol politician ya know, follow da monay.

    if you read this Gormly:p

    He got his money from lisbon to vote yes, when we was opposing Europe for a lot of things in the beginning. He is one of the biggest hypocrites ever to set foot on our irish soil.:D Honest to god. I just dont even give that much time to this stuff, cus if I do I'm starting to sound like I really care....

    But on topic, incase anyone didnt notice this fact. Hitler used flouride to dumb people down. Flouride occurs naturally in tea, why do you think they condition you to drinking it;)

    They add it in most cereals too, why do you think they condition you to think it's healthy.

    They add it toothpaste too, Why do you think you brush your teeth with morning and night.

    It's lethal and is one of the many reasons cancers rates are up. It may not kill you quickly but it keeps you in zombie state for most of your life. It builds up in the pineal gland. That very special gland. I will say no more. You either get up to scratch and learn what's going on around you and what the hell your putting into your body or your a gonner too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Scofflaw wrote: »
    CT, maybe AH, not Politics.


    AH and politics both a joke to reality. C.T forum is about as real as you can get here on this forum on most topics.;) Reeeeaaaaal stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    Being off the grid in this country is not really an option, mega investment needed to be completly self sufficient in fairness.

    I'm talking about someone living in a house here not living on the land in a caravan

    You can generate your own , there is no shortage of technologies out there , for those that have eyes to see .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭danger man

    sodium fluoride is poison 100%.

    we need to bring our muppet government to court for feeding us this poison.

    why is this in conspiracy theories?
    do the people who run this site live in the stoneage?

  • Registered Users Posts: 201 ✭✭Lefticus Loonaticus

    danger man wrote: »

    why is this in conspiracy theories?

    Because Ireland is not a free and fair society where serious issues can be discussed in a democratic manner.

    The State does not want a debate on fluoride nor does it want it brought to peoples attention thats its rat posion or that its detrimental to peoples health. The smoking gun is obivously that apart from Ireland, only small parts of britain and spain still put it in the water.

    They are prob not putting it in due to health effects or social manipulation. It is more likely it is being put in because the toxic waste industry pays off the government anually to dispose of the fluoride, which would otherwise cost a bomb to get rid of. The government then drops it into the water and shields themselves with the dentists federation, who are nicely paid off aswell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 732 ✭✭✭Kadongy

    Fluoride is responsible for lowering IQ levels between 10-30 points.
    Again, if you’re happy to pay for toxic drinking water, then possibly the above mentioned drop in IQ levels has indeed taken hold and your mental faculties have been seriously undermined.

    There are numerous studies supporting this fact, however you are a little selective with your information: The fluoride levels in the less intelligent populations are typically several times those in Irish water.

    I agree with you in general, and am against fluoridated water myself. You need to be careful with what you present as facts, especially extreme claims like this though, or you just seem hysterical and this winds up in the CT forum :\. Telling people they are stupid if they dont agree with you is unlikely to change many people's minds also tbh. There is plenty of hard evidence that fluoridation is something that should be discontinued asap.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 476 ✭✭bc dub

    I wouldnt say it makes people stupid, but dosile. I once heard the flouride in our water makes us dosile as a nation. Anyone ever heard that one?
