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  • 03-05-2010 9:45pm
    Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭


    Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli “false flag” bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world could discover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the “voice of the Mossad” has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.

    This is the same group that has come up with numerous bin Laden “audio” tapes, seemingly, though tiny and nearly totally unstaffed, whenever it is convenient for Israel to point a finger at someone, magically Site Intelligence, run by former IDF soldier Rita Katz, whose father was executed as a spy by Saddam Hussein, makes another “unbelievable” intelligence find.

    Site Intelligence finds are not only timely for Israel, when the world is focused on claims they have been planning a ‘dirty bomb’ attack to send the US to war against Iran, but always tend to support mysterious organizations run from the caves of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region.

    After the demise of Iraq, victim of falsified intelligence, now eliminated as an Israeli competitor, all eyes turned to Pakistan, Islam’s only nuclear state. To establish footholds to destabilize Pakistan, a pro-Indian/Israeli government under President Karzai was installed in Kabul.

    After 9 years, no evidence of any terrorist activity involved in 9/11 has been found in Afghanistan. The great “net” meant to catch Osama bin Laden and armies of Al Qaeda terrorists came up empty. Instead, we are told from reliable sources that Arab nations friendly to the US released criminals, transporting them to Afghanistan.
    These “foreign fighters” actually little more than “extras” in a massive global theatre, kept the small US forces engaged for years, all without any purpose other than to establish that a terrorist organization must have been in Afghanistan because there certainly was one after 2002.

    In addition to installing a government that would work directly with Israel and India to organize terrorist attacks on Pakistan, funding to destabilize the oil and gas rich republics of the former Soviet Union had to be raised.
    Opium production under the Taliban had been eliminated. The new government quickly began a resurgence of opium production and heroin processing. Aided by agents of the Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad, the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan quickly fell under the influence of the 65 billion dollar a year Afghanistan drug empire.

    Though the drugs may have been from Afghanistan, multiple intelligence agencies from Israel, India, Turkey and others, aided by military contracting firms contracted to the CIA, carried this plan forward.

    Continual news stories tying Pakistan to failures to suppress terrorism or rumoring involvement in terrorism themselves flowed onto the world scene through western mainstream media, providing a clear footprint of a classic Mossad operation.

    With the demise of Al Qaeda, an unnamed Taliban organization with a website only visible to one person on earth has now declared a mysterious and shadowy war against the United States, in New York City, a city under tight security but one with a very large Israeli/Mossad presence.

    This was the same city where the “dancing Israeli’s,” celebrated 9/11 after filming the attacks. Their advance knowledge of the attacks has been one of the many puzzle pieces tying Israel to 9/11.

    However, it wasn’t until the “crotch bomber” of last Christmas that the breadth of Israel’s penetration of US security was demonstrated with Abdulmohammed’s attack tying directly to Tel Aviv.

    Anyone who visits New York is aware that security there, especially in Time Square is the highest of anywhere in the world. The intelligence organizations protecting New York, including the world’s best police force, leave only one organization as capable of this kind of effort, an organization with massive resources in the area, numerous Israeli/American assets and many residual relationships with Gulliani/Kerik/Bush era friends, friends conveniently “asleep at the switch” on 9/11.

    Recent intelligence leaks from several agencies have warned of an impending “9/11 style” attack on a high value target in the US or Europe. Reports indicated that a conventional bomb enhanced with nuclear material would be used. Such a weapon would indicate sufficient “WMD” credentials in whipping up the necessary war frenzy to get the American public to overlook the history of falsified intelligence that drove them to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    However, a quickly thrown together “prank” terror attack taking advantage of the environmental disaster in the gulf and the president’s presence there, when coordinated with the press campaign already in motion attempting to smear the Obama administration with the Katrina failures during the Bush presidency, is just too convenient.

    With Iranian president Ahmadinejad and Secretary of State Clinton both scheduled to be in New York in the next 24 hours, and recent stories out of Israel trying to tie Iran to the Taliban, the issue of “timing” is a critical one.

    The “managed press” aspect of this attack, the phony “web based” confession, the “keeping you safe” scare tactics and the continual drumming of Islamophobia is unmistakable.

    The group blamed in the Site Intelligence/Israeli report, the Pakistani Taliban has been responsible for hundreds of attacks in Pakistan, killing thousands of citizens. However, reliable sources have tied this group directly to Mossad/RAW training camps inside Afghanistan and Balochistan. The Pakistani Taliban have long been allies of Israel and India with 2000 terrorist trainers inside Afghanistan arming Pakistani Taliban terrorist group.

    This has been confirmed, not only in direct briefings with the Pakistani ISPR and ISI but US military intelligence sources as well, who dispute the number of terrorist trainers, not their presence.

    Terrorist groups inside Balochistan, the remote Pakistan province said to be a haven for Mossad attacks against Iran, claim to be headquartered in Israel. These groups work directly with the Pakistan Taliban and are another indication of this current “stunt” turning back on non-Islamic planners.

    With Iran taking the propaganda offensive to the United States, a nation increasingly distancing itself from, not only the idea of supporting an Israeli attack on Iran, but Israel herself. Israel is under pressure to reestablish itself as America’s partner in a long discredited “war on terror” that has been a huge embarrassment to the US.
    A “very public” attack like his is a message to President Obama. “We can go where we want and our control of the press will put the blame on anything we do, on you.”
    With over 90% of America’s terror arrests turning out to be innocent bystanders, some tortured for years, untold numbers “disappeared,” Bush era failures have soured public support for hunting terrorist leaders who have increasingly been either captured by Pakistan or have been found to be negotiating with US forces. The “war on terror” had become an “Israeli franchise,” making billions in increased military aid, some covertly transferred to Israel through “weapons replenishing” and fat military contracts taken from American firms.

    The Marines in Afghanistan are using MRAP vehicles built in Israel, a country with nearly one million guest workers while America has over 30 million unemployed and an unused technology and industrial base better equipped for such production.
    With the signature of this bombing being so close to that of the “crotch bombing,” an attack with Israeli fingerprints from Nigeria to Yemen to Amsterdam, the “superfast” accusation against a Pakistani group was no surprise.

    With New York police discounting the Pakistan connection to the bombing immediately, Fox News has unleashed an attack on the Obama administration in a well orchestrated manner, accusing democrats of “failing to protect the American people.”
    With both Site Intelligence and Fox News tied directly to Israel and the signature and timing of this attack showing clear Israeli fingerprints, Fox may be right.
    America may be unable to protect itself from a nation still seen by most Americans as a close ally. No other nation has the capability of such an attack or the influence to orchestrate the news, an act already in motion.
    If any finger is pointing anywhere, Fox News is telling us “Israel did it.”



    Gordon Duff

    gordonduff.thumbnail.jpgGordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    If they wanted to achieve something why not a device that caused casualties, not a glorified fire lighter?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    fontanalis wrote: »
    If they wanted to achieve something why not a device that caused casualties, not a glorified fire lighter?

    The crotch bomber proved you don't have to take lives to herd the sheep, just scare the **** out of them, make them think it is "them" or "us", keep them in perpetual fear . no need to cause of fuss then when Afghan civilians get slaughtered in their name. Perhaps someone calling the shots has a moral backbone? Hope so. Maybe they wanted to distract from the BP oil spill destroying our oceans?

    BTW, the attack was in the theatre district ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,236 ✭✭✭mcmoustache

    This one is strange. Perpetrated by a white guy but it was reported that some brown lads tried to take the credit. This seems to be a McVeigh type of attack but there was an assumption that islamists did it. Where was that assumption pushed from? I haven't had time to read up more on it yet but it's definitely fishy.

    PS I wouldn't take the word of a disgruntled vet as gospel unless his claims can be backed up by more sources.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    It was extremely amateurish. It was a pickup packed with a a few bottles of propane, nails, and other fragments.

    If thats the best that Mossad can come up with, they're obviously feeling the recession alot harder than I thought.

    Then this morning, I heard Al-Qaeda(I think thats just what the media calls any muslim terror group) had claimed responsibility. I very much doubt it was them either. My guess would be its a domestic incident by some disgruntled....dare I say it.....CT'er who feels aggrieved by the way his government has been acting as of late, and the cosy banker politician relationships.

    Now thats just based on my own take of things, hearing it on the news on the radio. Which is about as much as that Vet seems to have to go on.

    (PS BB, has there been any terror attack in the last, say, 30 years that Mossad hasn't had a hand in?)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 266 ✭✭bytey

    yekahs wrote: »
    It was extremely amateurish. It was a pickup packed with a a few bottles of propane, nails, and other fragments.


    how do you know ? - by what the media report ?

    how do you know it wasnt a failed dirty bomb or something else ?

    thats right , you dont

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭tony 2 tone

    What is this hoax going to achieve? Fear of Muslims? Nuke every Islamic state near Israel? Ban SUVs in NY city? Giant car scanners?
    Are the days of the disgruntilled mad white bomber over?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    bytey wrote: »
    how do you know ? - by what the media report ?

    how do you know it wasnt a failed dirty bomb or something else ?

    Thats why I said
    Originally posted by yekahs

    Now thats just based on my own take of things, hearing it on the news on the radio.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    This one is strange. Perpetrated by a white guy but it was reported that some brown lads tried to take the credit. This seems to be a McVeigh type of attack but there was an assumption that islamists did it. Where was that assumption pushed from?

    From Mossad propaganda group SITE

    The only problem is Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are CIA/RAW/MOSSAD. As soon as people start realising these facts it is really simple to understand. ISI are in the pocket of Washington too. Its all about drugs, generating Shia-Sunni tensions, putting a CIA military backed military dictator in power and ultimately the breaking up of Pakistan into smaller states.

    · A CIA helicopter evacuated top TTP leadership into Afghanistan before the start of Pakistani military operation

    · Terrorists from TTP enjoy safe havens inside Afghanistan with the help of CIA and RAW

    · Satellite mobile phones from a Gulf state were provided to the terrorists of TTP & Swat

    · CIA helped RAW establish a base in Afghanistan

    · No CIA drones ever attacked any of the TTP & Swat terrorists as they freely called BBC and western media

    · Nuristan province in Afghanistan has a base run by CIA, RAW & NDS providing full support to terrorists inside Pakistan

    · In 1995, Benazir Bhutto and Ashraf Jahangir Qazi purged 125 ISI officers to appease CIA
    · A CIA helicopter evacuated top TTP leadership into Afghanistan before the start of Pakistani military operation

    · Terrorists from TTP enjoy safe havens inside Afghanistan with the help of CIA and RAW

    · Satellite mobile phones from a Gulf state were provided to the terrorists of TTP & Swat

    · CIA helped RAW establish a base in Afghanistan

    · No CIA drones ever attacked any of the TTP & Swat terrorists as they freely called BBC and western media

    · Nuristan province in Afghanistan has a base run by CIA, RAW & NDS providing full support to terrorists inside Pakistan

    · In 1995, Benazir Bhutto and Ashraf Jahangir Qazi purged 125 ISI officers to appease CIA

    Anyone remember the Christmas Day crotch bomber?

    Yemeni Al-Qaeda/Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for that too:
    A statement attributed to the group "al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" claimed it was retaliating for what it says was the U.S.'s role in a recent Yemeni military offensive on al Qaeda, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute. The statement, accompanied by a photo of the suspect, said the "high-tech device" Mr. Abdulmutallab carried had had a "technical" problem

    And a 2008 attack on a US embassy in Yemen
    "We, the Organisation of Islamic Jihad, belonging to the Al-Qaeda network, repeat our demand of (Yemeni President) Ali Abdullah Saleh to free our detained brothers within 48 hours," said a statement signed by self-proclaimed leader Abu Ghaith al-Yamani.
    The group vowed it would continue attacks "against Western interests," Yemeni public figures and the Saudi embassy in the capital.

    Only problem was they were working for MOSSAD
    President Saleh revealed on Monday that security forces in Yemen caught an espionage network for Israel made up of Arab nationals. This announcement came during his speech in front of MP's, Shura Council members, local council members, scholars and military and security leaders at Hadhramout University.

    History repeating itself.
    PS I wouldn't take the word of a disgruntled vet as gospel unless his claims can be backed up by more sources.
    Agreed. But he is on the money on everything he says in that piece IMO.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    yekahs wrote: »

    (PS BB, has there been any terror attack in the last, say, 30 years that Mossad hasn't had a hand in?)

    haha! Let me think...JFK

    Though Michael Collins-Piper makes a good case in Final Judgement IMO
    JFK planned a military strike to prevent an Israeli-Red Chinese scientific partnership from building the first atomic bombs for China and Israel. He sought to thwart the CIA-Mossad-Meyer Lansky partnership that controlled the heroin trade stemming from the Golden Triangle by pulling U.S. troops out of Vietnam. JFK even transferred control of Cold War espionage operations from the CIA to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Through his support of Algerian independence and an "even-handedness" policy towards other Arab nations, JFK infuriated the French Secret Army Organization (OAS) and its Mossad supporters who had sent professional assassins against French President Charles DeGaulle. JFK's brother Bobby, as Attorney General, moved aggressively against the lower levels of Meyer Lansky-dominated organized crime in America. Lastly, the Kennedy family quietly talked about shutting down America's privately owned Federal Reserve banking cartel that has provided vital fiat money financing for Zionist projects.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    From Mossad propaganda group SITE

    The only problem is Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are CIA/RAW/MOSSAD. As soon as people start realising these facts it is really simple to understand. ISI are in the pocket of Washington too. Its all about drugs, generating Shia-Sunni tensions, putting a CIA military backed military dictator in power and ultimately the breaking up of Pakistan into smaller states.

    · A CIA helicopter evacuated top TTP leadership into Afghanistan before the start of Pakistani military operation

    · Terrorists from TTP enjoy safe havens inside Afghanistan with the help of CIA and RAW

    · Satellite mobile phones from a Gulf state were provided to the terrorists of TTP & Swat

    · CIA helped RAW establish a base in Afghanistan

    · No CIA drones ever attacked any of the TTP & Swat terrorists as they freely called BBC and western media

    · Nuristan province in Afghanistan has a base run by CIA, RAW & NDS providing full support to terrorists inside Pakistan

    · In 1995, Benazir Bhutto and Ashraf Jahangir Qazi purged 125 ISI officers to appease CIA
    · A CIA helicopter evacuated top TTP leadership into Afghanistan before the start of Pakistani military operation

    · Terrorists from TTP enjoy safe havens inside Afghanistan with the help of CIA and RAW

    · Satellite mobile phones from a Gulf state were provided to the terrorists of TTP & Swat

    · CIA helped RAW establish a base in Afghanistan

    · No CIA drones ever attacked any of the TTP & Swat terrorists as they freely called BBC and western media

    · Nuristan province in Afghanistan has a base run by CIA, RAW & NDS providing full support to terrorists inside Pakistan

    · In 1995, Benazir Bhutto and Ashraf Jahangir Qazi purged 125 ISI officers to appease CIA

    Anyone remember the Christmas Day crotch bomber?

    Yemeni Al-Qaeda/Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for that too:

    And a 2008 attack on a US embassy in Yemen

    Only problem was they were working for MOSSAD

    History repeating itself.

    Agreed. But he is on the money on everything he says in that piece IMO.

    Epic jihad spelling fail.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,410 ✭✭✭old_aussie

    Looks like a brown guy bought the SUV.

    Pretty fly, for a brown guy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭Peanut

    Why leave the flashers on if the intent is to cause destruction?
    It seems that whoever left it there wanted it to be found.

    The CIA/Mossad angle seems plausible to some extent considering that domestic US support for the Afghan war has waned in the past year or so.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,009 ✭✭✭✭Run_to_da_hills

    Scores more CCTV cameras are to be added to the 82 that police currently have installed in the midtown area of the city, but which failed to capture the significant moments of the incident. :rolleyes:


  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I don't have time right now to expand on this further.

    But NY Rep Pete King has caught my attention, clearly a Neocon Christian Zionist

    Rep. Pete King: Full funding is critical for Securing the Cities Initiative

    By: Rep. Pete King
    Op-Ed Contributor
    October 7, 2009

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    More nonsense linking the faked attack to fake threats from fake Islamic fundamentalists:rolleyes:
    Rep. Peter King links 'South Park,' car bomb

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    do we have any further reports on this being the result of Mossad...
    and no offnce to the guy... but all we have are the ramblings of one guy here....nothing gives him credibility,

    yet we are all supposed to take his word....

    BB... i do love the way you describe him as "Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet"

    and the guy who you dont want people listening too But NY Rep Pete King has caught my attention, clearly a Neocon Christian Zionist

    really tabloid gutter newspaper talk....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 426 ✭✭Kepti

    100% disabled? Really?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo

    Kepti wrote: »
    100% disabled? Really?

    Yup, he cant even blink :D

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Kepti wrote: »
    100% disabled? Really?
    Yup, he cant even blink :D

    Look before you leap...
    100% disabled is a term used by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to classify retired military veterans as completely disabled. This label is used in referring to what type of benefits the veteran will receive. A subset of this label unemployable, which simply means that the veteran is not technically 100% disabled but due to their disability they are no longer able to work in their given field; hence unemployable. These two labels are important because in deciding which benefits the veteran receives, or how much, they must be properly classified as 100% disabled, unemployable, or both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo

    Just trying to inject a little humour, a concept which seems to be lost on a lot of people who visit here.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    robtri wrote: »
    do we have any further reports on this being the result of Mossad...
    and no offnce to the guy... but all we have are the ramblings of one guy here....nothing gives him credibility,

    What he says gives him credibility if you could take the time to look into the points raised they stand up to scrutiny by-and-large.

    robtri wrote: »
    BB... i do love the way you describe him as "Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet"
    I hadn't realised til now that I didn't link to the article, my bad. That description is taken from website - I don't even know what a grunt is.
    robtri wrote: »
    and the guy who you dont want people listening too But NY Rep Pete King has caught my attention, clearly a Neocon Christian Zionist

    I'm not bothered who anyone else listens to tbh. But personally I would warn against listening to the lies of an AIPAC lackey.

    I guess you didn't look into the links I posted on King? Here is two to note then.
    "You are saying someone should be held accountable. Name one other specific recommendation the president could implement right now to fix this," host George Stephanopoulos said to King.

    "I think one main thing would be to — just himself to use the word terrorism more often," said King, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee.

    So his idea of fighting terrorism is for Obama to use the word "terrorism" more WTF:confused::confused::confused:

    I am sure he better than most understands that the purpose of terrorists attacks is to create panic and fear among the populations - A nations leader using the word "terrorism" more would only aid the terrorists surely. However, if you begin to realise that the governments are the terrorists it makes more sense.

    One more for you to look at.
    Rep. Pete King (R., NY), has issued this statement

    No American ally is more trusted or reliable than Israel. Throughout the darkest days of the Cold War, and now in the war against Islamic terrorism, Israel has stood with the United States every step of the way. Israel shares our democratic principles and always has the courage to do what has to be done. The value of this unique alliance has been shared by all our Presidents — Democrats and Republicans alike.

    This is why I strongly believe it has been so wrong for President Obama to continually escalate and publicize his differences with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This is no way to treat such a long-time ally. It encourages our mutual enemies by creating the appearance of disunity. It is also wrong for the President to be suggesting a moral equivalency between Iran pursuing nuclear weapons and Israel building settlements in Jerusalem, its own capital city.

    The oxymoron should tell you all you need to know. It is complete bull****.

    According to the World Court, The International Court of Justice and UN resolutions East Jerusalem is in now part of Israel at all. It was annexed in a time of war, and it is illegal to gain territory in such a way. The settlements are completely illegal and immoral and King compares Iran's legal nuclear goals with illegal actions of Israel, in fact he doesn't compare them even. He runs with the AIPAC line of Iranian nuclear weapons and diminishes Israel's illegal actions. Shill, idiot or both.

    There is something else you should understand though...Calling a Neocon Christian Zionist a Neocon Christian is not a derogatory statement when that same person would label themselves as such.

    In the same way Adolph Hitler wouldn't take offence at being called a Nazi, but many would.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 636 ✭✭✭drunken_munky52

    There are many things occurring at the moment that the Zionist US media would rather not discuss to the masses, for it may cause revolution across the streets of the US. (I sure hope there isnt a red dot pointed on my house right now!)

    All you have to do is flick through the US news channels to see. An environmental catastrophe in the gulf of Mexico caused by the governments cronies in the oil industry makes for lots of anger towards the corporations. Take what happened in Spain years ago, when an oil tanker sank causing destruction; the people were out on the streets demanding answers as the why the tanker was let to sea in such a poor condition. Not in America today!

    Then theres the Greek riots; effectively where the system is falling apart at the seams. Americans dont need to think this is as imprtant as their national security.

    So just to keep the American population in check and let them know their enemies are in far away caves; not in the white house, federal reverse and wall street, they pay off one guy with a leaving cert chemistry experiment of a bomb and it causes UPROAR. Then theY make celeberties out of the cops who noticed the "smoke" coming from the car and say the bomb was desgned to kill Americans as opposed to people.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    There are many things occurring at the moment that the Zionist US media would rather not discuss to the masses, for it may cause revolution across the streets of the US. (I sure hope there isnt a red dot pointed on my house right now!)

    All you have to do is flick through the US news channels to see. An environmental catastrophe in the gulf of Mexico caused by the governments cronies in the oil industry makes for lots of anger towards the corporations. Take what happened in Spain years ago, when an oil tanker sank causing destruction; the people were out on the streets demanding answers as the why the tanker was let to sea in such a poor condition. Not in America today!

    Then theres the Greek riots; effectively where the system is falling apart at the seams. Americans dont need to think this is as imprtant as their national security.

    So just to keep the American population in check and let them know their enemies are in far away caves; not in the white house, federal reverse and wall street, they pay off one guy with a leaving cert chemistry experiment of a bomb and it causes UPROAR. Then theY make celeberties out of the cops who noticed the "smoke" coming from the car and say the bomb was desgned to kill Americans as opposed to people.


    Greek crisis and disasters covered on CNN, fail.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 636 ✭✭✭drunken_munky52

    fontanalis wrote: »
    Greek crisis and disasters covered on CNN, fail.

    Where did I say they weren't covered by CNN?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,009 ✭✭✭✭Run_to_da_hills

    Was Times Square "Bomber" Framed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,988 ✭✭✭enno99

    Times sq bomber bought fireworks in Pike County PA

    Mr. Zoldan said he was driving back from the Kentucky Derby with his son Saturday when he learned about the attempted bombing on the radio. He called the chief of national security for the company, Bob Kroner, who Mr. Zoldan said was a retired special agent for the F.B.I.

    The company, which operates 55 pyrotechnic stores across the country, scoured its intake records and found Mr. Shahzad’s name. On Tuesday, the company found the security video showing him making his purchases and, while the cashier was ringing him up, gazing calmly in the direction of the security cameras

    Not the actions of a super terrorist?

    The affidavit alleges gross misconduct on the part of FBI agents
    Robert Kroner and Larry Lynch. He points to the pressure that was
    placed upon any law enforcement officer who challenged the
    illegal activities of James Prato and Joey Naples. Prato and
    Naples, both local Mafia bosses, ran illegal gambling operations
    in Youngstown. Rival factions were hit hard by raids while the
    Prato/Naples operations were left alone. Terlecky alleges Agents
    Kroner and Lynch attempted to control his gambling raids so that
    there would be no interference with the Prato/Naples operations.

    I wonder if this is the same FBI agent

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Nice find. Very interesting.

    And get this...

    Mr Zoldan is not just a regular fireworks guy. He is a pal of Obama, he hosted a fundraiser for him and he has had Pelosi and Hillary Clinton in his home.
    The U.S. senator from Illinois asked if Zoldan could host a fundraiser for him in the Mahoning Valley. Last year, Zoldan held fundraisers at his Canfield home for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown. U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, a 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful, attended the latter event.
    Because Zoldan's wife, Rori, recently had surgery, he declined to hold the event at his house.
    The fundraiser
    But after a conversation with businessman Herb Washington, Zoldan told the Obama camp that Washington's Boardman home was available for the event. The private fund-raising breakfast at Washington's home is set for June 20. Zoldan is co-hosting the event.
    Washington, who owns more than 20 local McDonald's restaurants and the Youngstown SteelHounds minor league hockey team, wasn't available Monday to comment because of a death in his family.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,988 ✭✭✭enno99

    Nice find. Very interesting.

    And get this...

    Mr Zoldan is not just a regular fireworks guy. He is a pal of Obama, he hosted a fundraiser for him and he has had Pelosi and Hillary Clinton in his home.

    Yeah seems there is a lot of mob activity around this guy

    The Carabbia tapes were used to indict Traficant on Federal bribery charges in 1983, which he beat and afterwards successfully ran for Congress. Eventually Phil Chance was elected Sheriff but when Chance went on trial in 1999 on Federal bribery charges Bruce Zoldan testified against him with a remarkable tale. Zoldan claimed that Chance shook him down for kickbacks, and that he also had to pay $200,000 in kickbacks to the Gambino Family for the right to sell fireworks in New York. During the 1980s and early 90s John Gotti celebrated the Fourth of July each year with an elaborate block party outside his Bergin Fish and Hunt Club headquarters in his Queens neighborhood. The event was capped by a huge – and illegal – fireworks display that was a testament to Gotti’s power and ability to flaunt the law.

    Joey Naples was implicated in the shakedown of Zoldan that went on for years. In July 2000 the Cleveland Plain Dealer published another story that shed light on Naples. Former Youngstown Mayor Patrick Ungaro told the Plain Dealer that on numerous occasions he was offered bribes by Father Joseph Iati, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Youngstown. Ungaro believed the money was coming from Joey Naples, a close associate of Father Iati’s. In 1986, Father Iati was found dead of a gunshot wound to his head, an alleged suicide.

    Joey Naples was murdered in a most unusual way in 1991; a sniper shot him from a long distance away with a high-powered rifle. Naples’ associate Lenny Strollo later became a co-operating witness for the Feds and confessed to his role in several crimes, including the murder of Charlie the Crab. But one crime Strollo could not shed light on was that of Naples; Strollo says he was not involved in that murder and does not know who was. The possibility that Naples’ murder was related to the extortion of Zoldan by the Gambinos remains a scenario considered by those following this case.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Bruce Zoldan, a recent member of the Youngstown State University board of trustee’s whose term just ended on June 30 of this year, has also been tied in with the Mafia. Zoldan is the nationwide supplier of fireworks through the B.J. Allen fireworks company. According to Strollo, Zoldan agreed to share ten percent of his earnings in the New York area with the Gambino crime family.

    That year Zoldan did three million dollars of business in the New York area, but also had a change in heart about paying the full ten percent he promised the Gambino family members. And whom did Zoldan turn to for help in dealing with the Gambino crime family? He turned to Strollo of course. Zoldan wanted to have Strollo work out a deal with the Gambino family to spare Zoldans life. Strollo accomplished this by making Zoldan pay the family $100,000 for doing business in New York.

    The tie between Zoldan and Strollo did not stop there, Zoldan actually paid Strollo $10,000 a year in protection money (United States 58-60). Strollo responded, “If he had any problems, politically or muscle problems, he would rely on me to straighten them out for him” (United States 60). There have been several attempts to combat corruption though.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Y'know what else is strange?

    Those Carabbia tapes were found by Zoldan employee and former FBI Special Agent Kroner.
    Joey Naples was murdered in 1991. At his funeral, the Reverend John DeMarinis of Mount Carmel Church called his murder "tragic!" "He was always there to help!" Although no one has yet been charged with this crime, information has emerged in recent years which suggests that Naples’ murder was the fallout over an extortion scam run by the Gambino Mafia Family of New York against Youngstown fireworks distributor Bruce Zoldan.

    At the time of the extortion, Sammy Gravano was the Underboss of the Gambino Family and thus probably had knowledge of these crimes, which he presumably relayed to the Feds once he became a co-operating Witness after agreeing to testify against Gambino Godfather John Gotti. However, Gravano was not called to testify in the one Federal bribery trial in which information about the fireworks scam was made public, the 1999 trial of Mahoning County Sheriff Phil Chance.

    troubles began a generation earlier when Sheriff James Traficant hired Chance as a Deputy and the two then led an illegal raid on Zoldan’s fireworks business just before it’s busiest moneymaking season, the Fourth of July. Zoldan later won a lawsuit because of the raid by Traficant and his Deputies.

    Sheriff Chance was convicted upon the testimony of Pittsburgh Mafia Family figure Lenny Strollo and his associate Charles O’Nesti, who for 13 years worked for Traficant in his Congressional office in Youngstown. O’Nesti and Strollo were both involved in the $163,000 bribe of Traficant in 1980. Strollo also testified in the Chance trial as to his involvement in the 1980 murder of Cleveland Mafia Family figure Charlie "The Crab" Carabbia, who was killed just days after revealing to Sheriff-elect Traficant that he was blackmailing Traficant’s friend Ed Flask with "compromising photographs." Flask, now also a convicted felon, is the son of a former Youngstown Mayor who had ties to the Pittsburgh Mafia Family.

    The FBI would later find secretly-recorded tapes made by Carabbia which documented Traficant’s acceptance of the $163,000 in bribe money,

    This is getting too confusing for me. They all seem as dirty as each other and are ****ing each other over.
