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Fighting Games - Online Irish Player List

  • 01-04-2010 07:26PM
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭

    From now on, please just update this spread sheet with your user names. I will leave the tables for historical purposes but if you're active, please add your name below:



    A list of all online Irish Players, and the games they play and their boards suer names too.
    I'll add the Tekken /BB next

    Super Streetfighter IV

    Xbox Live Players
    Xbox Live Gamertag| name|
    a big irish man | Ken B
    animaX01 | animaX
    araforn | Banjob
    ArmitageShanks4 | Armitage Shanks1
    astro tuned | space nugget
    ayjayirl | Doctor Doom / Emmet
    bourkenator | BourketheJerk
    Bush80 | Bush
    Chris Mc Mahon | chris mcMahon
    chopperbyrne | chopperbyrne
    cillianlawlor | mackg
    Cobelcog | Cobelcog
    Columjitsu | Columok
    CunningPlanners | UberPrinny_Baal
    Daltronica | Daltronica
    Davey909 | Davey909
    deathrider18 | deathrider
    Dredzpower | Dreddybajs
    EmSixTeen UK | EmSixTeen
    Erinsoup | Erinsoup
    evilgm | albel nox
    EternalHotaru |Hotaru
    farzadq | Placebo
    FoamyMushroom | FoamyMushroom
    fruitpunch360 | saado
    Garak001 | FutureGuy
    Gwano Loco | Generic_name01
    HandiCapanda | HandiCapanda
    I Am The Wal | A-Trak
    Ian McTetly | Ian McTetly
    imeasy2juke | fake_roogle
    IRISH NEMES1S | itsme83
    Jimeatsmenu | Jim
    Johnny Ultimate | Johnny Ultimate
    JunIhara | Jun_DP101
    JunkBuster | Doyler01
    Kurtz1981 | Sanjuro
    kingblinn | blinn
    ogiekeaney | ogiekeaney
    Owwmykneecap | Owwmykneecap
    MCNHY | Misty Chaos
    Netunecake | Neptune
    mackdaddi | mackdaddi
    Mindbender689 | Mindbender
    Morpheumax | Crossbreed
    mr kyle 0210 | mrkyle
    Muntopher | Muntopher
    pykcherryghost | Cherryghost
    prenelf | prenelf
    RagingHorseBox | The Hound
    Redman350 | Red350
    RobbKnoll | Robbknoll
    SabreO001 | Sabre0001
    Sagat08 | Sagat08
    sir auronDX | sir Auron Dx
    Stavanger1 | Azza
    Stormcloudlive | Ganondorf
    T Boy Uk | Ken B
    TheHatchetMan | TheHatchetMan
    tilgore | Duckfoot
    trainslaughing | lazlo
    unky chop chop |unky chop chop
    XTHE WITCHX | TheWitch06
    Xinkai | Xinkai

    Playstation - PSN

    PSN Username| name|
    ArcticZombies | Arctic Zombies
    autowilo | autowilo
    Brettguerwitz | Icarian
    Chueytoo | Chueytoo
    Devilmeimei | Devilmeimei
    DualBladez | Kev PS3
    Emilius-Ultimus | Zerroth
    HoundOfCuChulain | The Hound
    JohnnyBlue100 | JohnnyBlue
    Jufee | fakejim
    Jun_DP101 | Jun_DP101
    Irish_Voa | Voa
    LeadChewer | Cymatics
    Odgeinator | Odegy
    Mickles_86 | Mickles_86
    MrDubstepppp | koone20
    mrmrbungle | mrmrbungle
    pesara | YayForYuffie
    poohbear1234 | Codemonkey
    Redman350 | Red360
    RightBackBill | RightBackBill
    shoryuken_koone | koone_20
    Silver Steeez | Silver Steeez
    SF-bacchus-SF | xXbacchusXx
    Stavanger1 | Azza
    thelinked| |
    thehatchetman | thehatchetman
    wingnut32 | wingnut32

    Streetfighter IV

    Xbox Live Players
    Xbox Live Gamertag| name|
    a big irish man | Ken B
    Airblazer |
    alberto the 6th | Speed Boat
    animaX01 | animaX
    Anto Nick | Monkeyto
    ayjayirl | Doctor DooM / Emmett
    Araforn | BanjoB
    Bourkenator. | BourkeTheJerk
    Burning Eclipse | Burning Eclipse
    Bush80 | Bush
    Chris IWS | Chris IWS
    Cobelcog | Cobelcog
    col parenthesis |colparenthesis
    DecentKiki | DecentBee
    Dowdus Maximus |
    Dredzpower | Dreddybajs
    El Deyf |
    ElWaster |
    Evanryan182 |
    EvilSuperSean |
    FantomShock |
    farzadq | Placebo
    FistsMcGuirk |
    FoamyMushroom | FoamyMushroom
    FRAGMAC | Froggy_1985
    G0lly |
    Garak001 | FutureGuy
    goodjay |
    Gwano Loco |
    HokemPokem | Kirby
    HUGEBASHER | Ray Caulwell
    I Am Craze7 |
    I Am The Wal | A-Trak
    Ian McTetly | Ian McTetly
    imLOST irl |
    Jimeatsmenu | Jim
    JunkBuster | Doyler01
    kgleeson | PPC
    lancestorm108 |
    lejneb |
    LeprekuanTM | Leprekuan
    Linoud | Linoud
    Lysmleia |
    mattMAD111 | Orim
    owenz0r |
    Owwmykneecap | Owwmykneecap
    medsthamercilis | meducation
    mr kyle 0210 |
    newtype00 | Newtype
    pykcherryghost | CherryGhost
    randomchild | randomchild
    Reanimemmett | Reanimemmett
    retr0gamer1337 | retr0gamer
    Relikk | MasterDarkstar
    RobbKnoll | Robbknoll
    Sagat08 | Sagat08
    Sairus illumina | Sarius
    Scavenger XIII | Scavenger XIII
    Slurms McK | Zapp Branigan
    Speedhaak| Speedhaak
    Stavanger1 | Azza
    stylesclash07 | stylesclash07
    supersquaddy |
    T Boy UK | Ken B, again
    UberPrinny_Baal | CunningPlanners
    unky chop chop |unky chop chop
    the_k0ng |Da Bounca
    Xinkai | Xinkai
    XTHEWITCHX | TheWitch06
    xXRamza126Xx | Ramza
    Yreval | Yreval

    Playstation - PSN

    PSN Username| name|
    Aeztec |
    ayjayirl| Emmett
    BalMachinShin| Dark Talant
    batstimpy|Ultimate Chin
    BiggsWedgeJessie| JessieFFShrine
    BlinkyEC |
    Brettguerwitz| Icarian
    Bush80| Bush
    ChopperByrne| ChopperByrne
    Claavus| Ry (RIP)
    Cloud_1811| eddiechoi1990
    digital_joc| joconnell
    Elnoctor| elnoctor
    ElWaster| elwaster
    fake_roogle| Fake Roogle
    Fizman |
    Fletcher183 |
    Gamblor80 |
    gaz38979 |
    Griefa | BArra
    Hadoomken | Doctor DooM
    HoundOfCuChulain |The Hound
    hugoislost |
    i_like_dyke | Ken B
    icemankw |
    Irish_Assassin |
    jesusjuice69 |
    JohnnyBlue100 | JohnnyBlue
    justlookatme |
    Kealyj |
    Kev_85 | Kevin2006
    kgleeson | PPC
    kikimaru024 | K.O. Kiki
    Liamario |
    Leimrod | Leimrod
    likwidboy |
    Old-School-King |
    oRnein9 |
    McSavage | Dickmcsavage
    mdwexford |
    MrVestek v
    Redman350| Red360
    Sisko-ire | Cunny-funt
    Stavanger1| Azza
    stylesclash07| stylesclash07
    XTHE WITCHX| TheWitch06

    PC - GFWL

    Xbox Live Gamertag| name|
    Arctic Zombies |Arctic Zombie
    ChopperByrne| ChopperByrne
    Cillian X|
    Claavus| RY (retired)
    col parenthesis | colparenthesis
    Cymatix |Cymatics
    Dataisgod| Dataisgod
    dardeck| VDeck
    Delatroy| DeLaTroY
    digital joc|
    Dredzpower| Dreddybajs
    eireblanka| Sagat06
    fake roogle| Fake roogle
    HokemPokem| Kirby
    I Am the Wal| A-Trak
    Jimeatsmenu | Jim
    jumparound222| Jumpy
    kdjac| KdjaCL
    leimrod| Leimrod
    Martobagg0 |
    NeptuneCAKE| Creature
    Redman350 | Red 350
    RopeDrink| RopeDrink
    Stavanger1 | Azza
    therealSisko | Cunny Funt
    trainslaughing| lazlo
    tmsJazzy | Jazzy
    Uberpixie |
    wayne040576 |
    xXRamza126Xx| Ramza

    You can also join the public Steam group called: Street Fighter IV (SF4) by clikcing on the link below and clicking join this group int he top right hand corner of the page.

    If I left anyone out or if you know of other Irish players or you have spotted a spelling mistake or want your name linke to your online player name and I've missed it, please post on this thread and Azza or Doom will update it.

    Ports Required to Be Open for Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live
    To ensure that you can connect to as many as people as possible please ensure you have the following ports on your router open if your are playing on Xbox Live and Games For Windows Live or both.

    TCP 80
    UDP 88
    UDP 3074
    TCP 3074
    UDP 53
    TCP 53

    PS3 users should ensure that there NAT Type Settings are set to either 1 or 2.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭A-Trak

    Tekken 6 - Online Player List

    Xbox Live Players

    Xbox Gamertag| name
    bourkenator | BourketheJerk
    Decentkiki | DecentBee
    GristlyEnd | DarrenG
    Lymsleia |Xluna
    Scavenger XIII | Scavenger XIII
    serialmatrix| Mr. Anderson
    mr kyle 0210| mr_kyle
    Xinkai| Xinkai
    xXRamza126Xx| Ramza
    Yerval| Yerval

    Playstation - PSN players

    PSN username| name
    chueytoo| chueytoo
    DubzSon94| DubzSon
    fake_roogle| fake_roogle
    funglegunk| Funglegunk
    jfgtp| Aurongroove
    Leprekaun| Leprekaun
    Newaglish| Newaglish
    novi_glitzko | noviglitzko
    Quetz84 | YouSavedMyLife
    Ricky-2008| Story_Bud
    shazam_nz| Shzm
    Sumsar89 | Sumsar
    THE-DOMONATOR | The Domonator

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭A-Trak

    PSN players

    PSN| name|
    Chueytoo | Chueytoo
    Fletcher183 | Fnutkrumpler
    Irish_Voa | Voa
    Jarvy1 |
    jufee | fakejim
    kanped | kanped
    Kikimaru024 | K.O Kiki
    Redman350 | Red350
    Stavanger1 | Azza
    Xinkai_SAF | Xinkai
    xXRamza126Xx | Ramza
    Yerval| Yerval

    Xbox 360

    Gamertag| name|
    bourkenator | bourkethejerk
    DecentKiki | DecentBee
    Generic_name01 | Generic_name01
    HUGEBASHER |RayCaulwell
    Lymsleia | Xluna
    Sagat08 | Sagat06
    Scavenger XIII | Scavenger XIII
    Slurms McK | Zap Brannigan
    thethomaseffect | Thomas G
    Vyzendir | Vyze
    Xinkai | Xinkai
    XTHE WITCHX | TheWitch06

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭A-Trak

    Less stickies for the win, sure Jim never reads them:)
    SSSIV can be added later

  • Moderators Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭Azza

    Hey guys, figured I'd make a thread listing all of us who use SUPERCADE (previously known as 2DF) and/or GGPO. These two sites make up pretty much the best way to play emulated fighting games on PC. GGPO came earlier, and I've heard it's more reliable, but 2DF has a much bigger selection of games at the moment.

    It'd be great if a mod could update this list in the OP (as I think I'll lose the ability to edit after replies are made?), and maybe even sticky it.

    GGPO Username| name|
    Kikimaru|K.O. Kiki


    Supercade Username| name|


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Very nice A-trak, love the formating, how'd yea do that? :p

    Right here's what I can help yea with regarding names and boards names.

    PSN =

    BalMachinShin is dark talent

    Biggswedgejessie is JessieFFShrine

    batstimpy is Ultimate Chin

    Brettguerwitz is Icarian

    Cloud_1811 is eddiechoi1990

    digital_joc is joconnell

    ElWaster is elwaster

    Griefa is BArra

    you can actually get rid of Hadoken_69 1st week of sf4 he added his name to a sf4 psn player list , everyone added him but he never accepted. He stopped playing or using that account whoever he is.

    Kev_85 is Kevin2006

    McSavage is Dickmcsavage

    Sisko-ire is Sisko/Cunny-funt :D

    therealsisko needs to be removed, its there as a mistake , its my gfwl name.


    Arctic Zombies is Arctic Zombie

    Delatroy is DeLaTroY (what happened to this guy, is he not active? I heard he was one of our best players, I must add him)

    digital joc is joconnell

    jumparound222 is Jumpy

    kdjac is KdjaCL

    trainslaughing is lazlo

    tmsJazzy is Jazzy

    therealSisko is Sisko/Cunny-funt :p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 567 ✭✭✭Vyze

    I'm down as Belfast Vaughn for whatever reason on the BB PS3 list, odd seeing as I don't live in Belfast and that's not how you spell my real name! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Cheers for the list A-Trak.

    On the tremendously rare occasion I put it on, my PSN is: i_like_dyke.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Can you put me on the xbox list : mattMAD111

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37 Anon_IRL.Joe

    Sorry wrong forum

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭A-Trak

    Sisko wrote: »
    Very nice A-trak, love the formating, how'd yea do that? :p
    Right here's what I can help yea with regarding names and boards names.

    All updated, VB code has a few cross overs to HTML, makes everything neater I think!
    Vyze wrote: »
    I'm down as Belfast Vaughn for whatever reason on the BB PS3 list, odd seeing as I don't live in Belfast and that's not how you spell my real name! :D

    Fixed, (I copied from Xinkais list, so he renamed your family!
    Ken B wrote: »

    On the tremendously rare occasion I put it on, my PSN is: i_like_dyke.

    Added Kenny

    Orim wrote: »
    Can you put me on the xbox list : mattMAD111


    If anyone else has any "dead" players let me know, I removed a few of the xbox players initially who never ever play the game, if you know some similar let me know.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    You can remove me from the psn list

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 531 ✭✭✭BanjoB

    Thanks for the list man.
    Very handy seein who's who from boards/xbla.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    Cheers for the list A-Trak! :)

    I noticed my name is wrong in the first list so could you change it please? :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Bush80 wrote: »
    You can remove me from the psn list

    Awww say it isnt so bush :( Was looking forward to many games with you when I'm back on ps3 full time for super :(

    A-Trak wrote: »
    All updated, VB code has a few cross overs to HTML, makes everything neater I think!

    Sweet, it looks nice. Real nice.

    Two things, I think hound actually uses 'maddiesmurder' as his PSN for playing us as his friends list is full.

    For my boards name, if cunny-funt/sisko is too big, you may as well just have it as Sisko as that's the name I'll be sticking with on here I reckon, and new people wont know who the feck cunnyfunt is. :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 800 ✭✭✭The Hound

    Sisko wrote: »
    Awww say it isnt so bush :( Was looking forward to many games with you when I'm back on ps3 full time for super :(

    Sweet, it looks nice. Real nice.

    Two things, I think hound actually uses 'maddiesmurder' as his PSN for playing us as his friends list is full.

    For my boards name, if cunny-funt/sisko is too big, you may as well just have it as Sisko as that's the name I'll be sticking with on here I reckon, and new people wont know who the feck cunnyfunt is. :o
    Its all good now Sisko, i deleted a lot of friends on my hound psn, so it should be all good for ppl to add me once they tell me who they are and why theyre adding me. Random adds are weird

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    Fair play to you A-Trak, that's some awesome work!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    I just added xbox people using BanjoBs friends list. So much easier then typing.

    Expect a friend request from mattMAD111.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 531 ✭✭✭BanjoB

    Orim wrote: »
    I just added xbox people using BanjoBs friends list. So much easier then typing.

    Expect a friend request from mattMAD111.

    Glad to be of service :)

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    Could you put me in the Blazblue list please?

  • Moderators Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭Azza

    Updating all lists at the moment. Will add you shortly

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭Sagat06

    Can you put me in the BB list please :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭Yreval

    I'm in the wrong list for BB.

  • Moderators Posts: 5,580 ✭✭✭Azza


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 627 ✭✭✭Speed Boat

    That's some good work!

    I'm the proud owner of "alberto the 6th" on xbox live if you wanna throw my boards name next to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 353 ✭✭Generic_name01

    Hey sorry I prob said the wrong console but for the blazblue list I have it for ps3. Generic_name01 is my PSN id

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    While you're editing could you put me in the BB 360 list and the GGPO list (D4RK ONION also)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 220 ✭✭meducation

    hi could you add me to the lists thanks


    xbox live

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,558 ✭✭✭✭dreamers75

    kdjac/kdjacl = dreamers75 on boards.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 30,337 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    Hey will add some of you guys in the next few days, really into Street Fighter IV at the moment so would be nice to play against some boardsies. I'll probably move onto SSFIV on Friday too. My gamertag is Johnny Ultimate (as below) but I'm pretty **** at the moment. Am working on that though.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    Just a quick aside; I think that the PSN and XBL listings for Blazblue are backwards.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 colparenthesis

    XBL: col parenthesis
    GFWL: col parenthesis
    Steam: :)

    You can find me on SFIV on both PC + 360, and SSFIV on 360 this week onwards I suppose.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 241 ✭✭Kanped

    Recently changed for xbl (canpedo) due to RROD but if I ever get a new one, you can find me there.

    PSN is 'kanped' same as my username.

    I'll probably only be playing SSF4 but I have Blazblue so if anyone really wants to fight someone who almost never plays the game, message me and we'll see about that...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Can I be added to XBL please


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4 autotwilo

    Please add "autotwilo" on PSN list for (S)SFIV :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 857 ✭✭✭wingnut32

    wingnut32 on the PSN

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    I fought at least 20 new Irish players this afternoon, which is absolutely great news! Some were pretty good...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭Sagat06

    same, the flag is a gift. spent the day spoutin about

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Yeah the flag is fantastic, I was so pissed there wasnt one in SF4 as I was used to getting to see where players were from from 2df and ggpo.

    Seems to be a ton of unknown irish players out there.

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    Yup, I've sent 3 people to this evening. Only one replied though. Hope the beatings don't scare them away! :P :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    I was in such a rush to get achievements(the two ten in a rows etc.)that I didn't PM any, in fact,when I was 9-in-a-row for ranked I even chickened out from fighting Bush!

    I be a little more pro-active in spreading the word on Sunday, next time I'm on.

    Actually one guy, Daltronica, will be popping into XGC on Saturday, so be nice to him! I may pop in, but it won't be till after 6...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,093 ✭✭✭✭chopperbyrne

    I managed to get my ten in a row trophy against people who either had no clue how to use the new characters or were just new/bad.

    Doubt I'll get ten in a row again to be honest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 627 ✭✭✭Speed Boat

    I managed to get my ten in a row trophy against people who either had no clue how to use the new characters or were just new/bad.

    Doubt I'll get ten in a row again to be honest.

    Ditto. But still very happy about it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Which 10 out of 10, ranked or endless?
    Or both?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    Ken B wrote: »
    I was in such a rush to get achievements(the two ten in a rows etc.)that I didn't PM any, in fact,when I was 9-in-a-row for ranked I even chickened out from fighting Bush!

    I be a little more pro-active in spreading the word on Sunday, next time I'm on.

    Actually one guy, Daltronica, will be popping into XGC on Saturday, so be nice to him! I may pop in, but it won't be till after 6...

    I was using cody mostly so you probably had nothing to worry about :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Bush80 wrote: »
    I was using cody mostly so you probably had nothing to worry about :pac:
    I genuinely don't think I've fought him(Cody)yet....or even used him for that matter.:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Mindbender

    Hi, can you add me to the XBox live list for SSFIV please :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 Arctic Zombie

    Super Street Fighter 4 PSN - ArcticZombies

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Misty Chaos

    Super Street Fighter 4 Xbox live - MCNHY

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 531 ✭✭✭BanjoB

    Mindbender wrote: »
    Hi, can you add me to the XBox live list for SSFIV please :)

    Super Street Fighter 4 Xbox live - MCNHY

    Added both of ye lads. See ya'll online. My tag is araforn by the way just incase ye're wondering who's adding u.

    At this rate our player list'l be massive. Any Irish player that I play online(that'l use their mic), I'm tellin 'em about here and street

    Super's bringin more people on board :) .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 550 ✭✭✭chueytoo

    can you add me to the ssf4 psn list here cheers

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This discussion has been closed.