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The Breast Feeding Support Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭lang

    aknitter wrote: »
    That is such a relief, apart from the wind. The trick does appear to be enough sleep so they can feed.
    How is she doing now?


    So, we had another weigh-in by the PHN yesterday afternoon and she went up 160g!! That's a grand total of about 240g in the 9 days that we've been topping up with formula. Most of the time she takes 1-2oz, but is definitely feeding quicker on the boob since. She's also sleeping during the day!!!! Gives my wife a break from the constant feeling of being attached to the little one. The little one is much more content between feeds and is just so much happier all-round. We're both become able to enjoy her now if that makes sense?!

    Just to put the weight gain in context. Before top up she had only put on 10g in 6 days!! So huge changes. She's really filling out.

    I've been making the porridge most mornings I'm home from work and my wife is now taking Fenugreek capsules. She's also pumping at the end of each (most) feeds to empty the boob and try to increase milk.

    We've another weigh-in next Wednesday and we'll see where we go from there. For the moment it's all good tho.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    lang wrote: »

    So, we had another weigh-in by the PHN yesterday afternoon and she went up 160g!! That's a grand total of about 240g in the 9 days that we've been topping up with formula. Most of the time she takes 1-2oz, but is definitely feeding quicker on the boob since. She's also sleeping during the day!!!! Gives my wife a break from the constant feeling of being attached to the little one. The little one is much more content between feeds and is just so much happier all-round. We're both become able to enjoy her now if that makes sense?!

    Just to put the weight gain in context. Before top up she had only put on 10g in 6 days!! So huge changes. She's really filling out.

    I've been making the porridge most mornings I'm home from work and my wife is now taking Fenugreek capsules. She's also pumping at the end of each (most) feeds to empty the boob and try to increase milk.

    We've another weigh-in next Wednesday and we'll see where we go from there. For the moment it's all good tho.

    So glad things are going well with your new routine lang. Whatever works best for your family is what matters most :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭lang

    wolfpawnat wrote: »
    So glad things are going well with your new routine lang. Whatever works best for your family is what matters most :)

    Thanks wolfpawnat. We haven't messed around with the nights as she sleeps through (apart from a feed or two from my wife). We thought best not to mess with it as it aint broke! Never thought I'd be so happy with a weight gain of 160g. Seems such a small amount but is huge compared to where we were about a week and a half ago.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 680 ✭✭✭icescreamqueen

    I know how you feel Lang! My little one only put on 3ozs in 3 weeks from breastfeeding exclusively and it killed me. She was still in her first set of baby groes at 9 weeks. Since Wednesday, I have started to do combination feeding and have been topping her up with a bottle to replace her last feed at night. She seems much more content and conks out after it. If I had the choice, I would have continued breastfeeding alone but I just wasn't meeting her growing demand for milk and growth. It'll be interesting to see what she'll be weighed at on Tuesday. Fingers crossed, she'll have put on some Ozs :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    12 weeks old and 12 weeks feeding today :D Halfway to the recommended 6 months!!! So proud!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    wolfpawnat wrote: »
    12 weeks old and 12 weeks feeding today :D Halfway to the recommended 6 months!!! So proud!

    Yay! Well done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    wolfpawnat wrote: »
    12 weeks old and 12 weeks feeding today :D Halfway to the recommended 6 months!!! So proud!

    Woo! Go mama!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I'm kind of reaching my wits end with this little madam. For about 4 weeks she's been waking around 2am and nothing works except getting up with her for an hour. Tonight I left her in her cot but she got so frustrated after an hour that here I am sitting up with her at 4am.

    I think I'm almost at breaking point.

    I know it's developmental but I'm losing patience.

    My mam minded her on Saturday night and bottle fed her breast milk and she slept better than she ever has for me.

    Chanting 'it's a phase and this too will pass'

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    It will pass How Strange it will pass. You poor thing you must be exhausted. Have you tried/ do you want to try a soother? If my guy wakes at night, he will go back to sleep with the aid of a soother. Do you always feed her at the 2am waking? If not, could your partner get up with her instead to give you a break? Sometimes a full night's sleep makes you much more ready and able for the next night battle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    She has a soother which does settle her although the spitting it out and losing it unsettles her!

    I really don't have the supply for pumping anymore. I have enough to feed her but to pump 4oz I'd need to be away from her for most of the day.

    She's been so cranky for the last couple of days too which is totally unlike her. She's going through another big leap but it could also be teething.

    Yes, hopefully it will pass soon :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    Could you try feed her from just one boob in the morning, and pump from the other side, this is the only thing that works for me. It will definitely, definitely pass, deep breaths, you will get through and come out the other side, and she'll have some awesome new skill to impress you with!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭livinsane

    Im a recent graduate from the pregnancy forum, had my son on Saturday. Put a lot of time into preparing for breast feeding [Clare Byam-Cook's book "What to Expect..." is a bible] and very proud to say that after a very long and arduous labour, I have been exclusively breast feeding since the get go. Its taken mountains of energy and perseverance but truly felt the results since my milk came in properly yesterday and my baby changed from a fussy, erratic feeder to a strong satisfied eater. The first 24 hours at home were really tough but I can pinpoint the moment at 3pm yesterday when everything clicked into place.

    I was latching him on around the clock in the hospital and it was down to a really supportive midwife in the labour ward and another ward midwife on duty during the second night that I was able to do it at all. I have very large flat nipples that i didn't have a clue how to fit into his mouth. It was almost impossible. The other three women on the ward were bottle feeding and it was really hard hearing their full, lazy spewy babies when mine was restless and fussy. Well the sound of me munching snacks through the eventful nights was probably annoying them! I was using a Nipplette syringe to shape the nipple before insertion but dont need it anymore. Spent the first day at home literally with them hanging out constantly so I could train baby and nipple to get along. My partner was starting to get very frustrated watching me and I think was really worried about how much baby was actually getting [as was I - agonising over the nappy contents] until the milk came in and now we are both just amazed over how wonderful breast feeding is. We have been sticking to a strict routine of feed [keep baby awake]-wind-feed if he'll take more-check nappy-see if he'll eat more-settle down...rinse and ensure he sleeps as solidly as possible in between. I slept properly for the first time in days yesterday. Actually cried with relief and joy that we were doing something right and the hard work was paying off.

    I know its early days yet and lots of challenges lying ahead but I am really up for it. Latch on left side is perfect at the mo - can feeling nothing but the flow. Slight pinch on right side so working to improve that. Nipples were cracked leaving hosital but almost completely healed by exposing to the air as much as possible [always wearing nursing bra but with flaps open. Baby feds better as boob is contained and not spilling all over his face as it was in the beginning :o], massaging milk around nipple and applying Lansinoh couple times a day.

    PHN visit this morning so hopefully his weight will be good. He was 4.010kg when born and was down 8% at time of discharge.

    Thanks to all the contributers on this thread. Im learning loads from reading through. Good luck to everyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭holding

    What a lovely post livinsane, well done yourself, your baby is lucky to have such a determined mama :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭clare82

    nice one livinsane :)

    i could have written pretty much the same post. i have inverted nipples and its been a big effort but 12 days in i think im getting confident. ive been using a latch assist too but my nipples just never retain the shape so i wear nipple shields all the time for each feed and it is still a bit painful and i reckon it may always be...have yet to meet someone who has the same issue but its working and she's getting fine and fat and the nappies are right. have also been using breast shells too which were helpful for healing the nipples in the early days.
    its tough going but im starting to enjoy it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    My little man is 6 months old today. I have achieved my "big goal" of getting to this stage without any formula. I am so happy and really proud of myself for getting this far. :D:D:D Woohoo

    I'm back in work since Monday and managing to give him ebm during the day, while I still feed him in the morning and at night. I hoping I can last doing this as I'm not at all ready to give up bfing and would hate if work got in the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭banbhaaifric

    Well, just about to start expressing... I did with my first all those years ago and I don't remember any problems, but I think I've forgotten a lot about having a small baby since then:o

    OH is home for four days next week and I know he would love to give her a feed or two when he's back. But the other reason is she has bad reflux and I can't imagine trying to feed her the gaviscon off a spoon after each feed... Anyone else do it and have some tips?

    Bfing is going well anyway and she has gained two and a half pounds since she was born so they were happy with that at her six week check on Wednesday.

    Will go off scanning this thread now for expressing advice. My shiny new ardo pump is beside me :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭lolademmers

    Day four today with my beautiful little boy. Was tough yesterday he fed constantly and I was doubting my supply. His best feeds were the middle of the night. I seem to struggle with giving him both breasts. What I was doing is feeding him on the right then next feed the left breast. There was so little between feeds it seemed like the same thing.
    Not sure if my milk has came in yet my boobs don't feel sore or anything like that but when I squeeze my right boob what comes out is more watery then yesterday so is that my milk? Can't seem to hand express from my left at all today.
    He just fed for a few minutes and is now asleep on my lap. Is this a bad habit to get him into? I don't think his latch is 100% either even though when he is feeding his jaw is working well and there is no smacking sounds etc it's just getting quiet painful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    Day four today with my beautiful little boy. Was tough yesterday he fed constantly and I was doubting my supply. His best feeds were the middle of the night. I seem to struggle with giving him both breasts. What I was doing is feeding him on the right then next feed the left breast. There was so little between feeds it seemed like the same thing.
    Not sure if my milk has came in yet my boobs don't feel sore or anything like that but when I squeeze my right boob what comes out is more watery then yesterday so is that my milk? Can't seem to hand express from my left at all today.
    He just fed for a few minutes and is now asleep on my lap. Is this a bad habit to get him into? I don't think his latch is 100% either even though when he is feeding his jaw is working well and there is no smacking sounds etc it's just getting quiet painful.

    Your milk sounds like it is changing from colostrum to mature milk, you're right there. Your little man was working hard yesterday to stimulate that so again, you were doing exactly the right thing feeding on demand.
    There's no such thing as bad habits at this stage, or even for the next few months to be honest! Keeping baby close, feeding on demand and allowing him a d you to find your own natural rhythm and ways is the perfect way to do it.
    Sounds like you're doing amazingly well, I wish I had got it so right in the beginning!! Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭lolademmers

    Wow thank you so much. Fed him at about 11:20 for half an hour while I had visitors here and I think because I had the distraction he fed really well and he is snoozing now. Delighted I fed in front of people too that's a little hurdle over with. I'm sure he will wake shortly for another feed and I'm so chilled that the last one went well I'm actually looking forward to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭NextSteps

    Wow thank you so much. Fed him at about 11:20 for half an hour while I had visitors here and I think because I had the distraction he fed really well and he is snoozing now. Delighted I fed in front of people too that's a little hurdle over with. I'm sure he will wake shortly for another feed and I'm so chilled that the last one went well I'm actually looking forward to it!

    Congratulations and enjoy the cuddles and feeds - cuddling DEFINITELY isn't a 'bad habit'!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,644 ✭✭✭✭lazygal

    At four days there are no habits, just whatever works. I never felt sore or anything when my milk came in, but I went on nappy output for reassurance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Went to a kids birthday party today where I was the only Irish adult, everyone else was Polish. When it came time to feed Saoirse I went into a corner and did my thing, it was so different than I am used to. I had her under the blanket and one of the dads just came over to me, "Is it a small baby, boy or girl?" not even batting an eye lid. Another dad (the father of the birthday girl, I get on well with him and the wife) just saw me as he was taking pics of the kids and stated "tit time?" no more about it. With Irish men I have found they just turn away and ignore you while you do it, these guys just conversed as normal. It is weird since though that should be the norm, it felt odd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭aknitter

    Wolf, I think until our sons see us and their aunts feed babies that way, it will be odd for them. My 15 year old nephew is strange when I mention feeding the baby. But its fine as I have to go to a quiet room now to feed - if there is too much going on he'll try to watch everything at once and not do what he's supposed to! But I think we're heading in the right direction, I mean if we can get my father from knocking a door to make sure he doesn't accidentally happen on me feeding (1st child) to taking no notice (3rd) then we can get anyone used to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭lmullen

    My dd is thriving! Breastfeeding is going great. I want to start expressing to build up a supply in the freezer so I can get out for an evening every now and again! Just wondering whats the best way or how long I should pump for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,644 ✭✭✭✭lazygal

    I must be lucky, I've never gotten comments, apart from 'fair play to you' from other women when I've fed in public. I'm not usually one for getting myself out there, like communal changing rooms are my idea of hell, but I forced myself to get out and feed in public on child one within a couple of weeks. This time I haven't even given it a thought. At a family event on my last child i was asked if I'd feel more comfortable feeding in a bedroom but politely declined and fed around the table with everyone else. If anyone felt uncomfortable I didn't know (or care TBH!). Some of my aunts expressed comments that I was just amazing to be feeding number two and that I fed number one until she was one but i think that's because they found it near impossible to breastfeed themselves. If nothing else, my cousins have all seen a baby being fed how nature intended (I'm the eldest cousin and the first to have a baby) so that can only be a good thing.
    My cloth nappies for two children have raised far more eyebrows than the breastfeeding. I think people think i'm a hippy, furthest thing from it though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭lolademmers

    Feel like crap. Nipple pain got progressively worse yesterday then over night my son was feeding every hour it was like razor blades on my boobs. Gave in to my emergency supply if formula and he took one and a half ounce and is content but I have a huge dose of guilt! Have multi mam compresses on my nipples and might give him a bottle at his next feed to give them a break. Is it too soon for expressing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭banbhaaifric

    Feel like crap. Nipple pain got progressively worse yesterday then over night my son was feeding every hour it was like razor blades on my boobs. Gave in to my emergency supply if formula and he took one and a half ounce and is content but I have a huge dose of guilt! Have multi mam compresses on my nipples and might give him a bottle at his next feed to give them a break. Is it too soon for expressing?

    I feel your pain! My little one is 6 weeks now but not long after I came home with her I developed 2 huge cracks, one on each nipple. The pain was indescribable. I was crying every time I fed her and got my husband to pick up shields for me. The pain was so bad I was latching her on any old way just to get the feed over with...

    Good news is, after I read about the pain being related to a bad latch I said for the next 24 hours I'm going to make sure the latch is right and it fixed it! The fissures had started healing really well and the pain was all but gone. I used the multi mam compresses in between too, and also got them out in the air as much as my family could bear!!!

    I cut the nails on each of my little fingers really short so I could break the latch easily and just kept doing it until she was on properly. Did anyone show you how you really jam the baby on once their mouth is open wide? Hardcore but it totally works.

    Don't feel guilty! And honestly, 24 hours and I was transformed :p. I know it's hard to feed when there is pain but its important for keeping your supply up. You're doing great!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭lolademmers

    Had the PHN here this morning and she has arranged for the lactation consultant to call to me. What kills me though is I know exactly what I should and shouldn't be doing it's just he is not latching deep enough. Sitting here with my left nipple bleeding at the moment no bra on trying to get the air at it and have some breast milk on it too. Would love a day or two of a break so they can heal but my milk will dry up then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Littlepoo

    Great thread. Im also exclusively feeding my son and almost at the 4 week mark. I got thrush in both breasts along with an infection in my section scar this week so the past few days have been trying and very painful. But when I can take my son into the bed beside me and feed him with no preperation or disturbing my husband and daughter it makes it all worth while and it is so easy to go out and about with only a couple of nappies and wipes. Here is hoping for many more months of enjoyable breastfeeding! Keep positive ladies :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Hey ladies, quick question. LO is 13 weeks now, chewing on her fist constantly so I assume a bit of teething (even though she is still young) is boob chewing a side effect? I am being gummed to bejesus! She actually hurt the right one today gumming it with force.
