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Running Through The Wall



  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Good luck with that. Mind those sharp bends!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Ferris B wrote: »
    Good luck with that. Mind those sharp bends!

    I will!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 10th November

    Mon: 6.8 miles home from work, nice and easy - 53:50
    Weds: Went out for a lunchtime run - 5.5 miles, no watch. Lovely. Injected a little bit of pace and felt good.
    Thu: 6.65 miles, 53:06. Nice handy run before heading off to a wedding for the day.
    Sat: St Anne's parkrun 5k

    And so the day came to make my debut at St. Anne's... to see what all the fuss was about :P . Ran down (about 2 miles), ran the 5k, did some scanning and then ran home - so just over 7 miles done in total.

    Decided to not wear a watch again, just to see what difference it might make, if any. Was still a little tired from both the marathon, and drinking on weds and thurs during the week. But I wasnt too fussed about times, just wanted a nice workout. And I got it.

    Felt good through the first lap and around towards the main avenue, was in the top 3 or 4 for most of the lap, but had slipped to 6th as we passed half way (split time 8:49 from the timekeeper shouting it out). I knew I had gone out way too fast, and was hoping I would not get a return visit from my breakfast bagel.

    Held on anyhow through the second lap, but could not make up any places. Instead I was just aiming to consolidate 6th place, which I did.... and finished in 17:59. Not too shabby - reasonably happy with that.

    Sun: 10 miles, 6 or 7 of which I was accompanied on, taking in Bull Island, Clontarf and St annes. It was a beautiful morning as I set off at 8:45, the sun streaming up Brookwood Avenue. Wow, what a day. Really enjoyed the run. 1:24:53.

    A nice week's running (35.95 miles) as I start to unwind some of the stresses of the marathon, and some indicators of where I am ahead of the Run in the Dark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 17th November

    Mon: 5.4 miles home from work, 47:50
    Wed: Run in the Dark 5k

    A few of the gang from work were signing up for this, so I said I'd join them for it. Chose the 5k, as I didnt fancy a 10k so soon after the marathon. The parkrun at the weekend suggested I should be in the sub 18 region again, so that was the aim again.

    Turned on the garmin at lunchtime to change it to kms, to find out the battery was almost gone. How did that happen? Hmmm. Luckily I was able to borrow a watch off someone at work - a standard old school casio badboy. That would do fine.

    There's been lots of discussions in the Events thread as to some of the issues with this race.... I think the one that affected me most was the hanging around in the cold at the start. I felt sorry for those further back - as I was at 4km, there were still streams people starting! How did that happen!

    Got chatting to a few people at the start and did a warmup and some strides. The difficulty with this race was that you didnt know if it was 5k runners or 10k runners around you until the last 100m or so when the 10k guys turned off. As such, it might look like you were 5th or 6th at any given stage, when in fact you were a couple more places up in the 5k race.

    I made sure to start up the front to avoid overcrowding and having to weave around everyone. And finally off we went, and I had clear road bar a handful of runners. I started fast enough to stay within sight of the leaders, and went through 1km in approx 3:20 - prob a bit too fast, so I pulled it back a little bit. I dont have my splits - I was terrified of hitting any of the buttons on this unfamiliar timepiece! We went over Matt Talbot bridge and turned right, to have the wind at our backs for the trip to the Point. This was lovely and flat, and felt easy. I picked up a few places along here as I took advantage of the breeze.

    The much anticipated turnaround came about and it was headlong into the breeze. I maintained effort and passed some more people before we crossed over Samuel Beckett Bridge and passed 4km. By now I was still feeling really strong and was confident that I wouldnt let anyone past me. I could see the lad ahead of me and wondered what position he was in. He was too far ahead for me to close in on him and catch him.

    As we turned for the final straight, I put in that final surge, passing over the 5km timing mat in 17:35, a new PB, and onto 3rd place overall. First was 16:57 and second was 17:25 - so not that far behind them.

    Delighted with that as it felt loose and easy throughout, and it bodes well for trying to beat that time over the winter season!

    About 5.5 miles total running including warmup and cooldown

    Fri: 5.81 miles into work in 49:56

    Life kind of got in the way over the weekend so I didnt get any further miles in. 15.71 miles in total this week :(

    I've been drafted in to pace 1:40 for the Clontarf Half next Saturday. Looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 24th November

    Mon: 8.4 miles home from work, 1:01:36
    Wed: 8 miles easy home from work, 1:06:57
    Thu: 4.8 miles easy - 39:04
    Sat: Pacing 1:40 @ Clontarf Half Marathon

    Took up an opportunity that came my way to pace this race due to someone else dropping out. I know the route well, as it plays a significant part in my training, so was happy enough to do it. It would double up as a decent long run for me too.

    I was down there early, picked up my number and made myself comfortable in the comfort bus provided to keep the punters warm pre-race. After meeting up and saying hi to the other pacers and a few assorted boardsies, I got my balloons and lined up with fellow pacer Belcarra at the start of the second wave, which went off a couple of minutes after the first guys went out. The wave starts were a good idea due to the fact the early miles would be run on footpaths.

    Off we went soon after 10am, with the goal of keeping 4:40/km pace, which allowing for deviations etc should get us in around 10-15 seconds under 1:40. We had no issues keeping to that, and banked time even from the early kms, slowing up as we hit the sand for the beach stretch. No issues though, we knew we would be able to pick up more time back on the footpaths/ roads again without changing effort.

    I havent recorded splits, but I think we hit half way with about 10 seconds to spare, before turning round and heading for home. I was separated from belcarra at this stage, I was kind of boxed in too, so couldnt really catch up with him. Nonetheless, it probably worked out well in that we were able to manage two groups of runners, which while small, was a good move as the footpaths had to cater for runners going out and back.

    Had a few chats here and there with various runners, and passing water around etc. All was going fine coming back out to Bull Island, and we hit the beach on the return leg with time in the bank. This banked time frittered away to nothing on the beach stretch, and we had to inject a little bit of pace as we worked towards the wooden bridge.

    Things picked up as we got closer and closer to home, and a good few runners were now pushing on ahead and weaving through the backmarkers from the 5 mile race. I think many of the runners who stuck with us ultimately came in around 1:38 or so, which was great running. I crossed the line in 1:40 on the button after slowing to a walk to come back and encourage runners across the line. While that left nothing to spare, all of the group had gone over the line at this stage and it really was just a case of closing things off.

    Stats: HM 1:40:00; HR avg 153, max 172. Effort felt fine throughout. Overall good conditions for running - a little cold, but the breeze wasnt too harsh thankfully. I thought the organisation was good, plenty of water etc.

    Had some post-race soup and then 2.2 miles run home - 18:47

    15.2 miles total today. 36.4 miles in total this week.

    Have decided to use a P&D 55-70 plan, with a couple of adaptations for my Donadea preparation. Looking forward to the training program - Christmas will be my nemesis though!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 1st December

    Mon: 8.5 miles home w/10 x 100m strides at end. 1:07:28
    Wed: 12.3 miles medium long run; 1:38:45
    Thu: 6.6 miles lunchtime run out to Irishtown Nature Reserve - 50:00
    Fri: Was out on Thursday night (a late one), but got in a 6 miler into work. Felt great after it. No watch with me.
    Sun: 16.3 miles; 2:12:09; avg pace 8:06/mi

    A good week's work, as I start to ramp up training for Donadea in February.

    Total miles: 49.7

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 8th December

    Mon: 8.5 miles home 1:08:59
    Tue: 6.1 miles into work; 48:48
    Wed: 10.5 miles with 5 miles @ HM pace. Total 1:17:01; HR avg 139/ max 165

    First 2.5 miles: 15:48/ 6:18/mi / HR 151
    Second 2.5 miles: 15:51/ 6:20/mi / HR 159

    Was dreading this one, but turned out alright in the end and wasn't that uncomfortable. A pleasing endeavour.

    Thu: 8.5 miles home from work; 1:07:05
    Fri: 6.7 miles into work; 56:22
    Sun: 14.3 miles medium long run; 1:59:22; avg pace 8:21/mi. Significant wind in my face on the run back from Sutton, almost made me want to pack it all in and jump on the bus!

    Another solid week as I tip over the 50 mile marker for the first time this training cycle.

    Total miles: 54.6

    Week ending 15th December

    Mon: 6 miles at lunch and another 6 in the evening on the way home. No watch with me for either of them unfortunately.
    Tue: 6.3 miles, lunchtime run ahead of office Christmas drinks in the evening.
    Thu: 11.9 miles with 6 miles @ HM pace. Total 1:25:43; HR avg 145/ max 171

    First 3 miles: 19:05/ 6:22/mi / HR 153
    1:30 of recovery run in between - headwind was excessive....
    Second 3 miles: 19:10/ 6:23/mi / HR 163

    Once again, the headwind was a serious obstacle in the way of a successful completion of this session, so I took a little downtime in the middle of the 6 mile HM pace. Got there in the end though.

    Fri: 5.3 miles into work nice and easy - 44:14
    Sat: St Anne's parkrun 5k

    1.4 mile warmup - 11:19

    A very blustery morning down in St Annes as I took the opportunity to participate and then do some scanning afterwards.

    Off we went, and I was with the leaders - 2 or 3 lads in particular made a play for the front, and I hung with them. The front 2 looked quite comfortable, while I hung back and kept an eye on my pace - I knew the last time I did this that my first lap was way too fast, so I was determined not to make that mistake again.

    The wind wasn't a major factor for the most part on the first lap, except for about 2-300m at the back end of the park where it was horrendous. At this stage I was still in 3rd/ 4th, with the front two a few metres ahead. About halfway down the long stretch that is the main avenue some lad just steamed through at top speed, leaving both myself and the other guys for dead. Where did he come from!? Then I thought...hmmm maybe he thinks that it is just one lap..... turns out that's exactly what happened. I passed him by about 500m into the second lap.

    I can't remember exactly where I dropped the guy who was challenging me for 3rd, but I think it was with about 1.3-1.5km to go where I didn't hear any footsteps around me. With about a km to go, thoughts turned to whether I could catch the two lads in front, who looked like they were out for a stroll. I was gaining a little as we had about 700m to go, then one of them turned around and noticed me, and they both put on the jets and found another gear. I did not have the matching gear.

    But I held on to 3rd place - delighted to have 'podiumed' in St Annes parkrun, in a PB time of 17:28 - 7 seconds off the previous time set at Run in the Dark a few weeks ago.

    Great workout. HR avg 176 max 186.

    Sun: The dreaded long run. Having not had a proper chance for a cool down or stretch after the exertions of Saturday's 5k, I knew this was going to be an ordeal.

    And it was. Up to Sutton, Howth Summit, and back.

    20 miles - 2:50:51/ avg pace 8:33/mi

    60 miles in the bag this week. Admirable with all the Christmas shenanigans going on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 22nd December

    Tue: 13.2 miles home from work taking in a lot of South Dublin along the way. 1:48:02
    Wed: 8.05 miles home from work with 8 x 100m strides 1:03:46
    Thu: 6 miles into work; 49:56
    Fri: 6 miles into work, no watch
    Sat: Had 16 miles with 12 MP planned. Felt a little pull/ twinge on my right foot that threatened to get badass, so I pulled out of the session. No point in risking things.

    Disappointing week due to pulling the session early, but hopefully a speedy recovery was on the way. 33.25 miles in total.

    Week ending 29th December

    Mon: Said I'd try a light jog from Blackrock to end of Dun Laoghaire pier and back. No longstanding issues from Saturday's twinge. 7 miles - 1:00:58
    Tue: 6.33 miles easy, 52:26
    Thu: A delightful 8 miles on a crisp sunny day up to Glenstal Forest and back from the in-laws, Limerick. 1:04:36
    Sat: Another attempt at the 16 w/12 MP, this time successful I am pleased to say. Did loops in St. Anne's park, breaking the 12 up into segments. MP target was 6:50/mi.

    Total: 16.5 miles in 1:56:35; avg pace 7:04 mi; HR avg 152, max 168

    1.8 miles w/u; 15:12; 8:26.mi; HR 120

    3.69 miles MP; 25:01; 6:47/mi; HR 157
    47 secs recovery to grab some water, kept running at slow pace (7:51/mi)

    3.85 miles MP; 26:01; 6:45/mi; HR 158
    59 secs recovery run

    3.37 miles MP; 22:31; 6:41/mi; HR 161
    53 secs recovery run

    2 miles MP; 13:16; 6:37/mi; HR 162

    1.45 miles c/d to home; 11:57; HR 147

    So that's 12.91 MP miles. And yes I know there were some little recovery run breaks in between them, but they were insignificant in nature and were really just to pick up my bottle, have a few swigs and head off again. Felt great during and after this session, especially chuffed after last week's disappointment.

    Sun: 7 miles - Blackrock to end of DL pier and back. 55:48 or 7:58/mi

    A nice week of running, coupled with Christmas excesses!

    44.83 miles.

    Last few days of 2013:

    Mon 30th Dec: Speedwork. Did this on the prom in Sandymount at about 5 in the evening. Plan was 9 miles w/5 x 600m at 5k pace with 90 secs recovery in between each (target 3:30/km).

    Total - 9 miles, 1:09:31; avg 7:51/mi; No HRM with me unfortunately.

    3.15 miles w/u - 25:19

    Rep 1: 2:03:45
    Rep 2: 2:04:20
    Rep 3: 2:06:95
    Rep 4: 2:07:38
    Rep 5: 2:11:13

    Hadn't realised at the time that each was getting progressively slower.... albeit the last rep was slightly over the 600m mark.

    3.27 miles c/d, 27:19

    Good session all the same, and went comfortably enough despite having done a heavy one on Saturday. Not ideal to have them close together, but there you go.

    Tue: 6.1 miles into work. 51:29.

    And that wraps 2013.

    2017.23 miles in total - just counted up my miles there at the weekend and realised I was close to the magical marker for the first time. And so there I did it - 2000 miles threshold: crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 5th January

    Mon and Tue as per previous post.
    Meant to add my pace in kms into the Tuesday session - they are as follows:

    Rep 1: 3:23/km
    Rep 2: 3:25/km
    Rep 3: 3:27/km
    Rep 4: 3:26/km
    Rep 5: 3:27/km

    Thu: 14.2 miles medium length run. Went up to Santry Demesne for the bulk (about 9 miles) of this, and did some laps. Had never been there before - nice spot, and would be good for doing some MP stuff I'd say. 1:55:41.
    Fri: Morning: 6.13 miles w/6*100m strides; 53:20
    Evening: 4.1 miles easy with Mrs. Killerz
    Sat: 5.5 miles easy, lovely evening for it. 43:42
    Sun: Long run 20.5 miles - out to Phoenix Park via Royal Canal path, some miles in the park, and then back the same way again. Slow, drudging, tired from the week that had just passed. Thankfully I enjoyed the worst of the weather by heading out around 11:30am. 2:54:38 or 8:31/mi. Time on feet I suppose.

    65.53 miles for the week, with over 50 of those squeezed into the last 4 days of the week. Probably not the wisest idea, but that's how it fell this time round. A peak week for sure, unlikely I will go much higher than this in the run up to Donadea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Killerz wrote: »

    Sun: Long run 20.5 miles - out to Phoenix Park via Royal Canal path, some miles in the park, and then back the same way again. Slow, drudging, tired from the week that had just passed.

    You looked pretty steady when I saw you. Good week for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Ferris B wrote: »
    You looked pretty steady when I saw you. Good week for you.

    Aw shucks..... I was just trying to look cool and composed as you came towards me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 12th January

    Mon: 8 miles home from work; 1:07:58
    Tue: 12.6 miles home from work; 1:45:26 – avg pace 8:21/mile
    Thu: 11 miles home from work; 1:31:07
    Fri: 6 miles into work; 50:18
    Sat: 19 miles with 13.5 miles @ MP. Total 2:16:19; avg pace 7:10/mi; HR avg 156, max 181

    Plan was to get up early, do most of my miles before 9:30 and join parkrun for the last 3 miles of my MP session before running home again.

    2.18 miles down to the park – 19:23/ avg pace 8:53/mi; HR 137
    MP: 4.82 miles; 32:25 or 6:46/mi; 160 HR
    0.21 miles at 8:17 pace; 1:47 – grab drink of water
    MP: 3.55 miles; 23:56 or 6:45/mi; 164 HR
    0.7 miles as I hung around waiting for the start of parkrun – almost 8 mins – did some strides too
    MP: 3.12 miles (parkrun – 6th place); 18:42 or 6:00/mi; 164 HR
    MP: 1.9 miles continuing on after parkrun; 12:30 or 6:35/mi; 168 HR
    2.52 miles home; 18:56.

    Yes there was a couple of recovery periods during the MP run, but nonetheless, that is 13.4 miles at MP or better, with the parkrun element being significantly above MP and at the end of my run to boot – so I am satisfied with that session.

    Was pretty wrecked after Saturday’s session and legs were a bit sore, so took it handy on Sunday and didn’t run at all. 56.61 miles total

    Week ending 19th January

    Tue: 6.15 miles home from work, enjoyable run, 50:11
    Wed: 10 miles with 5 x 1km at 5k pace (3:30/km) with 100 secs recovery. Total 1:19:13; HR avg 142, max 176; avg pace 8:09/mi

    Wasn’t sure what kind of shape I was in for this one or how it might shake out…. All reps were into a headwind.

    2.6 miles warm up: 21:53
    Rep 1: 3:34; HR 159
    Rep 2: 3:38; HR 165
    Rep 3: 3:36; HR 169
    Rep 4: 3:40; HR 168
    Rep 5: 3:43; HR 168
    3.8 miles c/d to home; 32:32

    So, the reps got progressively worse, which is unlike my old experiences with this type of session. Tiredness probably getting the better of me, along with tough conditions. Not overly worried.

    Thu: 6 miles into work; 49:29
    Fri: With an exam on Saturday, I had Friday off work to do some studying. Got out for a head-clearing 6.1 miles on the trails of St Annes around 4pm. 46:50.
    Sat: An easy 3 in pretty cold rain, Saturday lunchtime, ahead of my 3pm exam. 23:58.
    Sun: Met up with Ferris B for a long run. Ferris is training for Donadea and Conn Ultra so our training paths are somewhat aligned, with me aiming towards Donadea and Boston in April. Did 23 miles in total probably running together for about 21 or so of those, including 2 laps of Howth. For a 23 mile run, time just flew past and was great to have to have the company. My average pace overall was 8:42/mile; HR avg 129, max 159.

    54.25 miles this week. Not into the 60’s as I might have hoped, but the principal sessions were done and I am feeling good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 26th January

    Mon: 7.3 miles home from work; 58:29
    Tue: 6 miles late evening run, 48:53
    Wed: Was due to do some speedwork anyhow this evening, so I opted to do one of the Raheny Race Series events - this one was a 2 miler.

    4 miles run down to Raheny clubhouse, some warm-up and a few strides.
    2 mile race: 11:01. 2nd finisher out of 56 I think; HR avg 172, max 182.

    Nice work out, lovely evening for it. Target was sub 11 minutes, but I got drawn in to a tactical effort instead, holding back on the first lap (think I went through on 5:32) as I was on the shoulder of the leader (macanri from boards, which I didnt know at the time). Unfortunately, midway through the second lap, it became evident that someone else was holding back too. Slingshot by the eventual winner - off he went... I gave chase to a point, he looked pretty relaxed, finished 3 seconds behind him in the end. While I didnt get sub 11 or first place, I did bag a PB over the 2 miles and a good session nonetheless.

    Cool-down lap with belcarra before heading to the Raheny clubhouse for tea, kit-kat and a good ol chinwag with eoinin, HelenAnne and assorted other non-boardsies before running home again - 3.3 miles.

    9.3 miles in total.

    Thu: 14 miles home from work. 1:58:05, tough enough going after the effort of yesterday evening's race.
    Fri: 7.5 miles into work with 8 * 100m strides towards the end. Garmin batts went - no timing.
    Sun: Raheny 5 Mile Road Race

    This doesnt really fit in to my Donadea training plan, but I do love this race, so couldn't resist.

    2.4 miles warm-up with a few strides and all that kind of warmie-uppie stuff.
    5 mile race. Found it tough out there. Splits as follows:

    Mile 1: 5:44; HR 164
    Mile 2: 5:56; HR 175 - this was the costly mile - headwind was tough, Howth Road
    Mile 3: 5:44; HR 175
    Mile 4: 5:42; HR 175
    Mile 5: 5:59; HR 178

    Overall: 5 miles, 29:04 (watch time)/ 5:46/mi; HR avg 173, max 180

    Would have loved to go under 29 minutes, and maybe the chip will show that, though I would say its highly unlikely. I left it all out there though and still managed a PB (only by a few seconds), but that will do nicely thanks. Edit: Chip time was 29:03, 97th place.

    Great to catch up with a few of the gang before and after the race - lots of familiar faces out and about. Great race as always.

    Bit of a cool down afterwards - probably taking me up to 8 miles for the day.

    Overall, a good week's running - 52.1 miles in the bag.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    You looked very comfortable with 1/2 a mile to go!!
    Whats the plan for Donadea? I see you are considering giving it a proper lash (talk of taper etc) you'd be well capable of 3:4x if you raced it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    menoscemo wrote: »
    You looked very comfortable with 1/2 a mile to go!!
    Whats the plan for Donadea? I see you are considering giving it a proper lash (talk of taper etc) you'd be well capable of 3:4x if you raced it...

    Maybe I was too comfortable? Maybe I should have put more into it? Sometimes I get bored during these races and chicken out from a mental perspective. That might well have happened - was possibly inside the comfort zone?

    The plan is to give Donadea a lash, yes. Will all depend on how everything aligns going in to that day - weather, last of the training, conditions underfoot, and the fact that really I have only done a marathon training program rather than anything longer. I do believe I am capable of that 3:4x range alright on a good day... I need to make some final decisions on how to approach it yet.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Killerz wrote: »
    Maybe I was too comfortable? Maybe I should have put more into it? Sometimes I get bored during these races and chicken out from a mental perspective. That might well have happened - was possibly inside the comfort zone?

    The plan is to give Donadea a lash, yes. Will all depend on how everything aligns going in to that day - weather, last of the training, conditions underfoot, and the fact that really I have only done a marathon training program rather than anything longer. I do believe I am capable of that 3:4x range alright on a good day... I need to make some final decisions on how to approach it yet.....

    Yep, i think there is more to come. You were too smiley and chatty a t that stage :P

    Good man on donadea, sounds like you'll be running close to CL. I will just be taking it as a long training run. Hope yee don't lap me :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Yep, i think there is more to come. You were too smiley and chatty a t that stage :P

    Good man on donadea, sounds like you'll be running close to CL. I will just be taking it as a long training run. Hope yee don't lap me :D

    I hope you don't mind Killerz but have a quick query for Meno....just wondering what sort of pace you are planning for donadea? I've conn ultra on the horizon and am trying to figure out what's best thing to do in donadea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Ferris B wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind Killerz but have a quick query for Meno....just wondering what sort of pace you are planning for donadea? I've conn ultra on the horizon and am trying to figure out what's best thing to do in donadea.

    I am planning a sub 4 in Donadea (7:40/mile or 24 minutes per 5k) my main goal is sub 3 in London in April. I am just treating donadea as a nice long steadyish run so I won't bust a gut to hit my target.
    If your 'A' goal is Connemara Ultra I wouldn't race Donadea, though you could probably run it fairly close to your planned ultra pace....What's the goal? The important thing is that it doesn't affect your next weeks training negatively, you will probably need 2-3 days easy after donadea but no more IMO

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    menoscemo wrote: »
    I am planning a sub 4 in Donadea (7:40/mile or 24 minutes per 5k) my main goal is sub 3 in London in April. I am just treating donadea as a nice long steadyish run so I won't bust a gut to hit my target.
    If your 'A' goal is Connemara Ultra I wouldn't race Donadea, though you could probably run it fairly close to your planned ultra pace....What's the goal? The important thing is that it doesn't affect your next weeks training negatively, you will probably need 2-3 days easy after donadea but no more IMO

    Yep, the main goal is conn. V good point about recovery time post donadea. Just need to discipline myself now. Thanks for your input.

    Killerz, you can have your log back now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 2nd February

    Been a while since I caught up on the log, so here goes....

    Mon: 6.2 miles home from work; 50:12
    Tue: Having done the Raheny 5, I shifted the long run out to Tuesday after work. I knew this would be a challenge, having never done more than 14-15 miles after work before. Anyhow, banged it out in 2hrs 52 and was delighted with myself. It actually wasnt as tough as I thought it would be. 20.3 miles, avg pace 8:28.
    Thu: Lunchtime run with a few strides thrown in - 6.1 miles. 48:41
    Sat: Said I'd have a lash at the parkrun (St. Anne's), 2 weeks out from Donadea. Was prepared to go for a PB, but anything around 18 mins would be a good workout.

    2.4 miles easy jog down to St Anne's - 20:41

    Weather promised showers - not ideal, but rather running than volunteering today. As the klaxon went, I slotted in behind the guy who went off into the lead and stuck with him. The pace was very comfortable, I was just hoping it wasnt comfortable for him! We went through half way and into the second lap, with no one else really close to us from what I could see. With about a km and a half to go, I passed the guy in first more by just holding my pace rather than speeding up, but then once I hit the main straight I put a bit more effort in, building a significant enough lead to finish in 17:59, almost 30 secs ahead of second place. This was my first time finishing first in any running events, and it was very cool to do it at this particular event!

    5km - 17:59 - avg HR 170, max 181.

    A great little boost a couple of weeks out from the 50km.

    Sun: Had 16 miles pencilled in for the Sunday. Did not stretch properly on Saturday after the parkrun and paid for it the next day. Didnt enjoy this run at all, and called it a day after 14.3 miles - 2:08:41 (probably about the equivalent of 16 miles on a normal day time-wise.

    52.4 miles this week

    Week ending 9th February

    Tue: 7.6 miles home from work 1:03:00
    Thu: 8.6 miles with 3 x 1 mile at 5k pace w/2 mins recovery..... well that's the target anyhow.

    Total: 1:04:26; HR AVG 142, max 173

    Warm up - 2.65 mile; 21:21
    Mile 1: 5:56; HR 158
    Mile 2: 5:51; HR 166
    Mile 3: 5:53; HR 166
    Cool down to home: 2.44 miles

    Fri: 5.6 miles into work - 46:32
    Sun: 11.9 miles, 8 of which were spent with Ferris B running along the seafront. Nice easy run, miles flew past.

    Week ending 16th February

    Tues: Was travelling with work Mon-Tues, got back in on Tues evening and out for my last session pre-Donadea. 7.2 miles, w/2 MP. Driving snow and wind did not help.

    Total: 7.2 miles; 54:41
    MP: 2 miles @ 6:39/mi

    Thu: 2.8 miles very easy: 23:31
    Sat: Donadea 50km

    This was to be my goal race of the Spring. Training had gone reasonably well, but I think overall I was well-trained for a marathon, rather than anything beyond it. Endurance was not at its great in the run-up, moreover speed seemed to have been the area I had improved most in in this training cycle. Lots going on in regular non-running life too, culminating in me not knowing for sure if I would be racing until Friday lunchtime.

    So enough of the excuses.

    Weather had been poor over the past couple of weeks, and I had some concerns on the effect this may have on the course. Having not seen the donadea loop before, I was imagining very muddy forest trails. I understood that the trees would provide some shelter, so I was not overly concerned about wind.

    Myself and Mrs Killerz arrived down at the race HQ around half 8/ quarter to 9 in the morning, ahead of a 10am start. It was pretty cold and damp out, so was happy to stay in the car for a while before the start.

    Nice atmosphere there, reminded me a lot of the Canadian trail races which I really loved. After a few chats with familiar faces, we were off. The course consists of 10 x laps of just under 5km, with an additional spur added to the first lap to make up the 50km total.

    Lap 1 (slightly longer lap): 22:45

    Having seen a few significant puddles on course, I positioned myself up towards the front (maybe 2nd or 3rd row) to try and get good positioning on the road and avoid getting the feet wet so early. Worked well, and I felt good as we set off. This lap was too fast - Excluding the initial spur, it was 6:57/mi for the 21:26 lap. I was getting carried away early. HR 159

    Lap 2: 21:35; 6:58/mi

    Maintained this pace as I was in step with a couple of other runners... didnt really want to be on my own to be honest. As I felt comfortable, I stuck with it. Gel at end of lap. HR 155

    Lap 3: 21:33; 6:56/mi

    Still plugging away here. HR 158.

    Lap 4: 21:44; 7:01/mi

    Pace still too fast, by about 10-15 secs per mile. HR 154. Gel at the end of the lap.

    Lap 5: 22:00; 7:06/mi

    Still feeling reasonably good at this point, and was looking forward to starting the second half of the race... Slowing a little, which was good - HR 156

    Lap 6: 22:23; 7:14/mi

    I think it was this lap or the next where Gary O'Hanlon (race winner) came by me. I'm sure he must have passed at some other stage, but I don't recall that happening. I was starting to get a little tired at this stage. Gel at end of lap. HR 158

    Lap 7: 22:35; 7:17/mi

    Lap 7 brought us to 35km, and it was this and the following lap where mentally I was suffering a lot. I was losing interest, feeling fatigued and knew I had gone out too fast and was now suffering. HR 161

    Lap 8: 23:09; 7:26/mi

    Slowing again, but still running at a reasonable pace. Was feeling pretty down in the dumps finishing this lap, gel at the end and passing through the start/ finish area was really wondering what time I was going to finish this in. A bit light-headed at times during this. After what happened to me in Chicago, I am always very conscious of this, and reeled in my pace big-time. HR 161

    Lap 9: 24:26; 7:53/mi

    Slowed to a walk twice on this one, and was in an exposed area of the course when a serious rain/ hail shower came down, freezing me. Thankfully it was over pretty quickly and did not cause any major issues. Went through the marathon distance in about 3 hours and 8 mins - thought to myself that the marathon was where it was at - what was I doing going for 50k!

    Each lap seemed to have a few uphills for the first half, but then mostly downhills in the second half. I was dreading the start of each lap for that reason. A few signs of cramp during this lap. Hopefully it would hold off. HR 158

    Lap 10: 24:22; 7:53/mi

    Finally the last lap! Unfortunately, the aid station was all out of water as I was about to head out for the last 5km. They only had powerade which I wasnt interested in. Thankfully, FBOT01 who had come down to spectate was on hand with some water. I was feeling pretty rough at this stage but roused myself for the final lap. Target was just to at least keep 8 min miles to get in with a result of 3:4x. That was building in a lot of contingency as it happens, but my maths wasnt great at that stage!

    On the hill towards the 1km marker, cramp was starting to really set in again, so I did what I could to manage it and slowed to a walk for about 20 seconds soon after that. Got going again and just pushed myself through each km marker and was counting down the kms to the end. With 1km left, I was still feeling awful, a little pukey, a little crampy, but just kept plugging away.

    Finally, the last turn and the 300m or so to the end came around. Pushed on through for the finish. 16th place, 3:46:33. Thank God that was over!

    Great race, lovely medal. I paid for going out too fast and not doing long enough runs in training. On the flipside, I am proud of what was a great run, fighting the mental demons and plugging away to finish in a very respectable time. Anto and the team put on a special event and for anyone who hasnt done it, it is well worth adding to the list for the future.

    The mud and puddles didnt play a big factor in my race. If I had held back a little over the first few laps, I think I may have been able to hold a more even pace overall. Having said that, it was laps 9 and 10 where I was maybe 2 mins behind target time, and I had that in the bank from the start, so all in all, the result was pretty much the same, just more painful the way I did it.

    Thanks to everyone who supported. The shout outs of 'pretty in pink' from marshals and supporters really kept me going. :D

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Great report. Boggles me that you can make any attempt to decifer one lap from the other though. They always just merge into one for me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Great report. Boggles me that you can make any attempt to decifer one lap from the other though. They always just merge into one for me!

    Haha, I get what you're saying alright.... Some of those middle laps merge a bit, distinguished mostly by whether i had a gel or not!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,179 ✭✭✭Gavlor

    fair play to you for sticking with it. The monotony of all those laps would kill me!

    Will you try the distance again? Maybe a loop as opposed to laps??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,431 ✭✭✭sideswipe

    Fair play J. Great race and report. Are you doing Conn Ultra this year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super report, great race. Don't know how you do those looped laps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Gavlor wrote: »
    fair play to you for sticking with it. The monotony of all those laps would kill me!

    Will you try the distance again? Maybe a loop as opposed to laps??
    Super report, great race. Don't know how you do those looped laps.

    Cheers guys, and fair point re the laps. You've hit the nail on the head there I think. Leaving aside the benefits of a lapped course for race directors (something I understand myself from a resource and logistics perspective - St Anne's Parkrun is two loops), from my point of view as a runner, there are pluses and minuses to the lap system but ultimately the mental aspect of all those laps probably got to me. First few laps go okay as you are fresh, then the middle laps when you are getting tired and are neither at the start nor the finish, that's where the head can drift a little. You can pick it up again towards the end as you are focused on finishing the race, but by then, some damage may be done. Point to point 50k (or any race for that matter) would probably suit me better, and has done so in the past. Don't get me wrong, I hit my goal time, just found it tough.... And that was completely my own doing.
    sideswipe wrote: »
    Fair play J. Great race and report. Are you doing Conn Ultra this year?

    Cheers K, shame you couldn't make it down. I will have to settle for randomly passing you about once every two months on our respective run-commutes. Won't be doing Conn - have Boston in late April, so I said I'd leave it for this year. I'd probably be in better shape for this year funnily enough, Donadea would be a good stepping stone with sufficient recovery time before it... Are you toeing the line?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,431 ✭✭✭sideswipe

    Killerz wrote: »

    Cheers K, shame you couldn't make it down. I will have to settle for randomly passing you about once every two months on our respective run-commutes. Won't be doing Conn - have Boston in late April, so I said I'd leave it for this year. I'd probably be in better shape for this year funnily enough, Donadea would be a good stepping stone with sufficient recovery time before it... Are you toeing the line?

    Yeah Was sorry to miss yesterday, loved it last year.
    Trying to get quicker rather than go longer myself this year with mixed fortunes. Looking at your 3:08 for marathon distance yesterday with much envy- would love to be within touching distance of that in Barcelona!

    Good luck with the rest of your training for Boston- I'm sure it will be a very special race this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 23rd February

    Not a whole lot done this week, finished off with a nice weekend away. Just so happens i met a fellow boardsie while there! Took 7 days off after the 50k, returning to action with a 5 mile run on Sunday evening.

    Going to start stepping up for Boston now, building up to a couple of long runs in late March and early April. I'm also doing the 1:30 pace job for Limerick Half, so I will be doing some faster stuff (HM pace) as part of the training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 2nd March

    Can't believe it is March already! Spring is here.... well it seems to keep teasing us. This weather would drive anyone a bit nuts.

    Mon: 6.3 miles home from work; 52:34
    Wed: 8.4 miles home from work; 1:09:54
    Fri: 6 miles into work, 49:22
    Sat: St Annes parkrun:

    1.6 mile warmup - 13:28 - putting out km markers, run/walking
    5k parkrun: 19:29, 17th place. Took this nice and handy, still feeling the tiredness from Donadea. Decent enough jaunt around the course, an enjoyable run.

    km splits:

    1.6 mile cool down - 13:03, collecting the km markers!

    Sun: 10.35 miles nice and easy. 1:25:21; 8:15/mi. Been feeling a little niggle in the left knee over the past week, kind of bothering me and reckon it is to do with area around my knee rather than the joint area itself. Off to physio on Tues to have a look. May also be down to the orthotics which might need to be looked at.

    Back in the groove this week though, total miles: 37.35

    Will be looking at kicking off a HM plan in the next couple of weeks. This will be a hybrid that will also incorporate some longer runs with Boston in mind. Once Boston is done, Limerick half will be soon after, and following that, I would like to take a crack at my HM pb of 1:23 odd.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    It has been a while since I updated my log, so I better get on with it!

    Week ending 9th March

    Mon: 7 miles home from work - 55:45
    Wed: Cant remember what run this was - battery ran out.... :(
    Fri: 6 miles in to work - 47:13
    Sun: 15.2 lovely miles from Blackrock out to Dalkey and back, taking in both of Dun Laoghaire's piers. Lovely day for it. 1:59:28

    Week ending 16th March

    I'm planning on focusing my attention towards the HM this summer (although I do change my plans an awful lot). The first step is pacing Limerick HM, so I have started doing some more HM stuff, albeit considering I am relatively recently after doing 50k and also have Boston, the HM pace stuff is more at the 1:25 level rather than HM target which will probably be sub 1:20. I'll work towards that in more depth over the summer all going well.

    Tue: HM session
    3.75 mile warmup, 29:39
    4 x HM pace miles in a row, target <6:30 pm. Splits as follows
    Mile 1: 6:24; HR 155
    Mile 2: 6:23; HR 162
    Mile 3: 6:18; HR 162
    Mile 4: 6:13; HR 165
    Cool down 2.3 miles, 18:53

    Overall: 10.05 miles, 1:13:50 HR avg 142 max 167

    Thu: 8.2 miles home from work, 1:05:56
    Fri: 6 miles into work: 48:27

    These back to back runs have really served me well in recent training cycles. I appreciate there is a night's sleep in between, but doing 10-12 miles on Thursday evening and 6 miles straight out of bed on a Friday seems to have toughened me up!

    Was babysitting in Kildare from Saturday until Monday, so that was it in terms of runs for the week.

    Week ending 23rd March

    Was at the physio a couple of times over recent weeks to try and find out why I was getting some discomfort close to my knee. Long story short is that it is due to tight hammers. Luckily, some stretching that I now incorporate into my routine seems to be doing the job.

    Mon: (St. Patrick's Day). Got that long run in that was scheduled for yesterday. 19.3 miles; 2:34:38. A great run.
    Wed: Lunchtime run, 6.15 miles, 46:45

    Thu: HM session
    3.68 mile warmup, 28:03
    5 HM pace miles in a row, target <6:30 pm. Didnt take splits but overall:
    31:29; avg pace 6:18/mile; HR 163
    Cool down 2.02 miles, 18:53

    Overall: 10.7 miles, 1:15:41 HR avg 149 max 174

    Fri: 6 miles into work, 47:35
    Sat: Malahide parkrun: 1.5 miles warmup + 3.1 miles parkrun + 0.5 mile cool down.

    Parkrun: 17:49 HR avg 176, max 185. 4th place.
    Found this tough - was quite tired, but a nice run out all the same, and nice to go back to Malahide again, where I hadnt been since last summer.

    A solid week's work - 47:25 miles

    Week ending 30th March

    Mon: 7.4 miles home from work - 58:47
    Tue: 10.5 miles - 1:26:22
    Thu: HM session
    3.08 mile warmup, 23:36
    6 HM pace miles in a row, target <6:30 pm.
    First 3 miles: 19:10:62 avg pace 6:24/mile.
    Second 3 miles: 18:52:60 avg pace 6:17/mile
    2.29 miles cool down, 19:49

    Overall: 11.37 miles, 1:21:28 HR avg 147 max 170

    Fri: 5 miles into work, 41:09. Hailstones this morning wtf
    Sat: Long run:
    16.09 miles; 2:06:32 HR avg 132, max 175
    3.1 miles - St Annes parkrun - 19:49 HR avg 168, max 183. Met up with Meno, Claralara and Marthastew at the start of parkrun and joined the latter two for the first lap before pushing on a little in the second lap to try get in under the 20 mins.
    1.6 mile cool down - 13:01
    Total long run 20.79 miles overall 2:39:22 - avg pace 7:40/mile.
    Great morning run, lovely to meet the guys and catch up with them over a few miles.

    Right. that brings the log up to date. Wont leave it so long next time!
    Must start my beer mile training soon come to think of it.

    55.06 miles in the bag this week as I start to taper for Boston, but maintain the HM pace stuff over the next couple of weeks.
