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variable valve timing hub



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 9,425 ✭✭✭FearDark

    colm_mcm wrote: »
    I'm 99.9% sure the European vesion of the 1.5 engine hasn't got VVT.

    There are two types of that engine.

    The GA16DE which does not have VVL and the SR16VE which is the variable valve version.

    Almeras have the GA16DE engine without VVL.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 937 ✭✭✭Mr.Diagnostic

    FearDark wrote: »
    There are two types of that engine.

    The GA16DE which does not have VVL and the SR16VE which is the variable valve version.

    Almeras have the GA16DE engine without VVL.

    The engine codes you mention would be for 1.6’s, right?

    The OP’s car is a 1.5……

    Was there ever an SR16? Not sure, but I think the only SR was a 2 litre.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,686 ✭✭✭JHMEG

    FearDark wrote: »
    Almeras have the GA16DE engine without VVL.
    A quick google shows that's in the 1-99 Sentra, 95-98 200SX, 91-93 NX1600. Almera has a 1.5 litre engine.

    I've never seen the 96bhp version of the Almera engine, it may have variable something, but on face value the figures suggest it doesn't. The 88bhp definitely doesn't (we had one for 3 years).

    OP, no-one on here has experience of, or knows your engine. It sounds like the garage that you brought it to may not know it either.

    Bring it to a Nissan garage or specialist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 nz039926

    That, if true, could nean that it is faulty. Equally it could mean that it has been put together wrongly.

    ==> I think you are right, but really think it's foolish of now, if they said the part if faulty, to pay for it without asking Nissan to check for me.

    Did they actually tell you this or is this the impression you got from something they said? If they told you this then that looks bad for them.

    That's what they mechanic said to me, almost word for word.
    3 teeth out and it doesn't lock but if he follows Nissan instructions it does lock.
    And that They are waiting for their senior technician to come on Monday or Tuesday to have a look at it and determine if the part is faulty or
    if they are putting it back the wrong way. Meanwhile I'm stranded without a car.
    I think it's appauling they made me order a part which costs £830 when they weren't sure it was faulty.

    As an aside, is this your regular garage? If not, do you have a regular garage?
    No, don't have a regular garage really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 nz039926

    JHMEG wrote: »
    A quick google shows that's in the 1-99 Sentra, 95-98 200SX, 91-93 NX1600. Almera has a 1.5 litre engine.

    I've never seen the 96bhp version of the Almera engine, it may have variable something, but on face value the figures suggest it doesn't. The 88bhp definitely doesn't (we had one for 3 years).

    OP, no-one on here has experience of, or knows your engine. It sounds like the garage that you brought it to may not know it either.

    Bring it to a Nissan garage or specialist.

    I'll see if I can determine the car engine type.
    All I know at this moment that it's a Nissan Almera Engine Size:1.5 Year:2003.

    I think I might have to end up taking the car to a Nissan specialist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 nz039926

    That, if true, could nean that it is faulty. Equally it could mean that it has been put together wrongly.

    Did they actually tell you this or is this the impression you got from something they said? If they told you this then that looks bad for them.

    As an aside, is this your regular garage? If not, do you have a regular garage?

    Garage contacted me and said car is now ready for me!
    Their senior engineer discovered they were aligning it with the wrong sprocket or something like that.
    I'm picking it up later, so will give an update then.
