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[In The Noclight] Futurecrook

  • 12-04-2009 12:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,523 ✭✭✭✭

    Ok,its futurecrooks turn.

    Q- how'd you end up on boards and the Noc forum.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    Nerin wrote: »
    Ok,its futurecrooks turn.

    Q- how'd you end up on boards and the Noc forum.

    Fonpokno made me join. Actually forced to sign up and create an account. I was too afraid to say no. :P

    I asked what forum I should look at first and she told me to come check out the nocturnal forum because you guys were awesome. I was going through a pretty rough time and had a horrible crappy sleeping pattern so it suited me that everyone here was up late. And everyone was super friendly so I decided to stay. And now there's no getting rid of me. Mwahaha... *continue evil laugh here* I mean... cough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    What pisses Futurecrook off about society?

    What's the worst thing Futurecrook has ever witnessed happening (doesn't necessarily mean something that has happened to you, more so the worst thing you've seen happening on a night out or something along the lines of that)?

    What's the best thing you've learned from boards?

    What's the worst thing you've learned from boards?

    Did you set yourself any goals to achieve this year?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,429 ✭✭✭✭star-pants

    Peanut butter yes or no?

    Favourite drink?

    What time of the day do you love the most?

    What's one of the best things you've experienced?

    Do you look up to anyone?

    If you could be any nocturnal animal what would you be?

    What's your favourite colour?

    Have you ever gone camping?

  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby


    Did you get a decent Easter egg this morning?

    If you were only allowed a ****ty little MP3 player with 5 albums on it, what would they be?

    Favourite nocturnal activity?

    Favourite non-nocturnal activity?

    Favourite nocturnal snack?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What pisses Futurecrook off about society?

    So much. The fact that the government (not just in this country) don't ever seem to actually care about people. Racism. The whole celebrity culture that's developed. The fact that people are worshipped (for want of a better word) for all the wrong reasons. The fact that there's so much emphasis on the idea of having a "normal" life where you go to school, college and then come straight out of it and get a job and spend your life at the same thing forever... I could go on, but I wont. :P
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's the worst thing Futurecrook has ever witnessed happening (doesn't necessarily mean something that has happened to you, more so the worst thing you've seen happening on a night out or something along the lines of that)?

    I was in a car before that knocked down a child. That was pretty awful.

    Other than that just horrible things on nights out in town, like a girl being screamed at by her boyfriend as he followed her down the street and then hitting her, no one stepping in (myself included - I was very drunk) only to see the same couple about half an hour later on a different street, arms wrapped around each other as though none of it had ever happened...
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's the best thing you've learned from boards?

    That the nocturnals are awesome. :D

    Oh, and that there will always be somebody to come through for you when you need them. :)
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's the worst thing you've learned from boards?

    That some people will always be petty and bitchy.
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    Did you set yourself any goals to achieve this year?


    Be more punctual.

    Pass my driving test.

    Get fit. Seriously, you know it's a bad sign when you're out of breath after running for the bus. :o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    What's your favourite childhood memory?

    If you wrote a novel what would it be about?

    What did you have for breakfast?

    What's your favourite film?

    What would be your dream job?

    (hehe, I know, I'm robbing the questions that you asked me:P)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook


    Did you get a decent Easter egg this morning?

    If you were only allowed a ****ty little MP3 player with 5 albums on it, what would they be?

    Favourite nocturnal activity?

    Favourite non-nocturnal activity?

    Favourite nocturnal snack?

    What kind of pie? *looks intrigued*

    I got one flake easter egg. My family are all away and me and my brother didn't think to buy them for each other. So we both have one each that my neighbour dropped over to us because mumsy asked her to. But I'm far too hungover to eat chocolate today so if anybody would like a flake I'm willing to share... :P

    Hmmm... only 5 albums? At the moment they'd probably be (in no particular order:

    - Martin Hayes - The Lonesome Touch
    - The soundtrack to Rent
    - Newton Faulkner - Hand Built by Robots
    - Sara Bareilles - Little Voice
    - Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American

    That was actually a really tough one.

    Favourite nocturnal activity is reading.

    Favourite non-nocturnal activity would be playing music.

    Favourite nocturnal snack? Hmmm... I'm partial to a cheese & onion tayto sandwich. Or nutella and peanut butter on digestive biscuits with a glass of milk. :pac:

    star-pants wrote: »
    Peanut butter yes or no?

    Favourite drink?

    What time of the day do you love the most?

    What's one of the best things you've experienced?

    Do you look up to anyone?

    If you could be any nocturnal animal what would you be?

    What's your favourite colour?

    Have you ever gone camping?

    Yes to peanutbutter I say. Especially in conjunction with something chocolatey. Nyom.

    Favourite drink is pomegranate juice and ginger ale mixed together. Sounds odd I know but it's really good. Too much of it is really sickening though. I drink alot of milk too. So that would probably count.

    Hmm, I'm not sure really. I love when it's really early in the morning (or late at night depending which way you're looking at it) and you're out and there's no one around and it's really peaceful. I love sunrise and sunset too. So really late night/early morning I suppose.

    I don't know if it counts but having nieces is something that's really changed my life. Holding them when they were first born and really teeny tiny was just amazing, and they've made such a big impact in my life. They really are such fascinating little things. Other than that I'm not sure though...

    I look up to a lot of people. My oldest sister and my mum being two of the first people who come to mind.

    I'd be a... *ponders* HEDGEHOG! Definitely. They're awesome. :D

    Blue or dark turqouise.

    Yup. Been on many the family camping trip. I love it. Thinking of organising one during the summer actually. Would you like to come? :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's your favourite childhood memory?

    If you wrote a novel what would it be about?

    What did you have for breakfast?

    What's your favourite film?

    What would be your dream job?

    (hehe, I know, I'm robbing the questions that you asked me:P)

    Favourite childhood memory? Hmmm... It's not really one specific memory, more an emalgamation of memories. I used to spend a lot of time down the country as neither of my parents are city folk (Roscommon and Laois) and I used to have ridiculous amounts of fun "exploring" whenever we were down there. My dad's parents used to have a donkey that we'd saddle up and ride around the field. (That poor donkey, I think we terrorised him but he was grumpy as fook :p) I have loads of really great memories of their place - climbing the trees in the orchard and picking the apples (and coming back covered in hives trying to deny we'd been eating the apples), watching the cows being milked and all that kind of stuff... My mum grew up near the shannon so on sunny days we'd go down there and go swimming and exploring the ruined castle, which was also awesome. Have some great memories of that too.

    I'd love to write a novel someday. I'm not really sure what it would be about but if would be kind of Terry Pratchett-esque but with the narration style of The Book thief, if you've ever read that. :P

    A chicken roll from Londis. I thought it would make my hangover go away but alas I was wrong. Food was a bad choice.

    Pan's Labyrinth or Memoirs of a Geisha.

    Composer. If I could make a living out of writing music, future would be a very happy crook. :D

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,809 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    What are you planning to ask me when it's my turn in the Noclight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    What are you planning to ask me when it's my turn in the Noclight.

    All the same questions I've asked the other noclightees...

    ...and some questions about donuts! :P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    Would you rather date a supermodel with no personality or an incredibly unattractive man with a great personality?

    You meet the love of your life but if you stay together you'll only live for three more years whereas if you don't you will live a long healthy life but never meet another love. Do you give her up or take the three years together?

    Would you like to have kids some day?

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    What's been your most embarrassing moment?

    What's the best/worst chat up line anyone's ever used on you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    Would you rather date a supermodel with no personality or an incredibly unattractive man with a great personality?

    Hmmm... I see what you've done here. :p

    Well as you said yourself LZ. Would I like to be rated/judged on my looks alone? Most definitely not. So I do I owe someone else the courtesy of treating them with the same respect? Probably. :P Personality is really important. I could never have a lasting relationship with someone with no personality. So I suppose I'd give the incredibly unattractive man a shot and if it didn't work out then I'd use the model for some fun until I found someone with both looks and personality... :p:D
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    You meet the love of your life but if you stay together you'll only live for three more years whereas if you don't you will live a long healthy life but never meet another love. Do you give him up or take the three years together?

    Give him up. My sister lost her husband so I've seen how hard it is to lose someone you love. I could never put someone I loved through that. So I'd give them up to let them find happiness with someone else and get on with my long lonely life...
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    Would you like to have kids some day?

    I'm not sure. I love kids. I adore my nieces. I "aww" at babies and I act silly with the young kids I teach but I'm not sure if it's for me. I think I'd like to, but not for at least ten years.
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    Not really. Lust/attraction at first sight yes, and I believe that love can grow from that. But love at first sight? No. That's just silly.
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's been your most embarrassing moment?

    Oh I've had quite a few. I'm rather clumsy and constantly putting my foot in my mouth. I suppose it would have to be when I was in a show with my stageschool and halfway through my solo realised that my fly was down... :o I still haven't lived that one down.
    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    What's the best/worst chat up line anyone's ever used on you?


    Whilst staring at my chest: "So how did you escape from the Playboy mansion?"

    Wtf? Was I supposed to be flattered? :rolleyes:

    Best: (for sheer comic value/brazeness :P)

    While I'm playing at a session in town: "So would you like to play my flute sometime?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,429 ✭✭✭✭star-pants

    LZ they're some tough ones... I'll ask easy :D

    cadburys or nestle?

    Favourite fruit?

    Which disney princess/lady would you be?

    Would you like to skydive?

    Can you salsa?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    star-pants wrote: »
    LZ they're some tough ones... I'll ask easy :D

    cadburys or nestle?

    Favourite fruit?

    Which disney princess/lady would you be?

    Would you like to skydive?

    Can you salsa?

    Hmmm... That's tough. Nestle. I think. Why would you make me choose!? :(:o :eek: :P


    Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I love that movie.

    I'd love to. I'd be absolutely terrified but I'd love to.

    I've never tried. So I'm guessing the answer is no. I'd like to learn though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    Hmmm... I see what you've done here. :p
    star-pants wrote: »
    LZ they're some tough ones... I'll ask easy :D

    Hehe, I'm just getting a little payback Star-pants!:D Seriously though Futurecrook asked me good questions, so I'm curious to hear the answers to her own questions. I'll be doing the same to you and emo!!:p

    If you could travel back in time to change one event, what would it be, and why?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 21,730 Mod ✭✭✭✭entropi

    Fave alcoholic drink?

    What did you first think of boards itself, and lots of random people meeting up for drinks etc...? (i remember talking to you at your first ever beers haha:D)

    I've never found out the answer to this question did you get your username?

    Are people irritating or nice in general? :pac:

    Are you happy, or think you could be happier?

    Favourite song/album? you can only choose one of each:p

    Dogs or cats?

    Justin Timberlake or Duke Special?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    LZ5by5 wrote: »
    Hehe, I'm just getting a little payback Star-pants!:D Seriously though Futurecrook asked me good questions, so I'm curious to hear the answers to her own questions. I'll be doing the same to you and emo!!:p

    If you could travel back in time to change one event, what would it be, and why?

    See I'm very much a believer in "cause and effect" and somewhat that everything happens for a reason. So I don't know if I would change anything. If I stopped an event that was cruel/evil, and caused pain and suffering to millions of people would that necessarily mean that the world would turn out to be a better place? It could just leave a void for something worse to happen in it's place. But then again, if I had the power to stop/change it I don't think I could stand by and let something like the holocaust happen...

    It's a tie between preventing WWI/WWII and doing something to change the outcome of Irish history...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,396 ✭✭✭Aisling(",)

    gold or silver?

    if you had to dye your hair an unnatural colour like green or purple which colour would you pick?

    what did you dress up as for holloween?

    top three physical features in a man that make you go weak at the knees?

    can you sing?

    any pets?

    nightclub or pub?

    favourite outfit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    Fave alcoholic drink?

    Malibu or white wine.
    What did you first think of boards itself, and lots of random people meeting up for drinks etc...? (i remember talking to you at your first ever beers haha:D)

    I thought boards was amazing. I got completely hooked within my first week of posting. I thought the beers was a great idea. Before I'd joined boards, fonpokno told me one night she was going to a "beers" with "people from the internet" and I told her she had to text me when she got there, at least once while she was there and again when she got home so I'd know they hadn't murdered and/or abducted her. Not necessarily in that order... :P:D

    But when I went to my first beers (which was the first noc beers) I really enjoyed myself and everyone was really friendly. It was just a really fun night out and I got to meet a load of new and interesting (and of course lovely) people. Although I don't know how I couldn't love a bunch of people who insisted on buyin me drinks all night. :P
    I've never found out the answer to this question did you get your username?

    I was drinking in my house with an old friend. We were listening to ridiculous rap music and talking about modest mouse. He jokingly said we should start our own band and we could call ourselves "Future Crunk" and our first album cover could have us on the front sitting in a cadillac... I misheard and said,
    "Futurcrook!? Wtf? What a shít name for a band."
    "No no, Future crunk..."
    "That doesn't make much more sense than the first one. I think I like the first one better. We're Futurecrook!"

    Then I used it when I signed up to bebo and when I signed up to boards it was a choice between Caramac and Futurecrook. Caramac was taken. And thus begat Futurecrook. :P
    Are people irritating or nice in general? :pac:

    Some people are irritating as fook but most others are quite nice and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. :)
    Are you happy, or think you could be happier?

    Right now I'm happy. If I wasn't so horribly hungover I would be happier. When college finishes for the summer I'll be even happier. But yes, I'm happy. Thanks for asking. :pac:
    Favourite song/album? you can only choose one of each:p

    Album... Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American.

    Song... only one? Really? Hmm... eh... Gravity - Sara Bareilles
    Dogs or cats?

    Justin Timberlake or Duke Special?

    Duke Special. Most definitely.

    Especially this song...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    gold or silver?

    if you had to dye your hair an unnatural colour like green or purple which colour would you pick?

    what did you dress up as for holloween?

    top three physical features in a man that make you go weak at the knees?

    can you sing?

    any pets?

    nightclub or pub?

    favourite outfit?


    Um... well for a while I had black hair with blue streaks in it. I found the blue went green after a while though regardless of how much I bleached the streaks... so I couldn't do blue again even though I loved it at the time... Maybe a dark pink? Or purple. :)

    I dressed up as Snow White for the Halloween beers, which technically were November 1st. I didn't dress up on Halloween itself because I was down in my sister's house in Meath and didn't think to bring the snow white dress with me. My nieces were up the following night though and thought it aws absolutely hilarious that I was a "grown up" and was dressing up as a character out of a disney film. :P

    3 physical features?

    - Nice eyes.
    - Good arms/shoulders. Strong ones. Not necessarily muscly, just the kind of ones that when you see them you go wow I wish he'd wrap those arms around me and that are nice to touch. :P
    - Nice hair I suppose... I'm not too sure. :o:)

    Yes. I've never had my voice trained though so it's nothing amazing. But yes, I can.

    A dog called Roger. He's small and black, a mix between a Jack Russell and a Labrador. I used to have a hamster called Spiderman when I was about 11, but he died. He was a good hamster. Got along oddly well with the dog actually...

    Pub. Although some nights I do get the urge to dance. I like places where there's a dancefloors but also the more relaxed, sit-down, pub style thing going on.

    Um... probably my new skirt from asos. (Here)With a black top underneath and black cardigan with gold accessories. Or, my checkered shirt from penneys over my black shorts with black tights and a black top underneath. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,375 ✭✭✭fonpokno

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    How many pairs of those shoes do you actually wear?

    Are you glad I shouted at you until you joined boards?

    Best thing about life at the minute?

    How would you cope without the internet?

    Would you miss boards if it disappeared tomorrow?

    Should I eat a packet of Snax or a packet of Monster Munch?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    fonpokno wrote: »
    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    I just went upstairs to count them but the press I keep them in is such a mess I couldn't see them all. I counted 30 but I know there were a few stragglers at the back so... over 30. :o
    fonpokno wrote: »
    How many pairs of those shoes do you actually wear?

    About 5 of them on a regular basis I'd say.
    fonpokno wrote: »
    Are you glad I shouted at you until you joined boards?

    Oh very much so. I must repay you for it some day. You also dragged me to my first beers (not that there was actually any dragging involved :P) Yay for fonpokno!
    fonpokno wrote: »
    Best thing about life at the minute?

    A certain someone. And the amazing weather. And almost being finished college for the summer. :D
    fonpokno wrote: »
    How would you cope without the internet?

    I assume I'd eventually adjust and get used to not having it. It would be weird though. I mean, there'd be so little to do in my house that I might actually have to venture outside... *shudders at the thought*
    fonpokno wrote: »
    Would you miss boards if it disappeared tomorrow?

    Oh definitely. I've met some amazing people through boards and it provides me with hours upon hours of entertainment. How else would I procrastinate?
    fonpokno wrote: »
    Should I eat a packet of Snax or a packet of Monster Munch?

    Monster Munch. Or both. Although I have a feeling that you have neither left as your sister has taken them with her so you're going to have to have two packets of hula hoops instead... and while hula hoops are good, they're no Monster Munch. :D

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 29,509 Mod ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    fonpokno wrote: »
    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    How many pairs of those shoes do you actually wear?
    I've been told we're not allowed to ask a woman those questions! Or is it just that a man isn't allowed ask a woman those questions? :pac:

    FC, if you could choose absolutely anywhere, where would you like to live?

    What is your favourite type of present to receive?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    I've been told we're not allowed to ask a woman those questions! Or is it just that a man isn't allowed ask a woman those questions? :pac:

    FC, if you could choose absolutely anywhere, where would you like to live?

    What is your favourite type of present to receive?

    In Ireland I'd live here. Outside of Ireland I'd love to live in France. Somewhere in Brittany.

    My favourite type of present to receive? I don't think I have a favourite type. I love presents. I love that someone has taken the time to think about what you'd like, what you're into, and of course the fact that they've bothered to spend money on you.

    I've gotten presents of a flute, drums, a piano and obviously they're all amazing but then I have things I've gotten, like a bracelet and necklace and teapot and teacup that mean the world to me. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    What do you think of the area where you live?

    Fritz or Julios?

    Do you like, watch or play any sports?

    What's the last book you read?

    What do you think of authors such as Marian Keyes, Cecelia Ahern, Colette Caddle etc?

    What do you think of some Irish peoples single minded obsession with having to own their own property despite possible restrictions in their finances or living standards?

  • Moderators Posts: 51,751 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Favourite time of year??

    What type of phone have you got??

    If you could have a superpower, what would it be??

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    tribulus wrote: »
    What do you think of the area where you live?

    Fritz or Julios?

    Do you like, watch or play any sports?

    What's the last book you read?

    What do you think of authors such as Marian Keyes, Cecelia Ahern, Colette Caddle etc?

    What do you think of some Irish peoples single minded obsession with having to own their own property despite possible restrictions in their finances or living standards?

    It's ok. Not perfect but could be a hell of a lot worse I suppose. I like living beside the sea.

    Giulios. Definitely. Better chips. I'm always tempted to add an L to the Fritz sign though... :rolleyes: :p

    I like volleyball and badminton. They're the only two sports I'm any good at. :P but I don't play them. I enjoy watching GAA and stuff (must be from working in Croke Park) too sometimes but I'm not particularly into sports in general.

    The last book I read was Interview With the Vampire.

    Not my cup of tea to be honest. I'm really not into the whole "chick-lit" thing. I think there are plenty of people out there who are far more talented writers. But then again, fair play to them for making a living out of doing something they love.

    I've never really thought about it to be honest. As a student, owning my own house isn't really something I think of at the moment. I'd be open to renting but I don't know, maybe there's a sense of satisfaction with owning your own property? Or maybe because of our history it's so instilled in us as Irish people to have our own land and hold on firmly to it? :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    koth wrote: »
    Favourite time of year??

    What type of phone have you got??

    If you could have a superpower, what would it be??

    I love winter. I don't get people who complain about it being cold and dark or frosty. I love wrapping up in lots of layers with hat and gloves. I particularly love it when it snows. :D

    Sony Ericsson - w910i

    The ability to fly or the ability to turn invisible... I'm undecided. Both would be awesome.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,821 ✭✭✭RxQueen

    you're awesome at posting lolcats

    do you have a fav one??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Futurecrook

    emo!! wrote: »
    you're awesome at posting lolcats

    do you have a fav one??

    You're awesome at asking questions! :D

    I no it's not technically a lolcat and it's also not technically one but I really love that whole walrus/bucket saga...










This discussion has been closed.