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moving into a house where a girl died



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 jvr

    ya landlady has agreed and has ordered us a new bed...the so called box room is actually very big i was suprised to see a single bed in it at all...we're hoping once a few people stay over itl be noises or anything creepy to report as of yet...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 jvr of the girls that lived in the house called over to collect her post the last day...I can't tell ya how tempted I was to ask her what happened...I felt it may be a little rude though as our landlady told us it was one of the girls who found their housemate dead..How do u even start a conversation about that?so far we only ever knew the dead girls first name but last week post arrived for her so I googled the name and got a death notice for her...I think its her said she died unexpectedly in galway but gave the date as 22nd Nov 08 and not in sept as the landlady was im thinkin the other girls moved out fairly recently (as they are still getting post ud imagine they would have changed their address for by now)...anyway not that it matters too much but i suspect the landlady didn't want us to think we were the first to move in after it happened.
    Ud think I'd be settled in by now but maybe I've too much time on my hands but I can't help thinking about what happened...all brave and that 3 weeks ago but now I think I need to know what happened. Like how did she die?I really dont like the thoughts of somebody suffering etc. I think I'l have to ask the girl when she calls for her post again....I had an appointment with my own doc today and asked her about if it was posible to die from fumes from candles etc. the way we were told and she reckoned not.she says if it was suicide that it is of course sensitive information to the family etc. and someone like the landlady may be kept out of the loop about it can totally understand that like ...
    the ex housemate that called seemed really nice and we had a brief chat...she said she really misses the house and that mine room was actually hers (so thats a relief!)...i dunno how to start askin her about what happened tho without upsetting anyone. i think my own fear is drivin me a bit cracked..i can a notion that if the girls spirit is hangin around maybe shes just being shy at the moment maybe it takes a year or so to ...i dunno dare i say make an appearance?i still stand by what i say about i dont think that even if it is true that she took her own life that that means she's goin to want to hang around in her old rented acomodation tryin to scare us but i dont know how spirits work or anything all i no is for the moment I'm feeling a bit nearvous about the whole thing. and i no im probably bringin it on myself...too much time thinkin etc!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 mark09

    ive read all ur comments and in each one it sounds like you ave made a mistake moving in...i do believe in this stuff,and in some cases spirits do linger around and some dont...ive had an experience myself and ave posted it up here...other than that i woudnt have believed in it either...some people who havent experienced anything will say its all nonsense,but when you do its quiet scary...a person died in my sis friends house before and that house is haunted,the owners little girl has seen things before and so has she...they got the house blessed,it stopped for a number of months but started up again,they still live in that house to this day,but the owner wont stay there on her not sayin anything will happen to you,im not tryin to scare you either but it is true...just dont let it bother you or try not to think bout it,but if it was me i wouldnt have moved in...some people think its all in your mind and things happen if you think about them,well they dont sorry,until you have experienced i said i would have said it was all nonsence until it happened to me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 jvr

    ok so the girl that used to live here called around last week and again I couldn't bring myself to ask her what happened....but something is happening here in the house alright and I don't think it's my imagination.....I'm a bit weary of writting this as I'm sitting here in the sitting room but feel somewhat comforted that one of the girls who lives here just came home from work....!!!!so last sat.i was the only one inthe house and went to take a shower...closed the door behind me in the bathroom and about 3 seconds later a big bang was heard as if a fist hit the bathroom door on the other side....i have to say it turned by blood stone cold it was the weirdest thing ever...with adrenline in me i opened the door and of course nothing was outside...iv always felt a little weird about the common bathroom as it's near the back of the house (near the back room where the girl died) and since we moved in right opposite the bathroom door/hallway theres a porcelin angel hangin up on the window sill looks weird like old fashioned dunno why its there...we've (3 of us here altogether) talked about takin it down but nobody has yet...

    anyway, the 2nd creepy thing happened today...last night i noticed as i was leaving the kitchen that someone had written in marker the word hi and a drew a small smily face on the side of the cupboard i remember lookin at it coz i hadnt noticed it before, its only written small and no big deal like but today after i came home with food shoppin i was leavin the kitchen and just passing that cupboard with that marker on it something happened and to be honest i dont even know what it was all i know is it sounded like a distorted voice sayin I see you with some kind of distorted noise in the backround as if u pressed play on a tape with someones voice on it with very bad quality???? like it was practically a mans voice? i may hav misheard it or whatever but something definetly happened to make my blood go cold right through me like before and it made me jump but despite how im describing it here i dont think i could ever describe what exactly happened like it just happened in the space of like 2/3 seconds...i hope i am imagining these things!!!

    i tried to talk to the girl that lives here but seeing as she was the one with the main issue about moving in in the begining she says not to talk about anything spooky with her as she'd like to keep living here...she says she doesnt think twice about the house's history since she's moved in and my BF who lives here wont entertain the notion of ghosts at all so i dunno...

    but i think people can sense if something is amiss and i have to say on those 2 occasions when my blood went cold (its the only way i can describe it) i also went like weak like i was goin to faint from fright? its an awful feeling...

    my aunt is supposed to come by and burn white sage in the house (supposed to take away neg energy) but i think a lot more than frickin white sage is needed...

    im not sayin that whatever may/may not be here in the house is the girl that passed away like it could be someone else?like i said it was nearly like a mans voice but im even doubting myself if i heard it coz it happened so quick???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 182 ✭✭magenta73

    Hi Jvr, the first thing is DONT panic! sometimes our brains can magnify things out of control.I was asked to help at a friend of mine sisters house, where a young boy spirit had decided to hang around and play with her son. But my advice to you would be to tell the "girl" to move on as her loved one's are waiting for her and then you could protect yourself by saying a little prayer or what works for me is, May the lord and angles protect me from, lost souls, bad entities and other people's negitive energies. You can say this out loud or in your head, but having your aunt burn some sage is supposed to be good. Let us know how you get on!

    good luck:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Marcus Suridius

    It is a worrying sign if you are hearing things like try find a cheap (audio) recorder and when you do feel anything turn it on....or you said you heard a bang when going for a defo put it outside the door and leave it recording...never know it may pickup something. As magenta73 said dont panic(which is easy for us to say..i know) always have to keep a rasional mind with these things.

    The cupboard thing would get me, and the mans voice saying I see may have....not sure how to decribe it(thats people problam we cant use words to describe the unknown) heard something from the time the person was there...maybe near the time it was happening.

    Keep us updated cause it is an mad problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 334 ✭✭Elbi

    Have you had the house blessed. I think this might be a good idea and might put you more at ease.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    tbh I reckon you'll continue to hear and experience "wierd things" until you stop fearing the house so much. You were told about someone dying in the house, and I gather you already believed in all that ghostly stuff, etc., so you'll no doubt be "on the lookout" either consciously or subconsciously. In that state you heard a 'bang' (who hasn't?) and of course attribute it to something ghastly...

    You're gonna keep doing this I reckon, EXPECTING strange things to happen to you, and so if anything is at all awry it'll further confirm your belief that there's a ghost in the house. And that pattern is self-perpetuating.

    That's unless you come to terms with the fact that everybody is freaked out by death, nobody wants to be around it, and so it's completely natural to find a house eery if someone died in it. Stop connecting the dots between mundane occurances and noises and you'll settle right into your new house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    I told you OP. I'd leave if I was you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Marcus Suridius

    Kernel wrote: »
    I told you OP. I'd leave if I was you.

    To be honest you cant do that...if you run from something that is possibly in your head you'll be like that till your last days

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 155 ✭✭dennistuam

    get out of there,i am a estate agent and have came accross this type of thing a few times
    one house i had rented to a english bird everything was ok in the house until she brought home the stallion, the clocks would go balistic ,things start to fall off the fireplace
    we got a lady in found out there was a lovers tiff 50 years ago the buck got a frying pan accross the head
    also i had a house there was a murder in ,great thing to have to sell the more gory the better i sold this particular one to a geezer that bought the site of fred west in england ,he always on the look out

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,376 ✭✭✭gaeilgegrinds

    I'm fairly sure I know who you are on about...a girl I know through a friend would fit this description, knew rather. Anyway, PM if you're interested in hearing the true story. You'll be fine if you get a priest with experience in this area to bless the house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭Amberjack

    Hi OP - just came across this thread yesterday and was wondering how you're getting on. Are you still in the house and if so has there been any more activity?? Just curious to hear how things have worked out for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    The bang on the glass could be a young bird. May and June is when there are large numbers of young birds about, and them hitting windows is very very common. Where I am, I have literally dozens of young birds of different species in the garden, and maybe five or six times a week, there is a loud bang on a window when one hits it.

    It is normally enough to get me scuttering out the back to look as it sounds like a rock hitting the window.

    Also when it happens the bird either flys away before you can get there, or has fallen to the ground stunned and often cannot be seen.

    A bird as small as a coal tit hitting a window could make a noise as loud as a fist hitting the window.

    The salthill area is always full of young birds at this time of year, so the bang on the window may be this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,803 ✭✭✭Xcellor

    Freaky stuff...

    I was reading, very concentrated and my bloody phone went off vibrating... nearly had a heart attack!!

    I don't think the OP has anything to worry about. After watching a scary movie or something like that I'm always more jumpy and tend to imagine things. If you think the house is haunted in your mind then anything that seems to be a bit strange will be attributed to that.


  • Registered Users Posts: 765 ✭✭✭ultain

    To be honest you cant do that...if you run from something that is possibly in your head you'll be like that till your last days
    wise words.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭dade

    OP is there any other history to the house? what i mean is the story is that this girl died in the house. you suspect it as suicide. you also think you heard a mans voice saying it was watching you or could see you.

    it may be no harm talking to the girl that lived there before about her friend. i know it wont be easy to do but knowing why this girl committed suicide (if that's what she did) may help you in the house.

    the reason I'm saying this and I'm really taking a mad leap here based upon what Marcus Suridius said in his last post. maybe the voice of the man you heard was a man, maybe there was some spirit in the house before and it was a bad spirit, maybe that spirit had such a profound negitive impact on the poor girl that lived there previously that she took her own life. a ludicrous idea i know and would probably make a great idea for a movie. maybe the Hi on the press and the bang on the door was the girl trying to communicate with you to try tell you why she died.

    i don't know maybe i have an over active imagination. I hope you do manage to find peace in that house and that poor girls soul is Finlay laid to rest
