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Should I feel guilty?



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭Sigma Force

    To be fair when there are other people living in the house that aren't as careful it can be very hard to keep control of things as you can't be there 24/7 to watch other people to make sure they keep things closed, some people just won't listen or are careless.

    Might just be worth your while taking the dog to a training class altogether, you'll get helpful tips and 45 minutes a day if the dog is in that routine should be enough but some dogs are just bursting to escape and no matter how careful you are it does happen but with training and some helpful advice and some stern words to other members of the family there is no reason why this shouldn't be solved over time.

    It will take some work but it will be worth it, since he's a jack russel type they are full of beans, plenty of stuff to keep him busy at home they need lots of walkies. If you were to teach him recall etc you could get one of those long leads..not the extendable ones the leather ones that are used for horses so even if he runs on ahead you still have hold of him (obviously in a field or somewhere away from roads with the long lead on) and start teaching him recall like that.

    Don't envy you it can be ver frustrating. Fair play for coming on here and asking some owners just give up or end up giving the dog away etc.
