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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 nazrimi

    MicS wrote: »
    Results are online at usual place: under Results/Intervarsity League. Sorry that it took me so long to put results online. Also at the moment the barebow categories are not separated yet, but it will be fixed later.

    There are some questions. Can DCU hosts, relevant people or their captains answer?
    - John Smith moved from Maynooth to DIT, correct?
    - score of Andrew Cosgrave Lyons. "Won section" is not enough for me.
    - Patrick Graham from Carlow was shooting as recurve beginner, but previously he had scored more than 350 as barebow so he cannot be considered as beginner anymore. Was he really shooting in recurve beginner category? Or was it barebow instead?
    - what is correct name "Mohd Nazrimi Zarim Abdul Rahman" or "Mohd Nazrimi Zarim Abdul Rahaman"?
    - what is preferred spelling of the name "Owen Russell Hill" or "Owen Russell-Hill"?
    - what is correct name "Charlotte Maguire" or "Charlotte McGuire"?

    There are likely to be other errors in names/gender, especially for new people.


    Accidentally got here from googling my own name :D

    by the way, the correct spelling for my name should be the first one.

    Mohd Nazrimi Zarim Abdul Rahman

    I guessed my captain [Reinold] sent the name incorrectly.

    and yeah, it's not my fault i've such a long name (^-^) and i'm not really fussy if ppl spelt it wrongly. i totally understand.....
