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Breakout on chin/jawline

  • 12-06-2008 2:46pm
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 168 ✭✭

    I've trawled the boards but found nothing that really helps me unfortunately so hope i can get some ideas here!

    Basically for the past 5 months ive had a permanent spot breakout on my chin and jawline. When i was a teenager (i'm now 28) I used to get the odd spot on my forehead and some on my back and chest, but nothing like the ones I'm getting now. These ones are big and sore and in a cluster.

    The rest of my face is clear and spot free (apart from just beside the top of my ear at my hairline), so they are all clustered around my mouth and chin and jaw. It's really starting to get me down, as once one clears i seem to get 2 in it's place.

    I tried Dermalogica Acne skin routine (antibac skin wash, followed my toner and oil control lotion and on the spot gel treatmen), this seemed to be starting to work at the end of the first week but it then went right back to normal, like my skin became immune or something.

    So i ditched the dermalogica after i finished up the bottles (it's very expensive for something that doesnt work!), so now i use an exfoliating face wash instead (Clean and Clear Morning Burst) followed by Simple light moisturiser.

    I've also tried panoxyl but stopped using it as it seemed to start aggravating them and making it worse.

    My boyf says to go to the doctor if it's annoying me so much, but i just dont think it's serious enough (ie not as serious as acne) but it's more serious than just spots.

    It just looks awful so i'm looking for any help anyone has before i get driven insane. I'm also getting married in Sept 09 and want it completely clear for the big day (id consider cancelling it if not!! :rolleyes:)

    Sorry the post is so long, just wanted to fully explain my situation!!!



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 168 ✭✭girliegirl

    I also drink plenty of water (about 4 litres a day) and I take Holland and Barrett Skin, Hair and Nails Formula along with a Berocca tablet every morning

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 DEEDEE30

    Think spots along the jawline are to do with your hormones. Lots of girls get them around their time of month. Maybe you should look into the pill your using, etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 **magnolia**

    Hi, I have had the same problem but have pretty much got rid of it. The first thing is it could be due to your hormones so there is a pill that helps called Dianette and it does work.

    If you dont want to use the pill there are alternatives, firstly stop using an exfoliating scrub every day, this is too abrasive for skin that is prone to breakouts esp around the jaw and neckline and actually causes the spots to spread and redden even more. I know it may feel like you can scrub them away but it really does make them worse! I know from experience as the first improvement in my skin came about when I stopped using stuff that was too harsh for it!

    There is a book called the acne cure and this regimen also works and involves using a facewash that contains salicylic acid, this gets rid of any excess oil or skin flakes that cause pore blockage on the surface of your skin and also reduces redness and inflammation. I think Neutrogena have a facewash that contains salicylic acid.

    Next you rinse your skin with glycolic acid, you can get it from a chemist. This is used for unblocking your pores. So far you have removed the stuff that blocks pores with the salicylic acid and now you are unblocking them.

    The last bit of the regimen involves the use of benzoyl peroxide. You only need a strength between 2 or 5%, NO higher. The secret of getting this to work is making your skin cold first using an ice cube on the areas that are red and swollen and then applying the benzyl peroxide which you should keep in the fridge. The reason for this is the cold reduces inflammation too and so makes the pore more accessible for the benzoyl peroxide to get into and kill any bugs.

    You then moisturise with anything that is non comedogenic and oil free.

    I have tried loads of things including antibiotics, all the scrubs and lotions, microdermabrasion and everything and the above are the only things that worked for me. I still get the odd spot but nothing like the big painful ones that I used to get along my neck and jaw.

    PM me if you want to know anything else!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 168 ✭✭girliegirl

    Thanks a mil for your help, I will certainly try your suggestions! Magnolia ive pm'ed you for more info!

  • Registered Users Posts: 996 ✭✭✭Léan

    I thought spots on your chin meant you had problems with digestion?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 dollydd

    This is my first time ever to post on this site but I really had to. I have what appears to be the very same problem. The spots are mostly around the area of my neck which is closest to my ears.

    I'm 35 and have experienced this condition since I changed my brand of pill (on doc's advice). This is very frustrating but I don't wish to persue other methods, at this moment in time.

    Any recommendations would be appreciated as I find them very unsightly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭dub0605

    hi all, i get spots in the same place and have some right now. normally i use a cream i get from the docs but ive run out :( its called isotrexin, think thats spelt right. its a clear gel that dries into the spot and dries it out. i was on the pill dianette which did help clear up my spots but ive come off it so the only other thing i find works is the gel. hope this helps

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,420 ✭✭✭Lollipops23

    Next you rinse your skin with glycolic acid, you can get it from a chemist. This is used for unblocking your pores. So far you have removed the stuff that blocks pores with the salicylic acid and now you are unblocking them.

    i've gotten over my teenage acne, and now get few spots but i've had trouble getting rid of my blocked up pores-it makes my skin look worse than it is!!is this glycolic acid very harsh?and is it easy to come by?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 168 ✭✭girliegirl

    Also, Magnolia, would this Regime need to be done morning and evening, or just the morning, or just the evening?

  • Registered Users Posts: 717 ✭✭✭Aspiration

    i've gotten over my teenage acne, and now get few spots but i've had trouble getting rid of my blocked up pores-it makes my skin look worse than it is!!is this glycolic acid very harsh?and is it easy to come by?

    Lollipops23, Neostrata have a cleansing wash called Foaming Glycolic Wash. I'm a big fan of Neostrata. It targets the blocked pores/blackheads but it also leaves my skin soft. I have really sensitive skin, my face would go red if I used anything that didn't agree with it, so I'm really happy with it so far.

    girliegirl, I used to have no spots when I was a teenager and all of a sudden before I turned 20 last year I started getting acne. I spent a year trying different products - giving them 3 months each and nothing worked. I went to the doc who changed my pill to dianette. I got this facial and that facial at beauty salons. Tried alternative medicine and supplements. Nothing worked for me at all. About 2 months ago, I had enough and decided to go a doctor who specialises in cosmetic dermatolgy.

    She prescribed some anti-biotics and acne gel for 3 months and said if they don't work, I'll need to go on Roaccutane... So far, my skin has gotten so much better, I don't have any whiteheads anymore which is amazing as they were the most hideous things ever.

    I'd suggest going to a doctor to see what they can do for you. My doctor was amazing and very understanding.

    Best of luck, I know how frustrating it can be for you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭Sugar Drunk

    Léan wrote: »
    I thought spots on your chin meant you had problems with digestion?

    Yep me too I read that chin spots = liver trouble. I find I get spots on my chin when I have OD'd on the junk food and they always clear up when I stop eating badly.

    OP ketsugo is fantastic and it DOES work. They do a face wash and a clear gel that you can put on under make up. I have used it for years any anyone I have recommended it to thinks its great too

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 **magnolia**


    Yea the regime is supposed to be done morning and evening and the glycolic acid is not that harsh as it is a mild organic acid that is a food product that comes from sugar cane and works as an antioxidant. I dont think they quite know how it works.

    Any good chemist should be able to tell you what products they have with it included. One of the Neutrogena facewashes has the salicylic acid in it too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Shiram

    girliegirl wrote: »
    Basically for the past 5 months ive had a permanent spot breakout on my chin and jawline. When i was a teenager (i'm now 28) I used to get the odd spot on my forehead and some on my back and chest, but nothing like the ones I'm getting now. These ones are big and sore and in a cluster.

    The rest of my face is clear and spot free (apart from just beside the top of my ear at my hairline), so they are all clustered around my mouth and chin and jaw. It's really starting to get me down, as once one clears i seem to get 2 in it's place.

    Girliegirl I know exactly how you're feeling. Up until about 2 months ago I had the same problem. I spent a fortune on cleaners, moisturisers etc but none of them worked. Every morning I woke up I went straight to the mirror to see what had appeared over night. I eventually went to the doctor and she prescribed DALACIN T TOPICAL. After the first application my skin started to improve and after about a week it had fully cleared up. I am still using it once a day and I now feel like a different person.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭Sowra

    i wouldnt exfoliate it your skin too much as i have found that can irritate/spread them

    i know it seems a bit extreme, but it could be a mild case of the staph bacteria, which is usually treated with anti biotics:

    spot are hard to figure out sometimes and it might be better to see a doctor

    i find with any facial spots that cutting down on sugar and not touching your face really helps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 katie86

    The biggest culprit for me was dairy!!i had the red tender type spots around my chin and jawline consistently, i dont drink tea so used to drink alot of milk and used real butter when cooking, yoghurts aswell. Cheese and icecream seem to be fine.

    When i stopped with dairy, the spots dissapeared in 2-3 days and never came back.... well worth a try for a few days and see if it works, a cheap way aswell! Best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭forestfruits

    I stumbled across this post and its exactly what i have going on with my skin, just wondering did you have any success? did it work because if it did ill be banging down the door of the chemist in the morning

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,410 ✭✭✭kizzyr

    I had this exact same problem (well apart from the impending wedding!) about 2 years ago. I had been on Lognyon for about 8 years or so and had come off it for knee surgery. When I went back on it I got breakouts exactly as you describe OP. I was demented with it as my skin was always and forever great, never got teenage spots (apart from the odd one or two), eat a healthy diet, get enough exercise, drinking water, don't drink alcohol etc.
    In the end I went to my GP about it and she changed my Pill to Yasmin and within a really short time my skin cleared up brilliantly. So as other people have suggested this may well be your problem. Stress about your wedding may also be aggravating the situation.
    Good luck with sorting it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭forestfruits

    No wedding here just loads of spots- should have mentioned that but got excited about finding other people with my kind of skin! and a possible cure!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 212 ✭✭Villaricos

    Im plagued by bad skin too, mid twenties here. I dont know about that regime on the first page. While benzoyl peroxide and sayclic acid are both good for bad skin (dont know about glycolic acid) using all 3 together sounds madness. The most important thing to remember when treating your skin is to be delicate and gentle. 3 different chemicals all at once is not gentle. BP can be excellent, very drying, but can give good results. Ive had lots of luck with sayclic acid.

    Remember its extremely individual what works for me wont necessarily work for you, you just have to give each thing time. The message boards over at are brilliant, every question you possibly could have is answered!

    Tips, avoid touching your face, use only non comedogenic moisturiser, use decent make up, eat well, see if you've any food triggers, dairy can be one. See if it ties in with your time of the month I know mine does, be gentle, only use an exfoliating scrub sparingly if you must.

    There are so many ideas and methods out there, I really recommend the boards at , some of those guys really know their stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    About the chin thing, do you ever lean your chin on your hand whilst sitting at a computer etc? Dirt/sweat from your hands could have something to do with the spots. Just thought!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 257 ✭✭sinead81

    I recently got something similar, and went to the doctor about it. Small bumps that were definitely not spots. Red bumps.

    Anyway it was impetigo and I went on a steroid cream called Fucidin. Took about a week or two to clear up

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 311 ✭✭Corb

    Dianette worked for me when I had the same problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭jenniwenni

    We seem to have the very same skin. What seems to be working for me is yasmin pill, an anti biotic, prescription acne gel at night and regular facials.

    Use gentle products for the day, I use Estee Lauder total balance face wash and toner and La Roche Posay moisturiser. At night, if I'm make up free, I just wipe of with a face cloth and put on the acne gel. If I have make up on I use a face wipe then the gel.

    Give yourself home facials if you cant afford salon ones, you've got to keep the pores unblocked.

    I did the whole 'acne cure' thing and it was just too harsh. It left my skin red peeling and stinging and just got worse and worse.

    My own doctor has said Roaccutane is amazing stuff and would work wonders for me and she reffered me to a few dermatologists and they have absolutely refused to give it to me, no amount of begging will work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 608 ✭✭✭unichick

    I have the same problem - spots on chin constantly. I never had too bad a skin growing up and it was always my sister who had that problem. I'm off the pill now so it's got worse. Tried tea tree oil and it really spreads them on my skin so giving that up. Thinking of going to my doctor next wk as a bit fed up at this stage. Went to a dermatologist a few years ago - tried two sets of tablets - one I couldn't sleep taking and the other were too chalky and couldn't swallow them. Neither were roactane.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    I had acne as a teenager, I tried every scrub, wash, cream, gel, mask etc under the sun and nothing worked, the more products I used the worse it got.

    The only thing that got rid of it was Antibiotics. If it broke out now I wouldn't think twice about going straight to my GP and getting meds for it. My acne cleared up within a couple of months, I never looked back. That was over 10 years ago so I'd imagine medication is even more advanced now..

    Best of luck with it anyway...

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭forestfruits

    Well its nice to know im not the only one with crazy breakouts in my late 20s! Ive gone down the salicylic acid route, bought neutrogena visibly clear 2 in 1 today have washed the face and used it as a mask! hoping that this will be the cure and i wont have to go any further with it. hoping it will clear up as suddenly as it started- if not ill the doc route i think!

    lia_lia - funnily enough i was sitting with my chin in my hand as i read your post-- creepy!

    Thanks for all the advice- keep it coming and ill keep ye posted:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,331 ✭✭✭✭bronte

    Mobile phones can be a biiig culprit. Make-up can get on them and clog pores resulting in spot central. Use a hands free kit for a while and see if anything changes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,063 ✭✭✭Miaireland

    I know this sounds silly but do you work in a job where you are on the phone alot?

    I was having a similar problem and someone told me that it could be from being on the phone and holding it with my shoulder.

    They suggested that I wipe the hand piece with a wipe every morning and since I did no more spots!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,195 ✭✭✭✭Michellenman

    Could be your make up applicators either. Make sure to wash your sponge or brush regularly. Or if you apply with your finger tips use a hand sanitizing gel beforehand, really makes all the difference.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭lizzyvera have the best info on acne anywhere on the web.

    I have the exact same problem. I started using benzoyl peroxide 2.5% again and it really does work if you're patient and use it even when your skin is clear.
    Dianette also really helped my skin, but try creams first. Expensive stuff is usually a waste of money, dermatologists I've been to always recommend simple, generic products.

    Salicylic acid is quite drying. When I had all over acne I found it helpful, but now my breakouts are confined to my chin and it just dries my face out too much.

    Be careful with make up and sun block. Mineral make up is the best for spotty skin. I use id, but have heard Bare Essentuals are the best and will buy some soon. La Roche Posay have the best sun block imo. I just get the small bottle for my face, and use cheap stuff on my body.

    I find that washing my chin and mouth after lunch helps, especially if I've eaten anything greasy because if can slide down your face and clog the pores.

    Strangely, I do think dairy affects my acne, but I can't cut it out because I'm vegetarian and it's an easy way to get an extra 10g protein/day. For a special occasion I would cut it out for a week or two.

    Oh, and also for special occasions- an aspirin face mask reduces inflammation so spots are less visible. However, inflammation is part of your body's response to infection, so in the long term it will inhibit healing if you keep using anti inflammatories.

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