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  • 29-04-2008 12:18pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭

    Hi there, this may be the wrong forum altogether so feel free to move it. I am interested in finding out about Reiki. I would love to train as a Reiki master but I am not sure the best possible route to take. I know it is essential to complete Reiki 1, 2 and 3. I live in Wicklow town so ideally a centre close to Wicklow would be advantageous. can any one point me in the right direction please



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    A good place to start is the thread sticked at the top of the forum.
    As it has a lot of information and contacts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    I really wouldn't recommend you go into reiki with the intention of becoming a master. It's not supposed to be a means to an end, like you don't do level 1 solely to progress to level 2. You do level one to explore what it can offer to you and then decide to either go on, or to stick with it for a while. It's not like studying for an exam, it's a growth, a spiritual journey. And it is the journey that is important.

    Becomin a reiki master takes a lot of time and dedication and you simply can't know if it is for you until you have done level 1. Do you know a lot about reiki? Have you had a treatment before? I would be more than happy to answer any questions, if you have any.

    I can recommend an absolutely marvelous woman in blackrock if you like.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    I really wouldn't recommend you go into reiki with the intention of becoming a master. It's not supposed to be a means to an end, like you don't do level 1 solely to progress to level 2. You do level one to explore what it can offer to you and then decide to either go on, or to stick with it for a while. It's not like studying for an exam, it's a growth, a spiritual journey. And it is the journey that is important.

    Becomin a reiki master takes a lot of time and dedication and you simply can't know if it is for you until you have done level 1. Do you know a lot about reiki? Have you had a treatment before? I would be more than happy to answer any questions, if you have any.

    I can recommend an absolutely marvelous woman in blackrock if you like.

    thanks so much for your advice. On re reading my post it does sould like I want it all and I want it now but I am currently looking to recieve reiki 1 and intend to leave it at that level but advance if I feel it is right for me. I do wish to complete to master level at some stage and I really hope that when I start I will discover it is the right path for me.
    Could you Pm me details regarding the lady in Blackrock please and I would appreciate any feed back on the following link. I am considering this weekend course.
    I recieved Reiki for the first time 6 yrs ago and over the years it keeps coming back to me. I have read about it over the past while and feel I am drawn to it or it is drawing me to it. this of course may soud silly but it is the kind of thing I feel I want to share with other s and I am always reccommending it to friends and family in the hope that they feel the enormous healing and comfort that I have experienced. I do not know many people who have tried Reiki so I do not get to talk about it alot with friends.

    Kindest regards


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    okgirl wrote: »
    I am currently looking to recieve reiki 1 and intend to leave it at that level but advance if I feel it is right for me. I do wish to complete to master level at some stage and I really hope that when I start I will discover it is the right path for me.
    okgirl wrote: »
    I recieved Reiki for the first time 6 yrs ago and over the years it keeps coming back to me. I have read about it over the past while and feel I am drawn to it or it is drawing me to it. this of course may soud silly but it is the kind of thing I feel I want to share with other s
    Fabulous reasons to get involved with reiki and does not sound in the least bit silly. :) I know exactly what you mean!

    okgirl wrote: »

    My reiki 1 course was also held over a weekend too and I found it lovely. I don't know anything about the link you posted. But it seems standard.

    I would however recommend that you go to the master who will be attuning you for a session before booking anything. My reiki master insisted on meeting me and giving me a session before agreeing to take me on. This, I think is a very good way of doing it. I got to chat to her, decide I like her etc (so important to get along with your RM as any good one will be in contact with you for a very long time) I would be the same with my reiki students, I would have to meet and give a session before allowing them to book.

    Her website is - and i honestly couldn't recommend her highly enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I too would be wary of people who take money of just anyone and give them an attunement.
    Also if you do not know them how can you rust them to interface with your engry and you are tying yourself to that person as well.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Thaedydal wrote: »
    I too would be wary of people who take money of just anyone and give them an attunement.
    Also if you do not know them how can you rust them to interface with your engry and you are tying yourself to that person as well.

    On this advice I have had a few thoughts. I am not sure about attending a session in a hotel with 20 odd others and not to have met the RM before hand. I do believe that i should have some connection with the person before hand and trust is essential. I do know of a RM in my area who said she would be willing to give me an attunement but she did not advise a 1 to 1 situation and that one other woul dbe advisable. Why is this?
    I have never attended her before so I am going to book a session with her first and then based on my instinct I will enquire from her about atteunement.
    I do know she has been practicing for about 8 years but only on a local level and by word of mouth so she is obviously not in it for the money.
    thanks again for the advice. sometimes it is clearer when you use a sounding wall to organise thoughts and direction. :):):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    It can be very intense and you can end up getting very attched to the person if it is a 1 to 1 situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    I would absolutely NOT recommend an attunement with 20 people. 6 people is a nice number - 8 max I would say. Anything after that you will not get the attention and support necessary. It is not necessarily a bad thing to become attached and depend on your RM, I still depend on mine a lot. You will be constantly learning, for the rest of your life. It is good to have someone there who can learn with you and help you answer questions. Any good RM will nurture that sort of relationship.

    The only real reason I can think of for doing more than one person is because there is the EXACT same amount of work needed for doing 1 person as there is for three which I wont go into as it is something you learn about when learning to give attunements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Hi, I did my reiki I in Jan with Brian, and he is absolutely fab! On the course it also included some psychic protection, which in my opinion, is invaluable. Brian is a very spiritual, sincere person,and I cannot recommend him highly enough. As has been said already, 20 is definitely over the top. If there were more than 10 doing the course, personally, I would be wary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    +1 for Brian, fantastic person. He also does a psychic development course which I have been thinking about doing, unfortunately he's a fair bit away for me to travel every week. :(

    Ellie also does protection, as far as I know it's a major part of most reiki teachers lessons. (If it's not then it should be!!).

    You really have two very good recommendations there. Of course if you would prefer to go somewhere closer to home then do! But please please remember that reiki is such a special thing, not for one second should you feel overlooked or uncomfortable. The atmosphere should be one of friendship and there should be a lot of laughter. If you think you will recieve anything less then go elsewhere.

    I am saying this as a newly attuned master, so there will be people here I'm sure, who would give better, more experienced advice. But as a student that is what I wanted, and exactly what I got and when I initate my first students (woohoo can't wait) it is what I will try to achieve.

    Best of luck, I'm so excited for you!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Fabulous reasons to get involved with reiki and does not sound in the least bit silly. :) I know exactly what you mean!

    My reiki 1 course was also held over a weekend too and I found it lovely. I don't know anything about the link you posted. But it seems standard.

    I would however recommend that you go to the master who will be attuning you for a session before booking anything. My reiki master insisted on meeting me and giving me a session before agreeing to take me on. This, I think is a very good way of doing it. I got to chat to her, decide I like her etc (so important to get along with your RM as any good one will be in contact with you for a very long time) I would be the same with my reiki students, I would have to meet and give a session before allowing them to book.

    Her website is - and i honestly couldn't recommend her highly enough.

    To helena

    just to let you know I am booked for Ellies next R1 attunement and I am meeting her next week for a reiki session. I am really looking forward to this.
    I do however have a question and would be grateful if you or anyone else could answer it. I am concerned about the 21 day cleanse. What does it consit of? How cna I expect to react? Some people say they find it uncomfortable. Is this true?
    I am going on Hols the week after my attunement so I want to be as prepared as possible. All replies gratefully accepted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    okgirl wrote: »
    To helena

    just to let you know I am booked for Ellies next R1 attunement and I am meeting her next week for a reiki session. I am really looking forward to this.
    I do however have a question and would be grateful if you or anyone else could answer it. I am concerned about the 21 day cleanse. What does it consit of? How cna I expect to react? Some people say they find it uncomfortable. Is this true?
    I am going on Hols the week after my attunement so I want to be as prepared as possible. All replies gratefully accepted.

    Hi, Ellie is lovely. I went to her reiki share recently, and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

    The 21 day cleanse is 21 days of self treatment of an hour each day, however my RM said that if it was half an hour he would be happy. The hour does not have to be altogether, it could be half an hour twice a day for instance. People react differently in the cleanse. The most I had was that pending on the position of the hands, I was giving myself a headache, but if I altered the hands slightly, I was ok. Talk to Ellie about your concerns though. I have found I drink fewer caffeinated drinks since I started the reiki, as it seems I just don't need it anymore, but haven't given them up completely though, lol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Thanks for that. Is the cleanse through giving Reiki to yourself. I am only concerned as I am going on holidays with the family the following week and as it is a very action packed hol I am worried that I will not have the time or committment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    okgirl wrote: »
    Thanks for that. Is the cleanse through giving Reiki to yourself. I am only concerned as I am going on holidays with the family the following week and as it is a very action packed hol I am worried that I will not have the time or committment.

    Yes, it is when you give reiki to yourself. I have a busy schedule myself on an ongoing basis, work fulltime, study part-time, and the adhoc requirements of the course (client work, supervision etc), means I have very little time to myself, however I do it either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. It does take discipline, and I do understand where you are coming from, as being disciplined on holiday can be challenging. However once you have been attuned, you have reiki for life, so you could possible start it then on your return, however discuss it with Ellie. Would you even be able to do it a couple of times when on holiday do you think, just to keep the practice up? When you do meet for a reiki session with Ellie, do discuss your options with her though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    OKgirl, the cleansing after an attunement isn't just about giving yourself a self healing every day. You go through a clearing of the seven chakras, 3 times, so the day you are attuned you go through a deep clearing of your root chakra, this works up your body daily, then starts again. You may find yourself remembering things from ages ago, which is amazing, I had crazy dreams too (all good), I stopped smoking for the whole clearing and became very fussy with what I eat. Your clearing is all about giving yourself time to be you, if you dont have time to sit and do a full body treatment, do it in bed. Make sure you do it in a way you enjoy, it won't be a chore. Make sure you give yourself time to relax every day and "play" with reiki. Get to know it, it feels amazing, you'll have great fun doing it.

    Best of luck - let me know how you get on!

    If you have any more questions I'd be more than happy to help, but Ellie is fantastic, don't be afraid to pick up the phone and ring her if you have any concerns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Helena put it so much better than I could. The night my reiki 1 finished, I had the most surreal night, it felt like I kept leaving my body and re-entering it. Was a bit unnerving, but knew and trusted I was in safe hands. Not everyone will have the same experience, as everyone has different things to adapt to. For me, i needed to learn how to ground myself more.

    Helena, do you mind if I pm you something - a question I have regarding level 2.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Thanks so much for all the feedback. I had a meeting with Ellie and a reiki session yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Each reki i recieve has such different outcomes. I am learning so much. I am now so excited about the attunement. I'll keep you posted as to how I progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    OKgirl, when are you doing it? Let us know how it goes!

    irishamethyst, yes - feel free. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Thanks Helena.

    Okgirl - glad you enjoyed your session with Ellie. Let us know how you get on with the attunement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    I was at one of Ellie's Reiki Shares last night, and found it excellent. Intriguing too, as when someone did the reiki on me, she discovered a ladybird, and when the person practicing on me flicked away, she asked me about it, and I then felt a tickle on my finger, and looked down and there was a ladybird on my tunic. Ellie thought that it possibly symbolised upcoming changes, which is true of where I am in life at the moment :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Helena and Irishamethyst, many thanks for the recommendation and guidance.
    I have just had the most amazing and enlighting weekend with Ellie. The attunement was more than I imagined. It was all so beautiful and special. She is an amazing person. It was an honour to have been atttuned by her.

    Reiki 1 is so exciting. I am looking forward to the future and the new direction my life is taking. What a fantastic journey! :):):):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Fantastic okgirl. Maybe I will see you at one of her monthly shares some time. :D

    I found once I got some reiki music I was more able to focus on the self treatment afterwards. That was just me though. Everyone is so different in finding what works for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    OK girl, I'm delighted you got on so well! Good luck with it all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    I am on a waiting list to do reiki 2 in a couple of weeks time. I have been told that I should know sometime today if I can progress or not, as is dependant on my RM hearing confirmation from someone. From speaking to my RM, I think there is a strong likelihood that I will be doing it soon. I am excited about progressing onto the next stage. I was a bit apprehensive for a while, but now that I have decided to plough ahead, I am excited about the journey ahead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    I am on a waiting list to do reiki 2 in a couple of weeks time. I have been told that I should know sometime today if I can progress or not, as is dependant on my RM hearing confirmation from someone. From speaking to my RM, I think there is a strong likelihood that I will be doing it soon. I am excited about progressing onto the next stage. I was a bit apprehensive for a while, but now that I have decided to plough ahead, I am excited about the journey ahead.

    Well done you. Enjoy your journey and let me know how it all goes for you.
    It really is an exciting time for you.
    Would you mind if I pm you about something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    okgirl wrote: »
    Well done you. Enjoy your journey and let me know how it all goes for you.
    It really is an exciting time for you.
    Would you mind if I pm you about something?

    Will do. Yep, feel free to PM me - no worries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Well it is official - I heard back from my RM, and will be progressing to do Reiki 2 this Sat and Sun. I am glad that I decided to go ahead with it in the end, even though about a month ago I had some doubts about whether I was ready or not, but now on a gut instinct level I just knew the time was right. Even though I was late in applying and on the waiting list for a little while, I just somehow knew that I would come off the waiting list, and would be pursuing it this time around. I am excited about the next step on my journey, and am also hoping to do the crystal workshop that my RM does as well in August.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    Great! Enjoy it, you'll be suprised at the difference! Let us know how you get on. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    I had an amazing weekend doing level 2. It is so different to level 1, and Brian kept on commenting on how much my energy had changed since level 1 too. I think he was picking up on my own self doubt ;). Some of the experiences I had over the weekend were truly amazing :D. I am excited about getting to know the next aspect of my journey with reiki. It is exciting, and can already feel a whole new world opening up to me, more so than I did on level 1. The first day I found more tiring, and then yesterday evening, I was feeling more excited. I think the tiredness was partially to do with the fact that there was so much more information to absorb.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    I'm so excited for you, you're very lucky to be working with Brian, he's great. It's a huge amount to absorb so don't push yourself too hard. It will all seep in eventually. :)

    How did you find the soul healing? I was so nervous the first time I did it, and to be honest, I didn't do it after until I did my first initiation. I had to do it then to pass on the info and it was so much easier and less "spooky" than I had thought.

    It's amazing how you relearn everything again. I'm sure doing level 2, aspects of level one you had forgotten came flooding back?

    How is your clearing going?
