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Paedophiles are not perverts



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,690 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    LadyJ wrote:
    Where in my post did I say it was ok to fcuk children? This is what I mean, it's a touchy subject. You can't say anything without someone inferring that you think riding kids is perfectly fine. Sigh.

    have you had a partner or close relative convicted for sexual abusing minors? Is this where you are coming from?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    have you had a partner or close relative convicted for sexual abusing minors? Is this where you are coming from?
    No. :rolleyes: I just think people are too vicious about the subject. I think the same about murderers too. Is it not ok for someone to want to learn rather than just shout the odds?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,690 ✭✭✭✭nacho libre

    LadyJ wrote:
    No. :rolleyes: I just think people are too vicious about the subject. I think the same about murderers too. Is it not ok for someone to want to learn rather than just shout the odds?

    With respect that's easy for you to say. Perhaps some of the people vicious about the subject in this thread having been abused or have had someone close to them abused.

    In my view acting on paedophilic urges is morally repugnant and anyone in this thread who engages in moral realtivity on this subject i'm actually suspicious of their motive for doing so. Just to be absolutely clear i'm not implying this is what you are doing.
    If a friend confided in me they are a paedophile i'd salut their courage for admitting so but at the same time i'd let them know in no uncertain terms that if they acted on their urges are friendship would be over. I think the stigma about padeophila has to be maintained. If you don't believe me look at the re-offending rates for child sex- abusers. It is widely accepted among psychologists treatment programs don't work. so, to clarify while i sympathise with anyone who has these urges if you act on them you reap what you sow in my view.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,122 ✭✭✭LadyJ

    I have already said that I don't agree with paedophiles who act on their urges. I mean ffs! Of course I think that's wrong! The only point I am making is that paedophiles are people, not monsters. There needs to be a lot more research done into what makes a paedophile have these urges instead of people just shouting about how disgusting it is, without any desire to learn and try to figure out what can be done. I am sick of the attitude that "all paedophiles should be hanged". I know that's not what you are saying but it is what I have heard many people say before.

    I am in no way condoning child abuse. All I am saying is that I sincerely doubt that having sexual feelings for children is something that a person can decide on. Whether or not they act on them though IS their decision. Clear?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    LadyJ wrote:
    I have already said that I don't agree with paedophiles who act on their urges. I mean ffs! Of course I think that's wrong! The only point I am making is that paedophiles are people, not monsters.

    Yes but no one is actually a monster so it is a bit of a moot point

    Paedophiles are what they are. Saying they aren't monsters is rather pointless since you also seem to say that no one is a monster, so I'm not sure what you mean by a monster in the first place?

    What are you trying to say pedophiles aren't?

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,090 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    Wicknight wrote:
    Yes but no one is actually a monster so it is a bit of a moot point

    Paedophiles are what they are. Saying they aren't monsters is rather pointless since you also seem to say that no one is a monster, so I'm not sure what you mean by a monster in the first place?

    What are you trying to say pedophiles aren't?
    Not terribly abhorrant people due to the feelings they were born with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭N8

    hallelujah wrote:
    Am I the only person who thinks paedophiles are not perverts?

    I think its wrong of paedophiles to have sex with minors and also viewing images (as the children in the images are being exploited) but to have feelings for children is not perverted.

    Yes it is. Sick and perverted.
    6th wrote:
    You do have a point and my problem is only with those that offend (how do we tell those that dont?), they choose to carry out the acts that they do be that assaulting a child or viewing offending material.

    By commission of a crime they define themselves criminal and capable of removing another human rights. Your child's.
    Degsy wrote:
    I'm sure you can justify anything to yourself. Everybody else things its cowardly, perverted and dangerous for society. A disproportionate number of people serving life in prison were abused as children. Paedophiles are the scum of the earth.

    They destroy that innocence in children never recovered from. They steal trust from those children and damage them physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually so that they struggle for the rest of their lives trying to recover, if they ever do.
    The principle issue with paedophilia however in not that it is perverted, but that it is considered a harmful paraphilia in that it involves non-consensual (due to age) participation of another party.

    What a load of cr*p. It is evil. Lets not politically correct or human rights it please.
    Im not saying that, Im saying that many people have their suspicions based on NAMBLA's agenda and the speech that you hear at gay rights marches - about getting your kids.

    NAMBLA - National American Men and BOY Lovers Association – of course they want your children!

    Dudess wrote:
    I think those who profit from child porn are even more reprehensible than paedophiles.

    Child Porn Profiteers who organise the kidnap, torture and rape of children deserve tortured to death
    LadyJ wrote:
    They are still humans. I've said the same thing in the past about murderers. They are just people. They think differently and it is our job to find out why and what causes this but it is completely unreasonable and unhelpful to just write them off as monsters. If we do that then how can we ever hope to learn about their state of mind and thus help to prevent them committing the crime and also help them to live normal lives and deal with this "condition", for want of a better word, without acting on the urge?

    In Texas they are presently discussing allowing the death penalty for Paedophiles. I agree.

    If a dog were to bite one of our children society accepts that dog be put down. Lets call a spade a spade. Criminal paedophiles deserve the same.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭metrovelvet

    LadyJ wrote:
    No. :rolleyes: I just think people are too vicious about the subject. I think the same about murderers too. Is it not ok for someone to want to learn rather than just shout the odds?

    Have you read the Fernes report? These people are sick. You think people are too vicous? oh boo hoo poor child rapist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭metrovelvet

    N8 wrote:
    In Texas they are presently discussing allowing the death penalty for Paedophiles. I agree.

    If a dog were to bite one of our children society accepts that dog be put down. Lets call a spade a spade. Paedophiles deserve the same.

    Finally someone is on the right track. Go Texas.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Not terribly abhorrant people due to the feelings they were born with.

    As opposed to what?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 643 ✭✭✭Beelzebub

    Not terribly abhorrant people due to the feelings they were born with.

    They are abhorrent people, there can be no doubt about that whatsoever in any right thinking person's mind.
    But are you saying that they are born that way?
    That it's genetic?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,090 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    Wicknight wrote:
    As opposed to what?
    The opposite of my sentence.

    They are abhorrent people, there can be no doubt about that whatsoever in any right thinking person's mind.
    But are you saying that they are born that way?
    That it's genetic?
    Oh no, of course not, we of course have a full choice in who we find sexually attractive.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    Yarr! Raise the lit pitchforks! Let's have a good ol' witch hunt!:rolleyes:

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,090 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    Simu likes people with boyish good looks, get her!

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭N8

    simu wrote:
    Yarr! Raise the lit pitchforks! Let's have a good ol' witch hunt!:rolleyes:
    nice try Simu hardly comparable.

    But hey what would you have?

    Criminal paedophiles in creches? Criminal paedophiles in kindergartens? Criminal paedophiles in schools?

    Jail them and pay €50K plus per year for them to live in the lap of luxury?

    It is pretty much because of do gooders that this sort of thing is tolerated in our generation. The last generation allowed it through abuse of power and fear. I hope our children get to grips with it.

    Personally I would rather them in parks fertilising our trees. Running a close second would be removing their limbs, fixing hoses in and out for nutiritional intake and excretionary requisites, sitting them up and storing them on sliding shelves in giant warehouses producing renewable energy for us to all benefit from.

    Criminal paedophiles are predatory animals without any regard other than self gratification, willing to damage, rape, torture and kill society's most precious asset - its children.

    They deserve recognised as such and dealt with as such.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    N8 wrote:
    What a load of cr*p. It is evil. Lets not politically correct or human rights it please.
    Ah, so it's evil? So what else is "evil" then? Left-handedness? Homosexuality? "Evil" implies intent and choice. Having a sexual attraction to children cannot be defined as evil. Acting on that attraction can.

    The number of instances of the word "child" in your post leads me to believe that you subscribe to the child hysteria that tends to grab people - that somehow because a child is being wronged, it's more worthy of attention than if an adult is being wronged. It's a natural emotive reaction. Evolution's fault, really.
    They are abhorrent people, there can be no doubt about that whatsoever in any right thinking person's mind.
    But are you saying that they are born that way?
    That it's genetic?
    Answer me two questions:
    Can you prove that you didn't choose your sexuality?
    Can you prove that paedophiles do choose theirs?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Beelzebub wrote:
    They are abhorrent people, there can be no doubt about that whatsoever in any right thinking person's mind.
    But are you saying that they are born that way?
    That it's genetic?
    Might be, might not be. No doubt psychologists will be arguing on that one for decades either way. Homosexuality used to be thought to be imprinted behavior. Then they decided that they were born that way. Or not. They're still arguing about that one.

    Reminds me of the graffiti found in a London toilet that read "my mother made me a homosexual", under which was the reply "if I gave her the wool, would she make me one too?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭N8

    seamus wrote:
    Ah, so it's evil? "Evil" implies intent and choice. Having a sexual attraction to children cannot be defined as evil. Acting on that attraction can.

    Yes they choose to act. They are defined as criminal paedophiles....

    or did you just answer your own question....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 643 ✭✭✭Beelzebub

    seamus wrote:
    Ah, so it's evil? So what else is "evil" then? Left-handedness? Homosexuality? "Evil" implies intent and choice. Having a sexual attraction to children cannot be defined as evil. Acting on that attraction can.

    The number of instances of the word "child" in your post leads me to believe that you subscribe to the child hysteria that tends to grab people - that somehow because a child is being wronged, it's more worthy of attention than if an adult is being wronged. It's a natural emotive reaction. Evolution's fault, really.

    Answer me two questions:
    Can you prove that you didn't choose your sexuality?
    Can you prove that paedophiles do choose theirs?

    I don't believe that anyone conciously chooses who they are sexually attracted to.
    They can however consciously choose to suppress it.
    They can also choose to not act on urges/impulses - which paedophiles do not.
    I believe that paedophiles do need to be studied more, because we don't know enough about the phenomon and it needs to understood so that we can protect children. Whether or not they can be helped/rehabilitated, well we'll just have to wait and see.
    In the mean time paedophiles should never be allowed to be in a situation where they might be a danger to children.

    Children don't have the maturity do deal with being physically abused the way adults do, either physically or mentally.
    So yes it is worse when a child is physically abused/raped/tortured, it can cause more physical and psychological damage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    The opposite of my sentence.

    Who starts off with a normal sexual desire and decides that no instead they want to molest children, or have sex with dead people, or get off raping women, or get hot abusing animals? Even by the very fact that you could choose to have said desires means that you were not normal to begin with.

    Such an opposite to what you said doesn't exist, so again I'm failing to see what these people are being contrasted to?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,300 ✭✭✭CiaranC

    N8 wrote:
    Personally I would rather them in parks fertilising our trees. Running a close second would be removing their limbs, fixing hoses in and out for nutiritional intake and excretionary requisites, sitting them up and storing them on sliding shelves in giant warehouses producing renewable energy for us to all benefit from.
    You sir, have issues.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,777 ✭✭✭✭The Corinthian

    Wicknight wrote:
    Who starts off with a normal sexual desire and decides that no instead they want to molest children, or have sex with dead people, or get off raping women, or get hot abusing animals?
    Or combining bestiality with necrophilia and sadism...

    ...or would that just be flogging a dead horse?

    Sorry. I'll get my coat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    N8 wrote:
    Personally I would rather them in parks fertilising our trees. Running a close second would be removing their limbs, fixing hoses in and out for nutiritional intake and excretionary requisites, sitting them up and storing them on sliding shelves in giant warehouses producing renewable energy for us to all benefit from.


    Would that serve any practical purpose except to make you feel better?
    N8 wrote:
    Criminal paedophiles are predatory animals without any regard other than self gratification, willing to damage, rape, torture and kill society's most precious asset - its children.

    How do you know that? Are you one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭N8

    Wicknight wrote:

    Would that serve any practical purpose except to make you feel better?

    ? "Running a close second would be removing their limbs, fixing hoses in and out for nutiritional intake and excretionary requisites, sitting them up and storing them on sliding shelves in giant warehouses producing renewable energy for us to all benefit from."

    yes they would act as a power source and save us as society money and resources in either jailing them or supervising them. Preferably upon conviction (with the right to appeal of course) they would be executed.

    Wicknight wrote:
    How do you know that? Are you one?

    ? "Criminal paedophiles are predatory animals without any regard other than self gratification, willing to damage, rape, torture and kill society's most precious asset - its children."

    Given this is the definition of a criminal paedophile ie one having either sexually abused or killed a child I am unsure of your question

    - do you mean am I a child??

    No I am neither.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    N8 wrote:
    Yes they choose to act. They are defined as criminal paedophiles....

    or did you just answer your own question....
    You seem to have suddenly hijacked this and moved from "paedophile" to "criminal".

    We're discussing here the state of being attracted to children. We're not specifically talking about those who act on that attraction.

    I would ask that you go back and read the very first post on this thread and consider it please before you post again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,300 ✭✭✭CiaranC

    N8 wrote:
    ...insane rambling...
    What a brilliant way to tackle the evil in the world, set up Orwellian state-run torture chambers and death camps where we sever limbs and execute people to tackle criminality. You should move to Saudi Arabia, they are big on that sort of thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    N8 wrote:
    nice try Simu hardly comparable.

    All I'm saying is there's no point getting hysterical about the subject as some people itt have done. This is supposed to be a forum for debate and discussion after all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭N8

    seamus wrote:
    You seem to have suddenly hijacked this and moved from "paedophile" to "criminal".

    We're discussing here the state of being attracted to children. We're not specifically talking about those who act on that attraction.

    I would ask that you go back and read the very first post on this thread and consider it please before you post again.

    Fair enough Seamus.

    simu wrote:
    All I'm saying is there's no point getting hysterical about the subject as some people itt have done. This is supposed to be a forum for debate and discussion after all.

    Again fair enough. My opinion may be a little right of centre but many share it.

    hallelujah wrote:
    Am I the only person who thinks paedophiles are not perverts? Years ago it was considered sick/perverted to be a homosexual. Nowadays it is considered acceptable and to reject this is seen as unacceptable. I think paedophiles cannot help how they feel. I mean, could you stop being attracted to the opposite/same sex?

    Its like say you had a brother who confides in you and tells you he fancies animals. He says he hates himself for it but has tried and failed to get rid of the attraction. Would you call him sick eben though his plight is out of his hands?

    I think its wrong of paedophiles to have sex with minors and also viewing images (as the children in the images are being exploited) but to have feelings for children is not perverted.

    Yes it is sick and perverted. No apologies, my advice if it were my brother would be

    “seek help it is sick and perverted, and puts children at risk”

    “PS stay away from mine”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭metrovelvet

    CiaranC wrote:
    What a brilliant way to tackle the evil in the world, set up Orwellian state-run torture chambers and death camps where we sever limbs and execute people to tackle criminality. You should move to Saudi Arabia, they are big on that sort of thing.

    I prefer my idea where if you dont kill them off, you stick them all in a pen or on an island and let themselves watch each other age.

    It is a vampiric disease, predatory and compulsive, conducted by seduction, -they need to feed. The solution is to starve them of their substance, youth, so they cant pass it on to the next generation.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭metrovelvet

    CiaranC wrote:
    You sir, have issues.

    The irony of you saying something like that on a thread like this.

    There is nothing wrong with a sadistic fantasy.

    Unlike these animals who actually go out and ABUSE CHILDREN. Why do some people here confuse abuse with attraction?

This discussion has been closed.