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Abroad for cheaper treatment



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,538 ✭✭✭btkm8unsl0w5r4

    pjproby wrote:
    i am sure that we have all met irish people who have has bad dental work performed by irish dentists so criticising foreign dentists strikes me as slightly rich particularly as the irish dental profession was a tightly controlled one for many years with entry to the profession restricted by the number of college places made available. This was the ultimate restrictive practice carried out by the professional classes to enrich themselves.

    Did you read the discussion above?..for instance third post I said
    All quality dental care takes time and cannot be completed in a week. You can get good work done anywhere in the world but it generally takes time.

    and again and again I and others have said that yes you can get world class dentistry here or in any country in the world. Yes you can get bad dentistry here and anywhere in the world. Good dentistry takes time and money anywhere in the world.

    As for restricting places...this is hogwash however now the EU has opened up accenson state dentists are welcome to come to ireland and whats the problem...why dont the forign dentists set up here with their low cost dentistry...because 1. Then thay have the same costs as the rest of us. 2. Then their work is covered by irish law and they can be sued (ireland has the second highest rate of litigation in the worlds after the US) You would have a hard time getting recourse from some guy in Budapest cas their legal system makes it very hard to sue a healthcare professional. 3. Cause laboratory work here is more expensive 4. Because then they would have to look after their mistakes rather than sending them 1000's of miles away. 5. Because then they could not advertise.

    Of course this is a free country and if anyone wishes to seek dental care elsewhere I welcome them to and wish them the best of luck...Just ensure that it is an informed decision and you understand the risks and benefits beforehand. Please dont mistake people here pointing out the risks as trying to protect Irish Dentistry.

    The Content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical/dental advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, dental professional, or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical/dental condition. Never disregard professional medical/dental advice or delay in seeking it because of Content found on this forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭lomb

    as fitzgeme points out it takes time to do good dentistry. i cant see how they can treatment plan and place numerous crowns/implants the same day. it boggles the mind imho.
    if the bite isnt right the end result will probably destroy itself, and cause a life time of jaw pain. i just cannot see how one can fix an occlusal plane doing multiple implant, crown and bridge placements in a day, and fit everythign else another day.
    theres alot more to the dentition as a whole than just teeth people see arranged in a row. the dentition is indeed a very elegant design and i hope to do some posts on this in the following days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 359 ✭✭jayo2004

    Was thinking about doing this myself what would you guys think of this

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,748 ✭✭✭el diablo

    jayo2004 wrote:
    Was thinking about doing this myself what would you guys think of this

    here some reviews of kreativedent for you to read.

    a mix of good and bad reviews really..

    We're all in this psy-op together.🤨

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭lomb

    imho no major dental work and that includes a large number of veneers, implants, more than 2 crowns, bridges, can be done without diagnostic casts mounted on an a machine simulating the bite and spending at least 20 minutes looking at this and analysing it. more if more major work is being embarked on. i think you would want to ask any budapest clinic how they are going to go about doing any of this when they are going to treat you on the same day.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 jenna_

    well guys, i've been researching dental surgery abroad and stumbled across this discussion, and to be honest my personal opinion of irish dentists is they're mostly a pack of cowboys!
    I started off with a healthy set of teeth, a little crooked but strong. unfortunately i cracked off a corner of a front tooth when I was 12 due to grinding my teeth in my sleep, so went to a dentist who decided this perfectly healthy tooth needed root canal work, which he began immediately and it went on for 4 years as he managed to give me gum disease and couldn't clear it up. my teeth gradually turned a brownish yellow and my gums were almost permantently swollen and all the visits and pleas my mother made to clinics still had me sent back to the same guy cos he wsa "respected" and convinced other dentists it was my fault all these things went wrong.
    He also used to drill holes in my back teeth, that had no decay, and fill them, alot of this drilling was done before the anesthetic would kick in.
    If only he had just filled in the missing bit
    Eventually our local clinic had a change of staff and my mother arrived in with me, what remained of my front tooth (throughout the procedured he drilled it down to a stump) was covered with a temporary crown and I am in daily agony with my teeth and if I'm not very careful about keeping the clean they start to decay.
    You might say this could be due to a bad diet and unhealthy eating habits, but no, i've always been a healthy eater and anyway I get migranes from sugar and reactions to acidic fruits.
    I've gone to dentists since, in hopes they'll ease my pain, a struggle as i'm fairly terrified and insist on no pain, one dentist laughed at me and told me I may start doing the lotto or snare a rich man if I want a nice smile, I walked out on him, another told me i wouldhave to feel a certain amount of pain during his procedures, I walked out on her.
    And a highly recommended dentist managed to break the roots in two of my front teeth.
    Also all the dentists i've seen have said they can't figure out, from looking at my x-rays, how I can be in any pain, and have dismissed it as nonsense, but I can sure feel it!
    I did find a decent dentist who maintained my teeth and made sure I felt no pain in the process, but she said that they can only be maintained for a short time and the work I need to get done would cost far too much in Ireland, she recommended I look abroad.

    So abroad I will go cos i've lost faith in the dental industry in Ireland!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 jenna_

    oh, I also know a girl, personally, who had an horrific set of teeth.
    she went abroad and had extensive surgery done during a 5 day period, I got in contact with her uncle there a while ago to see how she was getting on, and to get the name of the place she went to, and 5 years down the line they're still perfect!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Raveness

    Hi, im new to this board. I totally agree with Jenna. Although i suppose it depends on ones circumstances. I have had nothing but bad luck, bad advice and bad treatment from dentists in Ireland since i was a child. Im 27 now and i have just been informed that i need braces. My upper teeth are fine only for the tooth on my left of my front tooth (sorry i do not know the correct dental terminology or what the teeth are called :D) was slightly behind the others, a quarter of a tooth out of place to be precise according to the head professor of orthodontics. My mother had inquired about getting braces for me through the school plan/under 16 plan, but i was not severe enough and we couldnt afford to pay full price. My bottom teeth are completely over crowded.
    10 years ago, i ate a hard sweet and it pulled out a filling and cracked the entire outside wall of my tooth off so my dentist recommended that i get it pulled as there was very little tooth left. So i did, taking a professionals advice. Little did i know that now, 10 years later, my jaw is dislocating and i find it painful to open my mouth wide and eat certain foods. The tooth they removed was the third one from the back on my bottom left side (1st molar? im probably wrong). Instead of my upper teeth biting on the top of my bottom teeth, they are biting on the side of my bottom teeth as they are both after slanting forward over the gap.
    It took appointments with multiple dentists, who all but one said that there was nothing wrong with my jaw and didnt want anything to do with me, over the past 3-4 years. My current dentist is fantastic but could not figure out what was causing the problem with my jaw. The dentist that was able to tell me immediately from looking at my xray was a dentist in the Czech Republic, which i am just home from. I basically needed two root canal treated teeth crowned asap and could not afford it here. So after consulting my dentist here in Ireland, she had no problem with me getting the crowns abroad. It took 5 days, short i know, but i was in the surgery for at least 4 and a half hours per day! Ouch! I could not recommend anyone better as he was very understanding, patient, gentle, a perfectionist and had perfect english. Also i looked up his credentials and i was very impressed. His techniques were very up to date too. I really wanted the upper front crooked tooth i had crowned as i have hated it my whole life! But he refused point blank to touch it as he said he wont shave down perfectly healthy teeth. All he would do for me were the two crowns i needed and he changed my silver fillings to white (i had 8 old, old fillings). I pleaded with him but no way would he agree to it. Braces is what he told me to get, that way, the upper tooth will be perfect and they will fix my lower teeth and jaw problems once i get an implant in the gap.
    I am not in any way advertising this dentist i went to abroad and i am a firm believer in "you get what you pay for". I have contemplated and researched this for years and have seen results of these dentists work first hand and its impressive.
    Sorry for such a long post but my original reason, which i got completely side-tracked from, for posting was to ask fitzgeme and lomb a question. Are ye both dentists or do ye know alot about this area?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 joolzz

    Bernadett wrote: »
    I am from Hungary and i use to live in Dublin for 4 years.My friend got his teeth done here with my dentis.He was so happy with them.He came out much cheaper and he had a good time as well.If you need any question about that let me know,because my dentis just start taking foreng pations.She is really amasing.
    I need root canal treatment - two teeth will cost me €1700 apparently for two hours work. The reason I need this is because my last dentist (who is IRISH) provided me with poor care. He allowed some of my teeth to rot over a two year period, as well as filling in over decay. I have always gone to a dentist for regular check-ups and trusted that this particular dentist knew what he was doing (even if instinct said otherwise). I often mentioned that I was concerned about two of my teeth that appeared to be decaying but he did nothing about this. The new dentist that I an now seeing appears to be much more professional. When I asked him why my last dentist allowed this to happen, he replied that "there are some problems going on out there". I have also since been advised to visit "younger" dentists. Moral: You get god and bad dentists EVERYWHERE.
    It is highly arrogant to suggest that our own dentists are better than "foreign" dentists. Many of these opinions are subjective as opposed to objective.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 joolzz

    I need root canal treatment - two teeth will cost me €1700 apparently for two hours work. The reason I need this is because my last dentist (who is IRISH) provided me with poor care. He allowed some of my teeth to rot over a two year period, as well as filling in over decay. I have always gone to a dentist for regular check-ups and trusted that this particular dentist knew what he was doing (even if instinct said otherwise). I often mentioned that I was concerned about two of my teeth that appeared to be decaying but he did nothing about this. The new dentist that I an now seeing appears to be much more professional. When I asked him why my last dentist allowed this to happen, he replied that "there are some problems going on out there". I have also since been advised to visit "younger" dentists. Moral: You get god and bad dentists EVERYWHERE.
    It is highly arrogant to suggest that our own dentists are better than "foreign" dentists. Many of these opinions are subjective as opposed to objective.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 joolzz think you're pretty clever I expect.....very arrogant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 Karlmartini1

    I am considering getting a few crowns done in eastern Europe and the more internet research I do the more confused I get. The forums (this one included) are a hotbed of machiavellian self-interest. The Irish dentists will always insist that foriegn dental work will be shoddy and will always produce anecdotal evedence to prove it. The Irish patient who got a good job done in Ireland will feel like telling everyone because he has to justify spending 3 times what he would have paid in Prague. On the other hand it is very hard to tell the shoddy foriegn dentists from the good ones. Like anything there's probably a fair mix of cowboys amongst the talent. On another note....who says the Irish dentists are better than in any other country? We've come to think local is best, but is it?. I'm sure a Czech person wouldn't dream of getting a big dental job done in Ireland, even if he/she lived here.

    It would be nice to have a web site where the public rated dentists but whats to stop the cowboys logging on and giving themselves glowing reviews?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 2bpacific

    Ha Ha you are a dentist, and you have the cheek to accuse Bernadette of touting for business! You cant just dismiss Hungarian dentists on what you have heard second hand from other people, chinese whispers isnt the most professional way of conducting business.

    Talking about Irish dentists, I recently had a crown fitted to my front tooth because it was causing me pain, the dentist asked me what butcher had given me the original crown and when i told him it was him, the look on his face was priceless. This guy is well established, and when "replacing" the crown, it was only when i got home that i realised he had simply scooped out the back of the original crown and refilled it, leaving me with the original enamel from the old crown which was stained, which i had pointed out to him before he started the treatment.

    I have also had dental work done in Santiago Chile, which was suprisingly professional and the quality was excellent, and for the fifth of the price of an Irish dentist.

    By the way i have no connection to Bernadette and yes i signed up today cause i was so infuriated with your reply, sounded more like Ross O'Carroll Kelly than a professional, maybe u should go home and put on your white hood and burn some more crosses!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,374 ✭✭✭Gone West

    Thanks el diablo....bernadette, as you can see has not posted on boards since. And her IP address is the same as [the?] poster touting for business in hungary here before. This is against forum rules.

    I will try to type more slowley in the future....

    Back to the origional post however.....I think if you are comfortable getting dental work from a dentist you dont know purely on the basis of cost then fire ahead but dont expect your local dentist to help if anything goes wrong. If only 20 % of your front teeth needs replacing then get simple white fillings for about 200 euro. If you go to hungary you will definatly end up with 2 or even more crowns ehich you may not need in the first place. Remember these dentist cater for those who think only of money and as such they think only for [of?] money thenselves. Just my opinion though.
    Since you were needlessly mocking another posters English on this thread, I corrected one or two mistakes you made yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    From todays Examiner

    MONDAY’s announcement from insurance company Hibernian that it is to ship 580 jobs to India hammered home the doom-and-gloom report from the ESRI. The report said unemployment would rise to 7.1% in 2009 and analysts are looking at two emerging factors likely to affect this.

    One aspect is companies like Hibernian eyeing the cost reductions of moving large numbers of jobs to cheaper labour markets.

    I don't think anyone should be surprised that the cost of providing Dental care in Ireland, is higher than abroad. Most things are which is unfortunate for all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Reyman

    Bernadette....whats your cant post that its safer...safer than what. I see you signed up espically to tell us that information....I am suspicious that you may have a financial interest here. Your years in ireland have not improved your english either

    I find this kind of comment unacceptable from a Moderator! A person's English should not be a subject of 'fun' . An immediate apology is in order.
