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Potential awkward situation with friends



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,585 ✭✭✭honru

    Zane, I don't think forcing an apology out of this person is very productive. Are you really going to stay budged to this position for the rest of your life? Look at the amount of effort put into this arguement as evidenced by this thread. You could have spent that time working on a hobby, or socialising with new people.

    You also could have called out on his shít in a civil manner FACE TO FACE without having to resort to physical violence through email. OK, we all get furious sometimes, but if someone treats you with disrespect, I would not lose my cool about it. You're just burning too much emotional energy, while (in your case) effecting your social peer group in the process. Is it really all worth it?

    Instead, I would reconsider this person in your life. Does he add to it, or bring negativity? Did he acknoledge his actions, or refute them? Use your own judgement and simply remove or limit this person from your life. Be strong about it, and don't show that his actions, heavy-handed as they might be, effect you. In the end, it's your life man. The time is ticking and you've got to move on at some point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,838 ✭✭✭DapperGent

    lol Zane's a nutcase.

    PI is always good for a laugh. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Jonny Arson

    Slash/ED wrote:
    How can you read it as anything other than a threat? What exactly did you mean then? Don't say it was a warning, I mean literally, what EXACTLY did you mean!?
    I said it was a heavy handed warning. I was the one who typed it and I know what it meant. Draw your own conclusion on it if you want but I know what I meant.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Excusable is a strong word. I've told you, it was stupid but it did not harm anyone. To possibley throw away a good friend or more, ask yourself, is it worth it? If you think it is frankly you're going about this well.
    It didn't ''harm'' anyone because it was behind someone's back yet in a way rubbing it in their face. The intent behind it (to insult and ridicule) doesn't change if someone doesn't know what it's about.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Why did you need to mention people though? You said something about me and others "they're hiding behind their keyboards laughing away" "I was put in a very ****ing difficult position surrounded by 8-9 blokes laughing away like the big men they are and me the only one having a bit of cop on", why bring others into it? Why go and insult pretty much the entire group? What are you hopeing to achieve here? It's not a huge insult, but on your part it's f*cking stupidity, can you not see this!?
    But its true though so it's relevent to an extent. I mentioned you and other people because 1. I knew what your attitudes would be towards the insult and 2. I knew what your reactions would be when I spoke out. Both counts have been proven true. Don't dare accuse me of insulting you or others when I didn't
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Who are you arguing with here? It's not an allegation and I'm not following up on anything, I'm making my own opinions and as I've stated it's an opinion he himself shares. That says it all and is all you should be concerned with.
    You have backed up his intital allegation word for word literally. There's nothing there.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    That's not the e-mail in question it was the one where you said it was "major irony" him calling anyone fat. It's just not something you say about a mate, not one you want to remain mates with anyway. He's píssed off, talk about it with him not me.
    I stated a fact that is an irony to an extent. I never insulted him or ridiculed him like CD and you want to make out. I made a comment and observation in relation to the original incident in order to back up my beliefs. It probably wasn't necessary but to state that I have insulted my friend in derogatory manner when I never did is untrue.

    Of course as with the original incident your moral highground here is beyond hypocisy its unreal.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    He also says you have never said anything to his face about it, again talk to him about it.
    I did in relation to his constant pisstaking of the person in question.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Whatever about what he's done in the past there's a difference between how you talk about mates and how you talk about complete strangers who don't even live in the city you live in, if you can't see this I give up.
    Insulting a person is insulting a person and if you can't see this I give up.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    CD stated in his email that he wasn't going to forward it to M. He has, he lied and I knew he would do this. That is dirty tactics.
    Oh again (I'll bold this so everyone can see) with regards to your allegation here and CD's allegation you and him have shown a disturbing hypocracy that is frankly astonishing. You say that the original incident is a ''nothing matter'' but what I said (or didn't say as far as I'm concerned) is insulting? Don't you dare insult my intelligence or make me out to be the bad guy here. And don't you conveniently avoid your hypocricy next time you post here!!!
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Again, learn the difference between mates and complete strangers. It may be a hypocracy but it's a way of life.

    You flawed your entire argument and stance here which was flawed anyway.

    You have stated that it is perfectly acceptable to insult a person who is a friend of a friend but it isn't acceptable to insult a direct friend (which I never did). Your double standards and you hypocrisy is absolutely vile and disgraceful. You have no logic. You've acknowledged that you are hyprocritical, good to see some sense from you all of a sudden but know stop being delusional and acknowledge that the original incident was insulting.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    My stance, once more, was the original incident was childish. This isn't about the original incicent. A concept lost on you.
    All this hullabaloo would have never happened if the original incident hadn't of happened in first place so stop deluding yourself by acting as it never happened.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    I don't mean to sound harsh here, but will you still think your happy if you lose most of your friends over this?
    Lose friends over sticking up for someone when my good aul mates were insulting them.? Lose friends over false allegations? Lose my friends over their hypocracy and denial over the orignal incident?

    I don't think I'm losing friends, I don't believe I had them in the first place.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    You didn't speak out against someone, you said you'd kick their head in. For the love of god are you in total denial about your first e-mail and the way it could be precieved?
    I don't have time for you or ''him'' when both of you continue to delude yourselves over the original incident. Why are both you in denial that's the question that must be answered first.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    THERE IS NO ****ING AGENDA. There is not a capital letter large enough to emphasise that point.
    With lies, false allegations, denial over the original incident, forwarding confidential emails, backtracking on saying that they wouldn't be forwarded? Yes there is a ****ing agenda.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    So were you, and far more so, that's the issue here.
    Continue to deny the original incident ever happened for your buddy. All of this sh!t wouldn't have started if wasn't for him.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    The only allegation is over something that doesn't involve me, once more I suggest you talk to the other person about it. Sharing confidental e-mails isn't a disgrace if you're going to be discussing others in it, you see if a mate sees another being talked about he's going to tell them. The concept of freindship seems lost on you.
    Again I never insulted anyone. Made perfectly reasonable statements. You don't see to have much of an appreciation of friendship either when both of you make up false allegations that I insulted people.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    Nobody is tyring to bully you. Nobody is trying to intimate you. If you can't get over your farcial paranoia you'll end up with nobody.
    Paranoia over when he insulted someone? That isn't paranoia, thats fact.
    Slash/ED wrote:
    What the **** has my ego got to do with anything? Why would I want to milk this incident? Why why why!? Talk some sense and get some ****ing perspective. This utter nonsense is annoying me now, you can't talk to you and offer a different point of view without agenda and other utter rubbish. Can you not accept others can disagree!? Do you not wonder why they do!?
    Sorry you've contradicted your point of view already. I can't take anything you write seriously from now on.. You resorted to making false allegations agasint me based on nothing. You've rehashed the original culprits story word for f**king word. You've had no imparitality here.

    I'm getting fed up of your one sided loyal stance. You know he's in the wrong yet you won't admit that even though you've contradicited yourself on it.

    You can and ''him'' can continue to try and put the blame game on me but I'm not buying that. He's got no case, you've got no case (you've flawed that with admitting above that you are hyprocritical towards the original incident).

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,518 ✭✭✭✭dudara

    The next poster(s) to continue this silly argument will be banned, no warnings given.

    Dapper Gent, you're on thin ice. Stick to the OT.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,163 ✭✭✭Slash/ED

    I said it was a heavy handed warning. I was the one who typed it and I know what it meant. Draw your own conclusion on it if you want but I know what I meant.

    What on earth is heavy handed warning supposed to mean if not a warning you'll kick his head in. Please tell me LITERALLY what exactly you were saying would happen.
    It didn't ''harm'' anyone because it was behind someone's back yet in a way rubbing it in their face. The intent behind it (to insult and ridicule) doesn't change if someone doesn't know what it's about.

    If the intent was to ridicule they'd have ridiculed. It was just a childish thing that happened, nobody was hurt, you reacted like he'd killed one of your relatives or something.
    But its true though so it's relevent to an extent. I mentioned you and other people because 1. I knew what your attitudes would be towards the insult and 2. I knew what your reactions would be when I spoke out. Both counts have been proven true. Don't dare accuse me of insulting you or others when I didn't

    Did you not read what you wrote? You can't just deny what's in black and white.
    You have backed up his intital allegation word for word literally. There's nothing there.

    Well others disagree. That's more relevent.
    I stated a fact that is an irony to an extent. I never insulted him or ridiculed him like CD and you want to make out. I made a comment and observation in relation to the original incident in order to back up my beliefs. It probably wasn't necessary but to state that I have insulted my friend in derogatory manner when I never did is untrue.

    He disagrees, who cares what I think?
    Of course as with the original incident your moral highground here is beyond hypocisy its unreal.

    WILL YOU LEARN TO F*CKING READ. I have said numerous times the original incident was childish.
    I did in relation to his constant pisstaking of the person in question.

    Not what he said, for the last time, take it up with him.
    Insulting a person is insulting a person and if you can't see this I give up.

    If you can't take people being insulted don't hang around with a group. Looks like you've taken measures to ensure this is the case already.
    CD stated in his email that he wasn't going to forward it to M. He has, he lied and I knew he would do this. That is dirty tactics.

    Actually he didn't, he was asked on saturday about it and showed him the e-mails. It's not dirty tactics it's being a friend.
    You flawed your entire argument and stance here which was flawed anyway.

    You have stated that it is perfectly acceptable to insult a person who is a friend of a friend but it isn't acceptable to insult a direct friend (which I never did). Your double standards and you hypocrisy is absolutely vile and disgraceful. You have no logic. You've acknowledged that you are hyprocritical, good to see some sense from you all of a sudden but know stop being delusional and acknowledge that the original incident was insulting.

    It's not acceptable it's just what happens, it happens with everyone not just us, get used to it.
    All this hullabaloo would have never happened if the original incident hadn't of happened in first place so stop deluding yourself by acting as it never happened.

    Where have I done this? Stop being an idiot.
    Lose friends over sticking up for someone when my good aul mates were insulting them.? Lose friends over false allegations? Lose my friends over their hypocracy and denial over the orignal incident?

    Okay, it's real simple so pay attention. Groups of people our age will insult other people and people within the group. If you can't handle this, then you're doing the right thing. It makes you the most thin skinned person I've ever come across but it's better for you in the long run that you just don't hang around with people, who knows what you might hear?
    I don't think I'm losing friends, I don't believe I had them in the first place.

    You believe this over someone insulting someone? Jesus H Christ :D That's one of the funniest things I've ever read. If you believe that why are you arguing with anyone? If you never had friends in the first place and this was some agenda to get rid of you nobody would bother, we'd simple stop talking to you. It would not be difficult.
    I don't have time for you or ''him'' when both of you continue to delude yourselves over the original incident. Why are both you in denial that's the question that must be answered first.


    With lies, false allegations, denial over the original incident, forwarding confidential emails, backtracking on saying that they wouldn't be forwarded? Yes there is a ****ing agenda.

    What lies and false allegations? There is no denial about the original incident and the e-mails were shown to anyone who asked which is fairer than giving a one sided report on what happened in them.

    Tell me, please, what is the agenda. To get you? Why would we bother? If we'd a problem with you we'd just stop hanging around with you, something which will probably happen now tbh but only because of your own reaction. We wouldn't bother with this.

    Why do you always think there's an agenda? The mods here are conspiring against you, lecturers in UCD wanted people to fail, I think I remember you accusing GH of something similar and now we all have an agenda against you. WHAT AGENDA? WHY WOULD WE BOTHER?
    Continue to deny the original incident ever happened for your buddy. All of this sh!t wouldn't have started if wasn't for him.

    Shut the **** up and learn to read.

    Again I never insulted anyone. Made perfectly reasonable statements. You don't see to have much of an appreciation of friendship either when both of you make up false allegations that I insulted people.

    "I saw that. You've just shown what a ****ing arsehole you are. Are you looking to get your head kicked in coz you're not far off it.

    Oh BTW I know you'll forward this to email to everyone else since you quite obviously take the piss behind my back"

    No insults, perfectly reasnoable statements? That was the opening e-mail!

    Nobodys making up allegations. The people in question seem to think they were insulted based on the e-mail. Mass lets all get you agenda that everybody on the planet shares or something less sinister?
    Paranoia over when he insulted someone? That isn't paranoia, thats fact.

    Sorry you've contradicted your point of view already. I can't take anything you write seriously from now on.. You resorted to making false allegations agasint me based on nothing. You've rehashed the original culprits story word for f**king word. You've had no imparitality here.

    So by agreeing with someone I've no impartiality? I was impartial, I read the e-mails and now this is my point of view. PEOPLE CAN DISAGREE WITH YOU WITHOUT IT BEING A CONSPIRACY.
    I'm getting fed up of your one sided loyal stance. You know he's in the wrong yet you won't admit that even though you've contradicited yourself on it.

    My stance is based on what I read and nothing else.
    You can and ''him'' can continue to try and put the blame game on me but I'm not buying that. He's got no case, you've got no case (you've flawed that with admitting above that you are hyprocritical towards the original incident).

    Nobodys putting the blame on anyone, if we were out to get you we'd simply ignore you, an ever more attractive looking proposition.

    You seem to think of this as some kind of battle, and you can't stand down as you need to be 'strong' and it's all some kind of power struggle of some kind. It's pathetic. Your paranoia and talk of agendas is pure fantasy but you've managed to annoy me now as well as others with your utter nonsense on here. I've no more interest in this debate, I've said what's happened and told you why he reacted the way he did. You proceded to tell me I had an agenda, accused me of being the original person and all sorts. The simple truth here is, you cannot take other opinions on board. You just can't. You're incapable of doing that without accusing everyone of everything, people can't disagree with you because you always have to be right.

    For the love of god all this is over someone insulting someone. Without being harsh, if you can't take that you'll never be capable of hanging around with friends, anywhere. It's that simple. You're the most thin skinned on edge reactionary person I've met in my entire life and this incident is one of many that show that. If you can't get used to something like this you're better off without any mates and you're going some way to achieveing that target. Honestly, think about this in time if indeed you end up cutting yourself off from the entire group and loseing most of your mates. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe reacting like you have was the stupidest thing I can possibley imagine and maybe the world isn't out to get you and you've simpley brought it on yourself.

    I doubt I'll reply again unless you come out with some complete lies. This isn't between me and you yet you seem to want to make it one you against the world thing. Talk to the people in question if you must, I'm finished with it and I just don't care anymore. Continue to think the worlds out to get you and you must stand tall against the forces of evil if you must, see how far it gets you, I've lost all patience with you despite doing my best to be as impartial and neutrul as possible initially and I'm done here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78,350 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    2:32am No time to read the above.

    Guys take it to PM or Real Life™.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,518 ✭✭✭✭dudara

    Slash/ED banned for completely ignoring what I said in an earlier post.

    If anyone else wants a banning, please feel free to continue posting in a similar vein.

This discussion has been closed.