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First Time Drinking While Driving

  • 07-02-2006 8:33pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 10

    Hi guys,you must all hate me.i hate myself.i am only 19 years of age.I Never drink and drive but on sunday just gone i decided to have a couple of pints in my local which is only 30 seconds away from me in my car.I decided against leaving my car in the car park as i was afraid of what will happen to it over night.I brought it home and bumped into the guards about 10 seconds away from my house.I was driving home to watch the superbowl with my friend.

    They arrested me,i was so shocked as i have never been involved with police before.I was quite drunk,i was very stupid.I was put in a cell for a half an hour which scared the hell out of someone who has never been arrested before.Anyway, i was over the limit.I now have to attend court on valentines day.I face 2 years been banned from the road.Can anyone tell me what to do as im really scared.

    It was my fault i know and you can give me as much abuse as you want.But it has affected me so much that i have not even drove my car since the incident.I really dont want to lose my licence i adore driving and am about to lose my job (not from drink driving).My next door neighbour is a well known guard and will help me.He is meeting up with my dad on thursday.But what will happen to me?

    Please can i have honest answers as i have been affected badly with what has happend.I have not been talking to any of my friends and if their parents find out how stupid i was they will not be able to get in my car anymore,and that is the last thing i want as i am FAR from a drink driver its the first time ever.I was going to leave my car there but decided against it.Im sorry if you all hope i lose my licence but i really dont know what i will do if that happens.Please can someone give me advice .Im scared and that was the biggest Regret of my life.
    Thank You.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 73,528 ✭✭✭✭colm_mcm

    The best thing you can do is tell your friends and family what happened. there is very little chance that your friends will get in a car with you, you won't have a license. You haven't really a hop of getting off without losing your license, and if you do get off then the justice systerm is a joke.
    You need to focus on what you do next. Find a new job, live in a city, and forget about driving for a while. It#s not as if you've lost the use of your legs for two years, it's only driving

    What you did was stupid and iresponsible, but try not to dwell on it too much

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 844 ✭✭✭casanova_kid

    Sorry you deserve no sympathy, you endangered lifes. Everyday we read about the carnage on the roads and it's people like you who are the problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 pauly04

    My whole family knows.I have a lovely car and do not want to stop driving it.You may think im like all other little ''Boy Racers'' But im far from that.I have never gotten trouble with guards before and i was driving home away from everyone and everything .The Guards didnt follow me,i stopped right behind two garda cars stopped beside each other talking.It was bad luck.Since it is my first offence and that i have never been in trouble before, can they be lenient and let me keep my licence but fine me or something along the same line?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 73,528 ✭✭✭✭colm_mcm

    I don't think you should get off, no matter what guards you know. everybody knows that drinking and driving is stupid and dangerous. you only lived 30 seconds from the pub, yet you still endangered people

    I have no sympathy, just because it's the first time you got caught, doesn't mean that you're sorry, or that you haven't done it before.

    I take it that your car is souped up too? strange that they would stop you for no reason, then do a breath test......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 pauly04

    I had no option but to wait until they moved,as i could not get passed them.If you knew the circumstances that were involved you would think different.Doesnt matter.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 844 ✭✭✭casanova_kid

    pauly04 wrote:
    I had no option but to wait until they moved,as i could not get passed them.If you knew the circumstances that were involved you would think different.Doesnt matter.
    Circumstances? You got into a car drunk. You could have killed someone, ended someone's life. You don't deserve sympathy, so don't go seeking ti. I hope your banned from driving.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,972 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    A hard lesson is one also remembered.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,584 ✭✭✭✭Creamy Goodness

    this is the thing i absolutely ****ing hate, your the type of person that makes us younger responsible drivers have to pay thousands for insurance.

    this attitude of "i have a nice car and i don't want to stop driving" is complete bull****, why didn't you think of that before you got behind the wheel.

    all i can say is enjoy public transport/by foot/bike as you're going to have to get use to it.

    *edit* also you have the nerve to compare yourself to "boy racers" which just sickens me. the majority of boy racers i see on the roads obey the rules of the road and law, but they just have a noisey exhaust to go with it. Not all boy racers break the law, but you did and you need to face up to it and take your punnishment as you deserve

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,921 ✭✭✭Alkers

    How did the gards find out you were drunk driving if you only stopped behind them? Look in either this weeks or last weeks Motors serction in the Irish times. You'll need money but there is some lawyer who specialises in this.

  • Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 9,079 Mod ✭✭✭✭Aquos76

    Sorry Pauly, you deserve whatever punishment which is handed down to you. What you done was so stupid and even more so since you live so close to the pub. It is very likely that you will lose your licence for a period of time and the concequences(sp) of that will be felt on your insurance policy in the future.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,202 ✭✭✭kensutz

    30 seconds from your home or 3 seconds from your home... what a stupid decision you took. Also if the pub is only 30 seconds from your home why didnt you walk down there in the first place? You went down with the sole intention to have a few drinks and then take a routine little spin back up the road home.
    I Never drink and drive but on sunday just gone i decided to have a couple of pints in my local which is only 30 seconds away from me in my car.

    There's proof that you've contradicted yourself. Even taking a sip means you're drinking and driving. To be honest, I hope they throw the book at you and you learn your lesson and miss out on driving that lovely car. :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 397 ✭✭Chopperdog


    Without getting into the emotions of right or wrong about what you did, I will give you some info on what to expect on your day in court.

    For an arrest under section 49 you are strongly recommended to have a solicitor to represent you, even if you are pleading guilty to the offence it exhibits to the Court that you appreciate how grave the matter is and are (now) showing some respect for the legal system.

    Once your blood/alcohol limit exceeds the legal limit you will recieve a minimum mandatory driving ban for one year.
    Should your reading exceed a secondary limit then you recieve a two year ban.

    There will be a fine imposed also varying between €250 to €2000 depending on the Judge and how your case is put forward for you.

    If you co-operated with the Gardai at the time then this may help minimise your fine,but nothing you do or say can get you off the driving ban.
    You were bold enough to drive drunk so you will have to be man enough and accept your punishment.

    Additionally, your licence will be endorsed and stamped and will carry the stamp for 3 years. (Look forward to wickedly high insurance costs while you carry the stamp)

    You will be given an opportunity to address the court, make sure you use this to APOLOGISE to the Court and all involved and you will never do this again blah, blah.

    When you are given your driving ban you have a legal right to appeal the decision after 1/2 of the sentence has been served. (i.e. if you get a 2 year ban, you can apply for a hearing to get your licence back after you have served 1 year off the road). Most people get their licence back after this spell provided that they kept their nose clean with the Gardai (The Judge actually asks the local Garda Chief for his opinion on this prior to deciding to give it back or not).

    I know that you did something very silly and I hope you have learned your lesson, hopefully this info will help you prepare for what lies ahead of you.
    In my book, everyone can make a mistake--- but only a fool makes the same mistake twice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 pauly04

    Thanks for all your advice, it's just going to be a Very expensive lesson i will have to learn.Ill let everyone know how i get on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 pauly04

    Sorry Chopperdog.Does all this apologising to the court and everyone involved happen In the further hearing should i plead not guilty in the first hearing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,584 ✭✭✭✭Creamy Goodness

    plead guilty, as you are guilty tbh, they might go easier on you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,959 ✭✭✭Nala

    pauly04 wrote:
    I Never drink and drive but on sunday just gone i decided to have a couple of pints in my local which is only 30 seconds away from me in my car.

    Well clearly yes you do drink and drive.
    pauly04 wrote:
    My next door neighbour is a well known guard and will help me.

    And you're getting help to get out of all this?
    pauly04 wrote:
    i have been affected badly with what has happend.
    Boo fúcking hoo. Had you killed someone I think they would have been affected worse, don't you?
    pauly04 wrote:
    i am FAR from a drink driver.

    I beg to differ. If you've gotten drunk and went driving, then you are indeed a drink driver. You broke the law, just because you only did it once doesn't make you any better. You could have killed someone.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 5,154 ✭✭✭Oriel

    pauly04 wrote:
    should i plead not guilty in the first hearing?

    Why the hell would you do that? You've already done on stupid thing, why do another? They have evidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,972 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    This takes the buiscut, if you deny your guilt they'll throw the bloody book at you. Is this a troll?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    What sickens me about this is chances are he'll get fúck all punishment. The law system in this country is far too leniant on those who are stupid enough to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking.

    Pleading not guilty.....I had to laugh! They stopped you, breathalised you and arrested you. Why on earth would you even consider pleading not guilty??

    Also, I'd seriously advise you to lose the "woe-is-me" attitude before your court appearance next week. You made a concious decision while sober to drive to the pub that you say is 30 seconds from your house by car (which would be about 3-4 minutes by foot maximum!) with the intention of drinking. Then because you were too afraid to leave your precious car in the car park you decided to put the lives of the public at risk by driving home.

    Try having a chat with some families of people who have been killed by people who did exactly what you have done. That should soften your cough for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭tirl

    First time and you are looking for pity, I would suggest as the poster above did that you speak with people that have been affected by the numerous, I only did it once a**holes that killed a member of their families. Why in the name of God would you plead not guilty.....
    grow up and take responsibility for your actions

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    Very stupid thing to do and as a garda I think you will not get off with this. However state in court how sorry you are and make and state everthing thing you have said on this board. It is not the end of the worl but it may have been as I am sure you were not worried when you got into your car to drive home. I do not think you will lose your D/L but what was the result of the test it had to be over 34 but by how much?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    deputydugs wrote:
    I do not think you will lose your D/L

    This is what kills me about the laws attitude to drink driving. We have an unbelievably high rate of road deaths and yet people who drink and drive are more often than not simply fined with an endorsement on their licence.
    Its appalling.

    IMO in this day and age anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car after they have been drinking should never be allowed back on the road again. There is no excuse for it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 73,528 ✭✭✭✭colm_mcm

    I reckon there should be a prison sentance for drink driving, a ban is a good idea, but it's not enough of a deterrant for some people

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭stringy

    is two 330ml bottles of beer over 4 hours drink driving? I'm never sure, am I over the limit?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    stringy wrote:
    is two 330ml bottles of beer over 4 hours drink driving? I'm never sure, am I over the limit?

    Thats a scientific question. It is all down to, if you had food before,
    You age, Size, weight, but from a garda view At the end of the day if drink is smelt off of your breath and a garda forms the opinion that you have consumend an intoxicant he may require you to take a road side test or go to a local station with an intoxilyzer so it will take a reading and you better hope it comes out under 34,
    Even so, do not put yourslef in a postion that we can smell drink off of your breath or even bring notice to your mannor of driving. Casue if you have a small tiny tiny tip and we turn up, your are up the river without a paddle



    its not worth the risk


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    stringy wrote:
    is two 330ml bottles of beer over 4 hours drink driving? I'm never sure, am I over the limit?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    stringy wrote:
    is two 330ml bottles of beer over 4 hours drink driving? I'm never sure, am I over the limit?

    its stupid TO DRINK AND DRIVE its not just breaking the law ITS STUPID

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    This is what kills me about the laws attitude to drink driving. We have an unbelievably high rate of road deaths and yet people who drink and drive are more often than not simply fined with an endorsement on their licence.
    Its appalling.

    IMO in this day and age anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car after they have been drinking should never be allowed back on the road again. There is no excuse for it.

    No matter what I say some1 will bad mouth it,

    Peachypant me thinks if I said hammer him and put him in a cell for life you would have a problem with it, If I said throw away the key you would hav a problem. Take his D/L away from him you would have a problem, Let him off again a problem.

    Problem with people like ye is , well you like to take what we say and say the opposite

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    deputydugs wrote:
    No matter what I say some1 will bad mouth it,

    Peachypant me thinks if I said hammer him and put him in a cell for life you would have a problem with it, If I said throw away the key you would hav a problem. Take his D/L away from him you would have a problem, Let him off again a problem.

    Problem with people like ye is , well you like to take what we say and say the opposite

    Eh I'm sorry?

    Have you read my posts on this thread? If you had you would see that I have maintained the same sentiments throughout.

    I was not badmouthing you I was commenting on the law system in this country.

    I am very confused as to where exactly this is coming from.

    Also.....don't assume to know me. Thanks

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    This is what kills me about the laws attitude to drink driving.

    How can it kill you, All we do is bring it to court not convict the man, so before you talk about it understand what we do, when you say the laws attitude towards drink driving you mean the garda attitude, the opinion is very clear if we cacth you we will prosecute. So next time you make a post make it clear "the laws attitude" was that garda attitude or was that the goverments attitude toward drink driving or the courts attitude towards it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 397 ✭✭Chopperdog

    Hey Deputydrugs,
    Lay off Peachy, her post was very coherent and sensible and it is clear that your rant against her is uncalled for. Read the post more carefully, despite what you think You are not 'The Law' and it was not you or your type being referred to in that post. Use the brain a little more before blowing your top...
    Jeez..... God help us all !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭Peace

    Well OP, i would get used to the idea of losing your license. Its a very real possibility.

    The chances are extremely slim you'll get jail time but rest assured if you do, society will not miss another drunk driver on the streets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭rossious

    pauly04 wrote:
    .I now have to attend court on valentines day.

    What was the outcome then?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    Chopperdog wrote:
    Hey Deputydrugs,
    Lay off Peachy, her post was very coherent and sensible and it is clear that your rant against her is uncalled for. Read the post more carefully, despite what you think You are not 'The Law' and it was not you or your type being referred to in that post. Use the brain a little more before blowing your top...
    Jeez..... God help us all !



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,706 ✭✭✭sadie06

    I do think you are experiencing some remorse, but the part that really p****d me off is that you think it was just 'bad luck' that you were caught.

    I think it was extremely good luck, as it possibly saved a life further on down that road be it yours or anothers, and it hopefully has made sure that you won't do it again. By the way, if you have a social conscience tell all your friendsabout this might stop them from ever doing the same thing.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,566 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    pauly04 wrote:
    I Never drink and drive but on sunday just gone i decided to have a couple of pints in my local which is only 30 seconds away from me in my car.
    Well, I never really mug old ladies or throw bricks through windows, but last Saturday I gave into tempation as I was only 30 seconds away from my house and could run away and hide very quickly, or so I thought...

    I hope the book is thrown at you by the judge. You are the problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,509 ✭✭✭Tiesto

    maybe he didnt reply because they have no internet access in prison :)
    then again they seem to have everything else. wouldnt be surprised if they have internet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭SimpleSam06

    Tiesto wrote:
    maybe he didnt reply because they have no internet access in prison :)
    then again they seem to have everything else. wouldnt be surprised if they have internet.
    Maybe he could blog about his experiences in the slammer... serves him right in fairness. I do a lot of cycling, and the roads are dangerous enough without adding alcohol to the mix.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,357 ✭✭✭Eru

    deputydugs wrote:
    Very stupid thing to do and as a garda I think you will not get off with this. However state in court how sorry you are and make and state everthing thing you have said on this board. It is not the end of the worl but it may have been as I am sure you were not worried when you got into your car to drive home. I do not think you will lose your D/L but what was the result of the test it had to be over 34 but by how much?

    You are not a Garda or you would not have made such a blatanlty wrong post. Every drink driver convicted MUST, let me repeat that, MUST be banned from driving.

    Its not an option its mandatory and the limit is 34. Courts ruled that 34 itself is not over the limit so therefore you must score 35 or higher.

    Wannabees and amateur lawayers give bad and dangerous advise.

    Choppers post was the best by far except one minor point, on 1st conviction the judge can reduce the ban by 50% if you plead guilty straight away so its possible to be banned for only 6 months.

    A little note, Gardai that arrest drink drivers and the ones that operate the machinary are usually traffic corp and have recieved special training. Arguing the case against them will not work, these guys know their jobs inside and out.

    Arguing against the likes of me and you have a chance as I have not prosecuted that many drink drivers and the legislation/ proceedures are complicated.

    Now, do you fight and risk a full penalty based on getting me or plead guilty and play it safe for the 6 months ban???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 397 ✭✭Chopperdog

    Wannabees and amateur lawayers give bad and dangerous advise

    Well said....
    For god's sake people, if you cant give realistic or accurate advice dont bother saying anything at all.
    Opinions are like arseholes... in that everybody has one !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,244 ✭✭✭drdre

    pauly, i was in a similar situation. i am a 21 yr student with a lovely car and i enjoy driving but i was arrested one day for dangerous driving( doing a hand brake turn ) anyway thats not the point the point is that it was my 1st time i was in trouble with police. and i was also put in a cell for 1 and a half hours which did scare ma and i did not know what to do and how to tell my parents. i also had to go to court 2 times and there is a 3rd date set for 5th october. anyway the best option is tell your parents exactly what happened as end of the day they will give you advise. everyone makes mistakes but they have to be sorted out. hope you donot get banned or anything as its your 1st offence.

    good luck and hope this helps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 112 ✭✭oceallachain

    You are not a Garda or you would not have made such a blatanlty wrong post. Every drink driver convicted MUST, let me repeat that, MUST be banned from driving.

    Its not an option its mandatory and the limit is 34. Courts ruled that 34 itself is not over the limit so therefore you must score 35 or higher.

    A little note, Gardai that arrest drink drivers and the ones that operate the machinary are usually traffic corp and have recieved special training. Arguing the case against them will not work, these guys know their jobs inside and out.

    First off deputydugs is a Garda. And in fairness he said over 34 which is sort of the same as 35, as the intoxilyser doesn't measure decimal points.

    He will lose his licence alright, that is mandatory. You can get it back on appeal after 50% of your penalty has elapsed I believe.

    Traffic Corps aren't the only cops who do this. Regular units will normally have a man who is trained in the use of the intoxilyser and if not, they will call the doctor to take blood, or at your option urine.

    Take your punishment, you didnt murder anyone. It literally happens 10's of 1000's of people in the country - it's not the end of the world. If you get away with it because you know a cop then that will be a disgrace. Please learn from this mistake.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭deputydugs

    You are not a Garda or you would not have made such a blatanlty wrong post.
    Gardai that arrest drink drivers and the ones that operate the machinary are usually traffic corp and have recieved special training. Arguing the case against them will not work, these guys know their jobs inside and out.

    Think what ya want there.

    Where I am we have no intoxilyzer and use the old pink slip with a doc and have to travel way outta our area to even get to an intoxilyzer and the 20mins nill by mouth, not a problem it takes 35mins to get to the intoxilyzer and even if we do that most of the time the operator will not do the test. And I have seen a case been screwed up by the traffic corp due to a technicality in given evidence, even when the result off the test was way over the limit. Hence the part where he might not loose his D/L.

    I know where you are coming from with the wannabe garda part as I am sick to death myself of people claming to be a garda and mainly in pubs and not online, but maybe you should read some more of my post before you bash me.

    My guess is Karlitosway1978, and I am not bashin you. But I have the feeling you are a city mual and have all you want within a few miles. I do not have to explain what resourses some stations have as you will know your self.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,160 ✭✭✭TheNog

    Way to go, DeputyDugs. I think this fella is too big for his boots. way too big. My dad was a garda down the country in a wee part-time station and he had similar problems with equipment and resources lacking. He told me once he stopped a car in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere with 5 blokes in the car. He knew that the car was stolen but didn't do anything about it 'cos he was

    1. on his own
    2. on a bike
    3. the nearest 24hr station was 15 miles away
    4. and they probably wouldn't have been able to find him as the area is a maze of crisscrossing back roads.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,160 ✭✭✭TheNog


    What the outcome of u case, i hope to god u never do it again.

    The problem with Irish society as a whole on this topic is our perception of drink driving and the consequences. Most people here would have heard the usual quotes such as "one for the road", "this is the last one", or what about "sure the guards are never around, I'll never be caught". I haven't heard anyone say " sure i won't kill someone tonight" or "it'll be grand, i have life insurance so my wife/girlfriend will be ok if i'm killed".

    did u know that drink-driving are one of the most contested charges from a garda's pont of view??? I heard that from a Sergeant in the Dublin Traffic Corp who does presentations around the country about dangerous driving and drink-driving. They are available to come to ur workpplace/school to do these presentations and I recommend everyone to see it for themselves. It is truly shocking and frightening. They should make a TV programme out of it.

    it is so sad to see someone driving while drunk and they think that their driving is the best and they won't be noticed. but there are people out there including myself who report drunk drivers to the guards. I have had the guards stop 2 drivers who i suspected of being drunk and they were.

    so learn ur lesson

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37,316 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    Recently, a car, going around a bend, lost control, and hit one person, nearby where I live. The driver was drunk, and like you, proberly lived only "30 seconds" from the pub.

    So you'll get no sympathy from me, and I think you fully deserve at least a 2 year ban. As for your "love of driving"... well that to me means you like to drive fast. So a 2 year ban may not be long enough.
    A little note, Gardai that arrest drink drivers and the ones that operate the machinary are usually traffic corp and have recieved special training. Arguing the case against them will not work, these guys know their jobs inside and out.
    Lemme see... when was the last time I saw a traffic cop beyond the pale... Nope. Never. Not once.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,921 ✭✭✭Alkers

    the_syco wrote:
    Recently, a car, going around a bend, lost control, and hit one person, nearby where I live. The driver was drunk, and like you, proberly lived only "30 seconds" from the pub.

    So you'll get no sympathy from me, and I think you fully deserve at least a 2 year ban. As for your "love of driving"... well that to me means you like to drive fast. So a 2 year ban may not be long enough.

    Lemme see... when was the last time I saw a traffic cop beyond the pale... Nope. Never. Not once.
    Love of driving meaning 2 year ban is very unfair...
    Howevert anyone found ever the limit, especially, young of age, should pay the full price, because that is what all us young drivers pay for at the moment,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 Wanderer222

    Some drunks down in Galway ploughed a car up onto the pavement last week, ran some poor slob down too. Nasty.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,357 ✭✭✭Eru

    Still doesnt explain why you said he wouldnt lose his license Deputy but I agree with the rural comments.

    You aint in yet so when you have passed the tests, been to Templemore, passed more tests and actually worked the job, then you can comment on what I am and what I know. Everything I said about drink driving was 100% accurate as was my comments on the training, you will find that when you actually learn Road traffic law and Garda Proceedures.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,160 ✭✭✭TheNog

    Still doesnt explain why you said he wouldnt lose his license Deputy but I agree with the rural comments.

    You aint in yet so when you have passed the tests, been to Templemore, passed more tests and actually worked the job, then you can comment on what I am and what I know. Everything I said about drink driving was 100% accurate as was my comments on the training, you will find that when you actually learn Road traffic law and Garda Proceedures.

    I wasn't refering to ur understanding of police procedures. I was actually talking about how u word ur posts . You seem to have the ability to jump in, knock in some heads and then ask " what's going here". Little more use of tact goes a long way as does reading posts properly and understanding them.

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