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The 4400



  • Moderators Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭LFCFan

    dookie wrote:
    i watched it and enjoyed it,ignoring a few flaws,but i missed the finale,wat happened?im not DYIN to no but it wud but me at rest.much appreciated!
    Kyle realised he wasn't Kyle and brought Tom and yer one back to the place where he was when he fell into a coma. He started emitting light and Tom grabbed him and got taken to the Lake where the 4400 returned. Kyle (not Kyle but a conduit for someone else) then told him that the 4400 were taken by human in the future because the human race was heading for extinction. The 4400 were then returned with special powers to change the course of history and that Tom and yer one were to help them. By changing the course of history (our future), extinction would be avoided. Kyle was then shot by the new Homeland Security guy who was sent to spy on them and he dies. Then he emits more light and comes back to life, this time as the proper Kyle and as far as he's concerned he is still at there with his cuz drinking beer and has no idea about what has been happening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 916 ✭✭✭Raoul Duke

    Wasn't too impressed with it either. Gradually lost interest over the few episodes and will probably only give it 2 episodes of the next season to prove itself to me.

    The humour wasn't very good, the 2 main characters were bland and uninteresting and are we supposed to be sympathetic about the few characters from the 4400 that were focused upon? One of whom hitched up with his brother's girlfriend.

    I think it's main problem was that they seemed to try to put too much into the mini-series. It seemed to go too fast, for me anyway. Maybe a full length season will work better for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 128 ✭✭dookie

    hey,thanks for seemed ok.thanks again.
