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is generals good or bad?



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Base v Basem issions are virtually always easy as p*ss, but thatsb ecause if they really attacked with everything it would be virtually impossable to get anywhere, I remember in the last GDI mission in G&G the origional was well hard, you got a small outpost against a base half the size of the map, you didnt get anywhere for about 30 minutes of turtling, just to build up a force worth attacking with.

    Multiplayer games however depend on the other player, sometimes its insanely hard to get anywhere without being countered, other times it makes the computer look hard. Thats the problem with multiplayer (RTSs more than most games), its so hard getting good hard games commonly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 263 ✭✭Adrian

    Originally posted by Pugsley
    Base v Basem issions are virtually always easy as p*ss, but thatsb ecause if they really attacked with everything it would be virtually impossable to get anywhere, I remember in the last GDI mission in G&G the origional was well hard, you got a small outpost against a base half the size of the map, you didnt get anywhere for about 30 minutes of turtling, just to build up a force worth attacking with.

    Multiplayer games however depend on the other player, sometimes its insanely hard to get anywhere without being countered, other times it makes the computer look hard. Thats the problem with multiplayer (RTSs more than most games), its so hard getting good hard games commonly.

    You must be brilliant at ZH to come out with a statement like that. At least every second game is very tough for me. I'll have you a game sometime. My ZH I.D is GOT[MILK}

    What is yours?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky

    Originally posted by Pugsley
    Thats the problem with multiplayer (RTSs more than most games), its so hard getting good hard games commonly.

    The 'levels' system used by blizzard seems to work fairly well

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    I havent actually got Zero Hour yet..... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    zero hours is definetly worth getting imo for generals adds quite a bit to the game with all the different generals with there strengths and weaknesses and whatnot, with the airforce general you can get stealth commanches quality stuff

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    Yes it is a good expansion. I find the USA super weapon general to be very good. The EMP patriot defence is impassable to tanks.

    Also The Chinise get the internet center, a place to put there hackers so they dont get killed easly.

    I would recemend it, i havent got around to haveing a game online yet though :( and i have a few tatics i want to try out

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    if anyones interested we could arrange an online game for this evening?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    C&C:Generals and C&C: Zero Hour are mucho enjoyable.

    Currently hammering away through the General's Challenge in ZH as the Laser General.

    so in answer to the question...Good :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 SwollenTesticle

    C&C Generals was the biggest waste of money. Its new "enhanced" graphics has just killed its classic look. It was like when they changed Street Fighter into 3-D a major let down. In my opinion bring back the C&C classic look!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    Originally posted by Pugsley
    Some of the one man missions were annoying as hell (volkov and Chizmodai anyone? [sp?]).

    Was that the level on RA:Aftermath where you had that little cyborg commado(volkov i think) and a stealth apc for one? That level tooks ages none the less.

    You either prefer blizzard or westwood/ea tbh, although i like to mix and match slightly. I liked every c&c game ever realised except tib sun :dunno: just didnt do it for me.I loved starcraft tho, tis a great game. but the rest of the blizzard games.... not so much.
    I never really liked the idea of hero units, and cuz i barely understood them made it worse. Those aura's that your hero gives off to give +6 dmg to all your bla bla bla... and then frozen throne came out! I was just getting close to being ok at using orc and then its back to the confusing begining (kind of)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    I have to say I like both companies, Warcraft3 is an excellent game once you get half decent at it, get used to rallying up an army etc. The problem with Warcraft tho is the whol game relies purely on preperation, during a battle you cant honestly do much to turn a fight, apart from using hero spell, and the only one which can trruely turn battles then are ones like stomp, spike wave (the new undead guys spell), and healing wave. (however a healing ward in a middle of a huge scrap can turn a fight if the enemy doesnt spot it :)).

    Volkov and Chizmodai were in Red Alert yes, but Chizmodai is the cyborg dog dude (super tough attack dog basically). One mission you only got Volkov and an APC tho yes. But in one mission, and on 2 missions in the Ant levels you get Chozmodai aswell, and hes quite fun to use.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky

    Originally posted by Pugsley
    The problem with Warcraft tho is the whol game relies purely on preperation, during a battle you cant honestly do much to turn a fight, apart from using hero spell

    no no no no , what you do in the fights is so important, you have to force fire the right sort of troops onto their right victim , micro out injured people so the enemy stops attacking them then send them back in or back to your base, alot of battles are won even by inferior armies by a quick surround of melee troops around a hero, there is SO much micro involved in battles, you dont just press a and click and let them do the job

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Retreating wounded units only works against AI, if a player saw you retreat a hero/expensive unit he'd send his air units/archers on him and dispose of him extra quick, Chain Lightning doesnt be long removing them either. And any sort of advanced tactics are pretty much impossable because of no formations, having to stand every man in the right spot troop by troops takes far longer than its worth, and you cant set it up in 3 seconds when you see an enemy hero. So that brings it down to just knowing the armour/weapon types, and using weapon strengths to your advantage, but the advantage isnt really that big and requires a LOT of learning, however it can definately give an edge, but you cant beat a superior army with a higher level hero by just this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky

    Nah retreating works against people too because if theyre silly enough to go out of their way to kill that unit you'll punish them by having your whole army still attacking while theres is moving...

    I've seen smaller armies beat big ones by good microing to surround a hero and make him teleport ultimately winning him the game by giving him time to catch up

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 263 ✭✭Adrian

    Wooo this thread lasted longer then I thought. And to think I only posted it cause I was bored. Zero Hour gets better and better the more times you play it. Its deadly trying out new strategies and all for each army. But I don't know what the big fuss is with usin USA SW general. They are good but are easily destroyed early in a game. Anybody have any vies on that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    yeah sw general is kinda crap imo, no tanks iirc and not even sure if they get choppers,

    easily rushed i reckon

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭deathcube ^_^

    i really love generals and play it constantly @ lan.
    It is however let down by poor AI and repetitive gameplay, the whole resource situation is kinda annnoying as well..
    there was nothing at all wrong with tiberium fields.

    a 2v2 lan would be nice sometime anyone interested ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    I got myself Zero Hour \o/

    Havent played it much yet, very busy the past few days. Looks pretty damn good tho, so much new stuff. I may or may not do the SP campaign, only time can tell really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    basically if your the SW general, base defences is yore thing.

    firebases with anti-tank & a pathfinder [or just 4 at] all over your base, adding more further out and around your base along with patriot missiles.

    makes a base virtually impossible to break into....and gives the SW general plenty of time to build up cheap ion cannons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Iver personally found a love for the Aircraft general, and Chinese tank general. Somethign about pumping out elite Battlemasters, along with his veteran overlords just makeh im fun to rush with. Aircraft general is excellent for turtling tho if you want a slow game, them king raptors are simply unstoppable in squads of 12 really :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭Señor Juárez

    Zero Hour had quite a popular spurt at lan's. granted, single player is woeful, the bots just get money for free as teh game goes on (if you dont believe me, play a deathmatch against them, and then watch the replay), but multiplayer is really fun, especially big FFA's

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭Teddi

    i just wanted to try and start playing online in C+C Zero Hour....i got the patch download....then it went onto the.......insert your email nickname and password section...when i went into the muliplayer option....

    the thing that where you setup an account?....i know this sounds kinda stupid because im extremely literate with games but...i put in my email in and do you make up a nickname an password??...or do you have to recieve that from somewhere else??...
    i put my email in...and made up a nickname and password....but it said your password is incorrect!!!.....even though i was pressing....CREATE ACCOUNT!!! me it makes no sense.....can anyone help me here??...thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,997 ✭✭✭jaggeh

    we been playing zero hour every night for the last week at my place, 2v2 and 1v1 games.

    as it is the game is very easily unbalanced in team games, because you can use your powerups to affect your team mates units.
    think of 10 emperor overlords with gps scramble on and then level 3 frenzy.
    stealth general produces units too fast, his specials recharge too fast and combined with frenzy/gps scramble buggies are able to drop a command center in seconds.

    the last game we played was us laser general (me poor choice in retrospect) and china tank general versus stealth general and china infantry general.

    now the chinese units didnt make a huge impact on our opponents side and i manage to freeze their expand early on, but my wave of 24 laser tanks got decimated because they suck anus. so it wasnt long before they took back there expand.

    at this point thru a combination of airstrikes, carpet bombs and MOAB's our chinese opponent was continually on the back foot.

    but the stealth general with 6 war factories and more tunnels than you could shake a wet stick at was out producing and resourcing us, the chinese opponent was able to rebuild and by then it was game over, rocket buggies were owning my laser turrets from outside range, quads were keeping my airstrikes off and my team mate was getting specialed like crazy. in the last attack i killed over 100 units but both our bases were totaly gone.

    Map - Fine art of war (8 player) - Duration 1h 30m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    i loved teh C & C series, but Starcraft and WC3 are superior games..

    to the person saying how you don't actually manage your units much in battle, hehe you have no idea :)

    WC3 is ALL about ur micro skills. Having the right mix of units and knowing how and when to use each unit's special abilities is the key to victory. The best players in WC3 are so quick that they control each and every individual unit in a fight.

    They cycle weak units out, use the skills of individual units, keep their hero alive, etc etc etc etc. All the while keeping up production of units in their base, while trying to gain tactical control of resources on the map. Far far far superior to C & C as far as depth of strategy and level of skill required goes.

    Its also the reason why WC3 is the RTS that is played professionally by most RTS pros. Still don't believe me? Well if you have the game simply download a replay of some of the top players of the web, they are easy to find, and then watch in amazement the level of micro these players have, performing like 100+ actions a minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    While Id personally think WC3 is superior to C&C:G, does the standard of play posable make it a good game? ok good people play it, does that make it a better game? there are a lot of games about which have the potential to get very good at a high standard of play, doesnt make them good games. I just like the more free movement of units in WC3, and theres more useful units. In WC3 you need a variety of units to win, in C&C:G a wall of Overlords with propoganda towers + gattling cannons and your fine, 1 unit, 30 of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,614 ✭✭✭BadCharlie

    I think WC3 and Rise Of Nations are both better games. Just love playing these games on line. C&C i just get tired of it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭vega_AH64

    The cnc series of games have all been good bar tiberian sun. lemmings was more fun.

    Most favorite cnc was red alert Retaliation on the ps. never owned it but you could not beat it on 2 player.

    As for the yes/no is it any good. It is worth a shot but zero hour is more fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Used to play 2 players Retaliation myself with the 2 PS's linked up on the 2 seperate TV's, was mad fun, best way to play C&C really.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,732 Mod ✭✭✭✭The Real B-man

    i saw the Deluxe edition of generals in compustore in sandyford today for €60 is that a fair price for original + expansion pack?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    nah i reckon you'd get it cheaper elsewhere 50 euro in game or something i'd say and they arent' even great, try smyths they have it on for about 40 euro though its temporarily out of stock

