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I Know Nothing About Dogs
13-07-08 14:38
15 1.6K
Dog kennels
14-07-08 20:35
2 618
I'm lost
14-07-08 16:58
0 477
Pup recommendation - King Charles pup or similar with maybe more robust 12
14-07-08 14:17
38 3.4K
Really would love a kitten.
14-07-08 11:23
7 789
Male kitten Vs Female kitten
05-02-07 16:36
10 3.6K
Found Kitten Dunshaughlin
14-07-08 13:17
1 526
Need to fatten up puppy
19-05-08 15:16
13 3.2K
Dog Found - Newbridge
08-06-08 17:13
11 1.2K
Pup alone
14-07-08 11:15
27 2K
Anything you can give a bitch to lessen the number of pups she would have.
14-07-08 9:55
12 1.2K
Getting Small Animals Neutuered
13-07-08 2:00
4 601
Crating for slipped disc
13-07-08 20:26
0 391
New Budgie Owner
29-06-08 20:55
17 1.3K
Anyone Have A Spare Rabbit Hutch?
12-07-08 19:06
8 678
Neighbours dog barking
16-06-08 13:00
6 1.3K
14-01-08 16:22
2 661
Our new cats
12-07-08 1:11
6 599
insurance for a cat
12-07-08 14:47
2 415
Long Haired Kitten
12-07-08 16:23
1 558
Stolen Pony
12-07-08 13:01
0 503
HELP - Dog Neural Veterinary
11-07-08 22:07
4 692
baby hedegehogs
27-06-08 15:53
22 2K
HELP - daschunds
11-07-08 22:05
0 351
Bringing Cats to the US v Staying here
11-07-08 0:27
5 619
New website for lost and found
11-07-08 19:29
0 1.2K
Training my dog
11-07-08 16:05
9 832
Best Dog Encyclopedia
11-07-08 13:01
1 501
Cocker spaniel temperament
11-07-08 0:17
12 6.1K
AHS Advanced Heating System
10-07-08 14:33
5 769