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Paganism [CLOSED]

A board for the pagan community in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Yule cards
15-12-03 12:42
21 3.1K
Holly and Mistletoe
14-12-03 18:28
1 759
The Santa Strike Force
12-12-03 12:07
0 772
26-11-03 10:30
7 708
11-11-03 15:23
16 794
Hand Fasting
10-11-03 10:12
2 707
Weird Dreams
05-11-03 21:21
3 609
Wheel of Wisdom Launch
04-11-03 20:03
2 638
ooooh so honestly which one are you
25-10-03 15:30
8 830
Wiccan hunting toolkit
23-10-03 11:30
4 654
tools of the wicca...
15-10-03 12:01
10 812
Joining Wicca
10-10-03 15:04
3 863
Present for a Pagan
23-09-03 21:25
4 601
19-09-03 22:39
9 833
Please help the Gardai identify someone
16-09-03 22:08
0 592
Any Ideas?
12-09-03 10:45
3 631
The first cold of autumn.
09-09-03 0:45
3 531
01-09-03 23:00
1 639
any tips?
29-08-03 21:12
4 625
[OT] Proposed new community board for Buddhist issues
06-08-03 20:13
7 483
Breaking up is hard to do !
30-07-03 15:26
2 604
Pagan related shops in Ireland
29-07-03 13:33
1 725
Irish census results
09-07-03 11:05
3 873
Where to find a scrying bowl?
29-06-03 0:20
3 501
Any pagan celebrations on June 23?
24-06-03 13:55
2 536
16-06-03 19:26
4 494
Regarding questionaire
03-06-03 22:28
1 653
Questionaire for a book someone is writing
03-06-03 11:13
2 695
Air in the North
29-05-03 13:39
2 557
Anyone wrote a Craftfest report
26-05-03 0:18
1 589