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Wild Camping

Forum for discussion of Wild Camping
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Scenic walk/hike along the West
16-02-09 6:27
5 860
Meindl island pro v Meindl makulu pro
09-02-09 10:52
5 1K
Handheld GPS for walking??
02-02-09 17:13
6 4.3K
Joyce Country Challenge Walk 09
08-02-09 22:12
0 470
GPS question
07-02-09 0:51
1 461
Quick Hiking Boot Protection Question
05-02-09 12:54
5 752
Winter Conditions in the Reeks
06-02-09 16:15
0 418
moderately waterproof boots for everyday wear
05-02-09 13:53
7 2.5K
Outdoor activities,Weekday afternoon in Dublin
03-01-09 18:14
8 1.4K
What head torch do you use?
21-01-09 14:44
14 2K
hill/walking treks with camp fire
04-02-09 16:22
1 427
Electric Coil Burners
02-02-09 21:26
0 352
Snow on the Galtees??
31-01-09 19:10
2 865
Wild Camping, food?
17-01-09 16:30
14 1.9K
Claire from TG4 - Survival Skills?
29-01-09 16:32
6 604
Can anyone recommend any mountaineering books?
25-01-09 15:50
13 1.1K
Access in Glenmalure
16-01-09 15:38
12 2.6K
Hillwalking. A club with a younger age profile.
07-01-09 23:07
2 813
Failing eyesight and map reading
19-01-09 13:22
9 967
REC First Aid
21-01-09 14:59
5 890
UK OS Maps
23-01-09 17:11
6 612
Am I Mad or Not?
14-01-09 12:33
24 1.9K
Ireland Maps for Hiking - What are the options?
14-01-09 0:29
5 631
Where to walk
13-01-09 12:50
1 526
Stupid Tent!!
12-01-09 16:55
2 580
Opinions on a tent
16-03-08 14:32
3 844
Bushcraft Skills
06-01-09 18:38
9 848
Walking/Hiking in Galway City and immediate (30k) surroundings
04-01-09 1:58
22 7.1K
Rock Climbing Forum
03-01-09 20:51
1 611
boots? 12
08-02-06 19:56
34 5.7K