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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Need help with wiring my CAT5e splitter 2 to 1 RJ45
05-07-14 15:11
7 618
Cat 6 Cable Length.
04-07-14 19:59
4 392
CAT 7 Cable
22-05-14 22:44
28 3.5K
Modem and Router Problem
27-06-14 13:58
3 580
Can you recommend a Modem/Router with Gigabit ethernet ports
17-06-14 22:17
9 894
Convert a cell ID to a location or siteviewer id
16-06-14 19:02
0 416
What's the difference between a router and a switch
15-06-14 22:54
1 573
Delete email address
12-06-14 21:21
19 10.4K
Tool to test Ethernet port connectivity
10-06-14 14:30
5 589
Eircom F1000 Router
02-06-14 23:26
2 608
Dvr to wifi network connection for remote viewing
11-06-14 10:14
1 418
Best website creator for me?
06-06-14 17:50
5 492
Problem with D-Link router & DHCP?
09-06-14 15:55
2 402
BT phone + capacitor, still not ringing???
06-06-14 10:15
13 1.1K
trouble connecting wirelessly to upc box
03-06-14 20:12
1 411
How can I surf anonymously? I want to listen to restricted radio.
03-06-14 15:05
2 1.9K
Network Storage Problem
31-05-14 23:18
6 588
Modem/ Router Combo Not Working 12
17-04-14 13:07
41 1.9K
Second hand network equipment
25-05-14 15:04
5 725
Connect houses via wireless
20-05-14 11:47
17 1.5K
ip question
22-05-14 21:37
8 558
Changing my home network
22-05-14 19:18
3 443
Panasonic KDXTA 15
23-05-14 9:48
1 427
What standard Ethernet cable for new house
12-05-14 19:24
5 581
Help! Vodafone mobile wi-fi and home network
06-05-14 23:50
4 542
CCNA Offical Exams
14-05-14 18:08
1 377
Mail recipient's address altered en route
09-05-14 11:11
5 594
Network Help!
09-05-14 18:02
2 382
Vpn issue on upc
09-05-14 22:08
1 419
Networking materials suppliers
08-05-14 21:09
7 484