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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Intermittent Internet
08-08-19 21:56
3 186
Eir charged for international calls incorrectly
08-08-19 10:49
4 166
Network Map
26-07-19 9:50
7 435
Mikrotik Hap ac -> OpenWRT
13-07-19 17:10
10 624
Interfacing TTL and RS422 / 485
31-07-19 12:22
0 95
home office question
24-07-19 21:11
9 264
Mobile Data : Sligo Dublin
22-07-19 18:40
1 116
Can I use a DSL filter to split a phone line?
11-07-19 16:13
1 232
PSTN Wireless Extender
16-07-19 14:04
3 136
Patch Panel recommendations
29-04-19 18:51
11 665
FTTC error code legend?
06-07-19 12:59
0 114
Asking ISP for external IP range
09-04-19 9:05
14 685
Change or rename Device I'd on network
21-06-19 14:50
1 237
Running an Ethernet cable from upstairs to downstairs
22-09-18 16:43
8 1.1K
Cat 6 to Coax
12-06-19 10:04
5 288
Wall sockets with USB and ethernet
09-06-19 21:55
10 432
Extending a home network
07-06-19 13:19
1 213
HDMI over Cat5e - not working
06-06-19 18:48
8 380
POE Switch
31-05-19 9:15
4 211
Very basic question re small office network
22-05-19 11:05
18 716
House wired with CAT5, looking to utilise it
22-05-19 12:11
8 393
Extending Wifi coverage using cat5?
22-05-19 7:59
6 259 email
11-11-13 10:57
5 1.3K
Vodafone Router cannot bridge to AirPort Extreme
21-05-19 16:31
2 159
IP Routing Issue
21-05-19 15:39
3 180
Android phone unlock
16-05-19 12:55
6 190
How am I only getting 3MBps sending files to my NAS?
16-05-19 20:09
3 270
Powerline 3port adapters question
30-04-19 11:22
13 529
How to check if a port is open or closed?
23-04-19 9:08
4 256
Eircom email problems
01-04-19 16:48
2 248