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Living Abroad

Discussion about living abroad and emigrating.

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Coming Home

For those who have been living abroad and are now either considering coming home or in the process of coming home
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
F-1 Visa
02-02-08 0:14
0 357
Moving to the states [query]
01-02-08 16:37
5 625
Moving to Italy
18-12-07 22:41
9 3.7K
Hoping to move to the U.K.
29-01-08 11:22
1 384
Move to Prague?
30-01-08 20:20
0 487
HR Melbourne
11-01-08 23:13
6 805
Leaving Ireland
14-01-08 13:50
10 1.2K
Bank accounts / FX when moving abroad
16-01-08 19:41
1 546
Skilled worker visas
04-01-08 12:34
3 730
Declaring Non-Residency for Tax Living Abroad & Effects
15-01-08 17:38
0 547
Moving to Canada in 2009
12-01-08 16:54
0 28.2K
11-01-08 15:39
1 722
money and cost of living in aus compared to ireland
08-01-08 21:36
7 1.7K
How exactly is this done? :O
30-12-07 15:11
5 634
Heading to NYC
03-01-08 12:56
4 869
Tax back on goods?
02-01-08 5:40
0 422
Beautician's in Sydney
21-10-07 5:10
5 1.1K
American Visa Or E.u Passports
05-12-07 20:38
17 1.7K
Anyone done the US driving test?
03-10-07 8:42
23 1.9K
19-11-07 23:33
9 1.2K
Extending Oz holiday visa
03-12-07 3:56
0 575
should i move to oz?
06-11-07 12:08
8 1.2K
Australian wanting to work in Ireland
08-11-07 10:24
11 977
28-11-07 0:46
0 742
Is owning property & having money advantage in moving to Aus/Canada?
27-10-07 18:33
1 528
how easy is it to get somewhere to live
06-11-07 21:43
4 544
Spain - Prescription Medicines
06-11-07 16:26
2 631
London Baby?
06-11-07 16:07
2 524
Green Card 2009 / J1 Summer 2008
03-11-07 22:03
1 640
Working in the UK
01-11-07 21:27
1 645