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29-06-14 0:30
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Fiction Novel for 5th Class pupils
04-06-14 14:24
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On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers
16-05-11 12:02
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Give an avid reader suggestions for some books
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Has anyone read 'The Fountainhead'? 12...45
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Where to buy Ram Dass books?
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Free Kindle Books
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Food of the Gods, Ireland
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The Flashman Papers - George McDonald Fraser - Correct Order?
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How do you keep yourself reading?
18-05-14 19:31
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Presents for bookworm
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Favourite 'Primary School' Poems
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Alternative History Nazis
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a quote
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Post-apocalyptic book recommendations
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What are some good self-help books?
27-04-14 19:29
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Problems remembering characters/plots
24-04-14 16:29
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Identify a horror story please.
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Copyright Your Work Should we ?
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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What makes a poem a poem?
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kindle and buying books
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Books for Blokes
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Books on the KKK
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similar to The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
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Six weird and wonderful facts about Irish writers.
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Parables, fables and learning
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Romeo and Juliet
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