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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

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Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Question about Naughton Scholarship
01-05-17 21:10
1 697
Leaving Cert Physics
28-04-17 21:55
7 1.2K
Can I do well in LC if I do badly in JC?
21-03-17 17:32
14 2.5K
Gaeilge - useful vocab and grammar
25-04-17 22:36
3 1.4K
Repeating 5th year vs push through 6th year
14-04-17 1:51
5 911
Repeat Leaving Certificate
30-04-17 1:00
2 579
Higher Level Irish
30-04-17 20:49
1 459
Revise Wise V's Less Stress more Success 12
13-08-09 10:49
41 28.9K
Irish Essays
29-04-17 20:31
3 624
Early Graduation
19-04-17 0:34
4 819
Online English Grinds
27-04-17 20:12
2 458
Geography Field Study...what to write in 'Stage 3'?
28-04-17 11:04
1 275
Finding someone to sign off on my physics practicals as external candidate
27-04-17 9:38
2 363
Debs advice
26-04-17 18:46
4 678
Not Comfortable Doing PE?
25-04-17 10:56
2 688
Terrified of failing Leaving Cert ordinary level maths!
16-04-17 22:40
3 856
English summary of Irish poems and stories
24-04-17 12:32
1 3.8K
Studying DCG?
23-04-17 15:57
1 407
Stressed out about the LC
21-04-17 16:15
2 681
Reapply to CAO (Points calculation)
21-04-17 12:07
6 559
Calculating UCAS points? (Higher Apprenticeship UK)
19-04-17 23:45
1 347
Starting Ag Science Project...
18-04-17 13:56
3 2.4K
Getting An Exemption From irish
13-03-11 12:43
30 16.2K
English essay help
17-04-17 15:25
0 523
* Ag. Science * 12...1112
20-01-09 19:33
335 180.1K
I'm not sure what to do.
05-04-17 4:29
8 1.2K
What does a lad usually wear to the grads night out
14-04-17 13:40
2 536
LC Irish essay timpeallacht
13-04-17 13:12
0 1.7K
13 Subjects too many for the LC???!
12-04-17 22:46
5 872
I'm not sure about grinds?
05-04-17 21:49
4 925