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IT Carlow

IT Carlow
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
guest speakers!!!
10-05-04 10:54
15 819
CW098 Exams
05-05-04 11:17
8 477
CW098 Project Demo
04-05-04 15:20
12 632
You've got to be kidding me!
30-04-04 18:43
12 804
Student Awards 2004
27-04-04 7:19
12 741
Networking Exam
26-04-04 19:55
1 402
Exam Dates
26-04-04 11:44
3 510
Exams Location
26-04-04 8:18
22 771
23-04-04 15:04
16 670
Compsoc isnt dead! 12
23-04-04 1:15
64 2.6K
CW098 Yr3 Tests Next Week
22-04-04 12:03
3 390
Secretary of the computing department
21-04-04 14:15
2 485
19-04-04 21:16
19 1K
Demonstration Against Software Patents
14-04-04 10:29
14 604
Sarcastic Carrot
08-04-04 1:24
4 714
A sad fact quietly known?
01-04-04 9:38
33 1.6K
31-03-04 22:54
9 640
no chat room
30-03-04 23:02
5 716
Anime Club
29-03-04 11:08
26 965
Unix Society
28-03-04 21:06
22 1.1K
Small Question.....
24-03-04 3:59
38 1.1K
RIP compsoc
23-03-04 17:42
50 2.3K
Nice Site
23-03-04 14:05
3 445
Rejoice one and all COMPSOC has been reborn!
23-03-04 2:30
1 420
easter ball
22-03-04 13:12
10 547
Canteen rules??
18-03-04 9:48
11 1.3K
The "I have a gripe with Ivan thread" 12
17-03-04 11:33
83 2.8K
Unban the queen
17-03-04 11:32
43 1.2K
Cd Writers
15-03-04 15:29
23 1K
Are you happy with this year's ents guy?
14-03-04 13:11
24 871