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Extreme Sports

Extreme sports discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
skates - inline or quads for beginner
18-10-05 20:45
2 466
snowboard length
10-10-05 13:00
4 425
Calling all Skaters,bmxrs,bladers!
04-10-05 13:19
7 673
Problem with my Board
03-10-05 12:56
6 486
02-10-05 21:54
26 1.3K
Snowboarding on street - Freebording
02-10-05 0:41
5 438
01-10-05 20:57
3 323
Ramp City Demo
01-10-05 13:21
9 442
Places To Get Your Pilots License???
29-09-05 15:03
1 337
Online now straight outta dublin
27-09-05 13:35
12 513
Best online shop to get skate stuff??
27-09-05 11:11
19 4.3K
Cork Skaters
15-09-05 19:51
0 463
Music for video
13-09-05 16:16
2 438
price of trucks
11-09-05 19:58
1 345
Anyone heard of this in Ireland? - Parkour
06-09-05 12:54
8 704
Base jump gone wrong.
05-09-05 19:14
3 474
Calling All Skaters!!!!!!!
03-09-05 22:43
11 428
Ramp and Rail
01-09-05 23:08
2 331
update lucan skate park
01-09-05 22:08
7 408
Bushy park skatepark update
01-09-05 1:18
11 1.9K
01-09-05 1:11
7 496
Killtorcan Skatepark
01-09-05 1:02
1 352
31-08-05 10:36
5 667
Question about a wetsuit for surfing
29-08-05 14:17
5 650
Too admin
27-08-05 0:45
2 355
banning all sports training of any kind on fingal beaches.
20-08-05 14:23
0 470
Joe kid on a stingray
15-08-05 19:35
2 323
Mountain bike clip.....
14-08-05 21:50
3 279
calling all rollerskaters/bladers.... NINA NEEDS YOU!
12-08-05 18:20
2 387
03-08-05 21:26
4 302