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Dublin City

Discussion related to Dublin City
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Parking - Cork Street - Dublin 8
21-01-19 23:11
12 2.7K
Road pronunciation - Rugby Road?
27-01-19 13:21
4 635
21-01-19 0:02
1 422
Cheap, quiet place to stay in Dublin next Monday and Tuesday
24-01-19 3:02
6 719
GP Kilmainham/Inchicore
24-01-19 10:22
1 299
Is investing in Dublin port the best preparation for Brexit?
17-01-19 8:43
22 1.3K
Parkside balgriffen
11-06-18 22:01
13 1.8K
Sunday Lunch
06-01-19 15:09
5 847
Midweek Nightlife
22-01-19 10:41
1 327
Phoenix Park Gates - When Will They Be Restored?
13-01-19 5:27
11 1.4K
Wooden Venetian blinds repair?
21-01-19 12:37
0 160
Picture frame
19-01-19 14:47
3 259
House Shares
19-01-19 21:29
0 265
Opinions - Living near Hanlon's Corner (NCR)
12-01-19 0:06
11 1.2K
Sinnots , the porter house or somewhere else for pubgrub
15-01-19 12:37
6 535
recommendation for a decent night out this friday
14-01-19 0:17
6 522
Grass cutting north city
11-01-19 10:36
2 203
14-01-19 2:26
2 280
Best Italian restaurant city centre
07-01-19 12:58
15 1.9K
Sunday Night Out in Dublin
11-02-18 17:27
6 825
House Hunting- Area review- HELP NEEDED 12
11-09-15 18:27
34 3.6K
Special request.
11-01-19 15:31
9 735
Pubs with no TV
10-01-19 22:04
30 2.2K
Electrical Apprenticeships
12-01-19 22:49
0 163
Dublin City Parking Permits
12-01-19 15:24
1 202
Elderly parents & Nursing homes that take couples
07-01-19 12:34
13 1.1K
Talk on new secondary school in Griffith barracks
09-01-19 21:23
1 200
Dog friendly establishments
07-01-19 14:32
7 586
Electric shower repair - Dublin
06-01-19 20:54
2 291
Ambassador Theatre refurb?
22-11-18 21:45
5 722