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How Handy are you Andy
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Boiler Problem
20-07-05 16:10
2 511
Where could I get this made?
20-07-05 15:46
11 832
Cost of a dig out ????
20-07-05 14:55
2 473
Decking Price?
20-07-05 12:14
19 9.6K
Shallow pitch roof - Nordman tiles?
20-07-05 10:38
0 802
decking quote
20-07-05 9:54
13 956
New Lawn
19-07-05 18:12
17 1.3K
Removing WoodChip
18-07-05 23:20
2 427
Power Washer Recommandations
18-07-05 19:39
0 536
Attic Conversion Planning Exemption - Loophole or costly mistake?
18-07-05 18:58
12 3.4K
Concrete Fencing
18-07-05 17:13
2 2K
Installing a new stairs
18-07-05 17:10
0 562
Building in winter?
18-07-05 16:19
2 452
Seaweed as a fertiliser
18-07-05 14:00
2 766
Eucalyptus Trees
17-07-05 8:38
14 717
Need To Get rid of TopSoil
16-07-05 18:41
0 486
16-07-05 0:30
4 846
Rubber Tiles for Play area
15-07-05 14:31
2 684
Plot O Land
15-07-05 13:57
7 641
Side entrance gate
15-07-05 11:10
3 1.2K
Paper Log Maker
14-07-05 22:33
6 857
14-07-05 19:01
6 1.4K
Central heating problem
14-07-05 16:18
3 535
Small ornate tree
14-07-05 10:47
1 396
13-07-05 23:43
0 484
open fire or gas fire
13-07-05 22:40
6 2.3K
pilot light keeps going out
13-07-05 9:35
7 909
Terrazzo flooring - who does it?
12-07-05 17:05
1 691
Thermal-type switch?
12-07-05 16:21
13 729
Carport options
12-07-05 9:50
24 4.2K