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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Rugby Forum
29-09-19 16:28
12 800
Seriously biased Meath mod with grudge bans me for a week from GAA forum
25-09-19 10:50
1 395
Over zealous moderator
24-09-19 13:45
0 39
Yellow card in United Superthread
04-09-19 17:49
14 1.8K
Dispute and AH warning.
17-09-19 13:14
3 581
Banned from AH for 2 word sign off no warning seen
14-09-19 19:09
17 2.3K
Conspiracy thread 9/11 forum dispute.
08-09-19 14:43
17 1.8K
Banned from After Hours
12-09-19 19:52
3 532
Got a yellow infraction
04-09-19 15:21
15 1.8K
Risible Yellow card for trolling
08-09-19 10:33
5 718
Please lift ban from politics.
03-09-19 13:31
9 762
Banned from radio
29-08-19 20:16
16 1.7K
Appeal a ban
29-08-19 9:18
10 1.3K
Perm ban from current affairs/IMHO
01-09-19 13:04
1 496
29-08-19 16:44
4 604
Threadban in CA/IMHO
22-08-19 12:45
1 534
please review this post urgently.
18-08-19 22:41
2 793
12-08-19 13:48
41 3.1K
Red card for commenting on a posters politics
24-07-19 13:16
13 2K
dudara and Beasty delting posts and banning users from Current Affairs/IMHO
10-08-19 22:19
2 631
Infraction not warranted....
10-08-19 12:22
8 713
30-07-19 19:24
17 1.9K
Appeal Yellow Card in Soccer forum
02-08-19 16:59
9 489
Banned from Animals and Pets
26-07-19 16:18
8 803
Warning for a post in the pes/fifa forum
01-08-19 12:55
4 261
Appeal again
31-07-19 0:10
1 407
Current Affairs/IMHO ban
28-07-19 22:26
2 493
Red carded posts deleted/edited
24-07-19 10:11
14 1.1K
Radio Infraction
23-07-19 15:41
9 805
Banned for 2 days from Broadcasting
10-07-19 20:11
20 1.9K