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Software and Web Development questions and answers. Formerly the Programming forum.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
God Wrote In Lisp
18-07-04 2:17
0 454
ASP & ImageMagick
18-07-04 1:36
9 2.8K
Oracle problem : CLOB to LONG ???
17-07-04 17:36
2 2.2K
Simple Web Query 12
16-07-04 23:58
33 1.3K
VB.Net Course
16-07-04 14:14
0 422
Eclipse: SWT SashForm
16-07-04 9:38
0 609
position of JavaScript in HTML page
15-07-04 13:11
4 614
N-Tier Distributed
15-07-04 13:01
12 696
Changing the precision of a double
15-07-04 11:48
8 545
15-07-04 11:21
1 457
Series 60
15-07-04 1:33
1 383
[Win32] SymGetModuleInfo - The parameter is incorrect
14-07-04 17:53
3 394
Compiler Error C2352 (VC++ 6.0)
14-07-04 14:30
4 759
14-07-04 14:00
2 424
Reprogramming mp3 player
14-07-04 13:03
22 1.7K
Simple Query
13-07-04 14:58
4 379
Asp HTML Validation
13-07-04 14:37
9 501
World Temperature Dynamically?
13-07-04 0:31
8 476
RSS feed
12-07-04 23:40
7 519
SWT Tray
12-07-04 22:41
2 439
bat files????
12-07-04 14:02
3 532
Free MSG viewer
12-07-04 13:45
0 421
C# : Frustrated by XML Comments...
12-07-04 9:58
1 366
Apache Axis
10-07-04 13:34
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PHP special character removal
09-07-04 21:41
2 404
09-07-04 12:44
4 512
Java PrintWriter help...
08-07-04 16:46
7 864
JavaScript Invalid Argument
08-07-04 12:24
3 519
Cobol Compiler
08-07-04 10:42
4 535
ASP page expiry / refresh
07-07-04 23:18
6 973