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Creative Writing

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Irish cilture (asking for help)
05-10-19 3:27
2 356
This melancholic nowhere...
02-10-19 21:03
7 443
question re poetry comps
29-08-19 19:19
3 428
Fast feedback for a new writer?
22-08-19 8:54
5 387
Stuck on a scene-advice needed
14-08-19 9:33
8 347
Robin - Short Story
05-12-18 14:00
5 593
poem about nuclear warning
14-08-19 13:56
4 392
11-08-19 19:37
3 221
Poem for my Nan
06-08-19 19:24
7 338
My first creative effort
06-07-19 21:16
5 547
Poem - In sickness I need the dream
08-08-19 0:04
1 292
02-11-17 8:34
18 2K
31-03-19 13:53
1 414
How long to hear back after full manuscript request?
14-12-18 11:10
7 966
Freelance readers
28-02-19 16:25
2 416
Need help worldbuilding: Irish girl with 20k Euro
19-02-19 2:26
7 796
Looking for Native Americans living in Ireland
16-02-19 19:24
0 328
Joyce-Cycle: Love Your Bike Poetry
14-02-19 10:33
0 214
Getting a book published
18-01-19 20:53
1 377
Opening Day at The Dream Hotel
21-01-19 12:19
0 315
Creative Writing (QQI Level 5) Distance Learning
06-12-18 13:27
5 622
Hennessy New Irish Writing
13-09-18 13:13
3 1.7K
Christmas Jingle/Advertising Campaign
08-12-18 23:46
0 222
Extract light near future sci-fi: introducing Felix
30-08-18 9:32
5 484
NaNoWriMo 2018 12
11-09-18 21:44
61 2.6K
The publication journey
28-08-18 21:04
22 1.2K
Short stories to read online
05-11-15 11:37
27 4.7K
11-10-18 19:19
1 366
Can you sell Kindle self-published paperbacks by yourself>
04-10-18 16:41
1 361
07-09-18 8:16
2 278