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Call of Duty

For single and multiplayer fans of CoD.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Double xp weekends
26-02-13 20:58
5 588
MW3 Gamenights
23-02-13 1:24
0 306
Ideas To Improve Call Of Duty
08-02-13 20:42
31 2.7K
Blops 2 online issues
17-02-13 14:55
9 809
Best match played (Black Ops 2)
31-01-13 10:33
25 2K
Random CoD Pics and Video Thread 12...910
19-02-13 3:18
474 41.1K
anyone still play cod4 online?
29-01-13 23:15
33 3.3K
CoD/UO, CoD2, CoD4, MW2, BOPS and MW3 Server List! 12
17-02-13 8:16
83 32.5K
Die Rise Zombie Players
14-02-13 15:07
1 517
Xbox. League Play Team mate required. BO2
10-02-13 23:36
11 886
12-02-13 13:15
6 628
Best in Class - Black Ops 2 weapon/perk/equipment discussion
29-11-12 13:29
18 9.6K
Regular BLOPSII Connection Issues
30-01-13 10:50
5 567
Anyone wanna play?
02-02-13 17:28
6 683
connection interuppted
04-02-13 14:25
5 384
Irish Clans
21-01-13 19:26
6 821
[CoD Black Ops 2] Revolution Thread
29-01-13 18:06
20 1.6K
gamer tags sharing closed
31-01-13 14:56
4 584
I want to prevent Blops 2 host w/UPC
01-02-13 11:47
1 352
Tritton Pro+ Dolby 5.1 Headset settings help
01-01-13 20:24
17 4.1K
Got Deranked for no reason
26-01-13 13:46
15 1.6K
black ops 2 online wont connect
05-12-12 0:13
5 1.7K
What would you do???
19-01-13 12:33
6 890
BO2 Rewards Campers
17-01-13 20:30
8 967
What killstreaks do you use?
06-01-13 11:52
45 2.8K
Black Ops 2 Clan looking for members 33 current members, level 15 clan! Have a look!
16-01-13 11:07
13 1.4K
Modern Warfare , The first one .
18-01-13 17:39
1 435
Black Ops II Zombie Thread
27-11-12 16:45
27 2.6K
Where to buy Black Ops 2 (Prices, stores, etc..) 1234
13-01-13 19:14
188 16.3K
BO2 lightweight/conditioning
07-01-13 22:50
9 1.1K