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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Maps of BF2.
20-06-05 11:46
5 501
The Mods for BF2
19-06-05 20:44
3 445
Pirates Release BF2 Full Version
19-06-05 19:20
14 577
Well, what do we think of it? 12
19-06-05 3:53
60 2K
BF2 DVD pictures
17-06-05 22:35
14 667
Framerates in demo?
17-06-05 21:51
17 701
Playing demos/capturing footage?
17-06-05 18:25
0 295
BF 2 Making them sick
16-06-05 16:37
13 657
EA confirm delisting modded servers
16-06-05 9:12
9 867
Mic not working since BF2 demo instalation.
15-06-05 19:04
4 350
Another BF2 Server
15-06-05 13:30
32 1.1K
Is bf the new cs?
15-06-05 11:23
17 849
BF2 with a GeForce 4 sucks!
15-06-05 10:38
14 682
battlefield account problem
14-06-05 18:02
5 558
Python info
14-06-05 16:31
0 320
ASE filters works for some not for others.
14-06-05 15:56
0 286
Xfire and BF2
14-06-05 15:53
7 396
[Official EA] Battlefield 2 Demo Links
13-06-05 21:00
25 2.5K
Demo tweak guide and benchmarks.
13-06-05 19:21
0 410
BF2 demo hacks and tweaks
13-06-05 0:09
13 3K
Commander mode opinions/tip and tricks
12-06-05 15:36
7 415
stupid banning from TiG
12-06-05 15:30
2 390
Cannot create BF2 demo account.
12-06-05 12:50
6 930
Practise your Leaving Cert Math on BF2....
11-06-05 18:42
21 818
IT"S OUT IT"S OUT!!!!! 12
11-06-05 16:22
78 2.2K
Bf2 Demo No Intro Mod/Change Bindings
11-06-05 14:49
0 583
defining keys?
11-06-05 3:17
1 410
[Official EA] Battlefield 2 Demo Information
10-06-05 20:22
20 927
Demo Passed All Tests Less Then An Hour Away!!!!!
10-06-05 20:05
4 436
who will u use first?!
10-06-05 19:16
0 352