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Fishing, angling, etc.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Mackeral Fishing
27-11-17 16:36
5 642
loch allua pike
11-10-14 11:45
19 2.6K
All-Ireland Cod Championships Nov 18th
09-11-17 19:55
8 628
Sea angling
17-11-17 19:51
6 704
Grand Canal fishing gone to the dogs
14-11-17 12:57
3 767
River Tay in Durrow
12-11-17 21:16
1 393
Lough na leibe
22-10-17 11:29
1 416
Fishing after storm
20-10-17 10:51
13 783
New fishing jacket
17-10-17 22:18
4 495
wetting your hands- fish slime.
13-10-17 9:23
5 673
A lake full of pike but no bites...
11-10-17 11:55
13 1.1K
Recent opinions on Float Tube fishing in Ireland
07-10-17 20:01
7 1.1K
Alaska 2019
27-09-17 21:48
3 676
Tope Fishing - Bennet bank
08-10-17 20:09
0 428
Night fishing harbour tips request
08-10-17 17:36
1 498
Sea angling co Louth
22-09-13 16:40
5 855
Childrens fishing clothing for winter
08-10-17 8:58
1 396
Help to identify fish please
03-10-17 0:27
7 817
Go pro
25-09-17 21:38
2 570
Fishing in Ireland for beginners
27-09-17 2:44
3 639
Fishing in galway
24-09-17 19:32
0 503
Access question
22-09-17 19:47
10 729
Do fish learn to avoid lures
16-09-17 17:02
12 962
Mega Mackerel thread 2017 - reports, queries and chat 12...56
14-05-17 11:05
169 18.9K
Commercial fishing license?
10-09-17 14:48
4 2.3K
Repairing a fishing coat.
15-09-17 20:42
1 438
Another Cork tackle shop closing
28-08-17 14:48
5 1K
i can post here
07-09-17 1:45
3 565
Best place in Killarney for perch??
15-08-17 18:51
22 1.3K
tiger worms for salmon?
21-08-17 0:40
3 706