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Accommodation & Property

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Third-Level Accommodation

Student bums looking for digs!
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Mortgage repayment difficulty
17-11-08 15:18
25 5.3K
Bulgarian Apartment
15-11-08 19:19
10 1.2K
Bit of a pickle with flatmate
19-11-08 21:16
17 1.9K
15 year tenant rights..?
20-11-08 15:58
5 980
Bed mattress
16-11-08 19:04
18 2.1K
Managing Agent: Glenevin
17-11-08 11:48
7 1.3K
Who is responsible for footpath repair/maintenance in front of house?
19-11-08 19:20
1 778
What rights do I have?
19-11-08 12:17
1 476
Becoming a Sturctural Surveyor
20-11-08 16:00
1 401
Removals/part load shipping?
27-08-08 11:48
4 1K
Re-negotiating a selling price at the last minute!
20-11-08 18:44
4 591
Renting in Amsterdam
20-11-08 20:29
0 411
Mortgage Interest Relief - is this right?
02-11-08 21:45
15 2.6K
What is going on with prices???!!! 12
18-11-08 2:23
54 5.2K
Asking prices v selling prices
20-11-08 15:09
1 493
Insuring foreign property?
16-11-08 0:22
8 585
OSP Developments & Rent2Own
08-06-07 10:23
11 2.2K
New Powers for Revenue to investigate Landlords
17-11-08 8:18
26 2.6K
University students accommodation
06-11-08 22:11
8 894
Mortgage Relief
19-11-08 13:09
9 878
[Article] Rents nationwide at two year low
19-11-08 4:29
1 349
New increase in mortgage interest relief
19-11-08 12:02
0 369
Anyone actually bought a property recently?
19-11-08 10:32
4 715
Mortgage-TRS Deduction question
18-11-08 19:35
1 521
Tax on rental income
18-11-08 12:56
3 533
Renting north Dublin - Clontarf area
30-10-08 18:08
4 872
Huge question for me!! What you think?
14-11-08 20:35
29 2K
Builders down to 'bottom line' on prices
17-11-08 8:22
14 1.5K
Rent Percent 12...45
17-11-08 17:14
146 25.9K
Should I sell?
17-11-08 12:43
2 604