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Third-Level Accommodation

Student bums looking for digs!
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How To Petition The Change of a Street Name
16-04-10 18:09
4 767
Places to rent?
14-04-10 18:51
4 795
Creative selling : make your house a ".com" 12
30-03-10 13:00
42 3.6K
Looking for an Irish buyers website..
16-04-10 12:07
2 495
First Time Renting
16-04-10 14:02
1 532
Property on a Friday!!
16-04-10 9:14
2 546
Asking price haven't moved?
15-04-10 16:22
4 810
Hard time letting a room 12
13-04-10 21:42
31 2.7K
moveing out of a rented house will i still get my deposit back
14-04-10 14:42
6 763
Issues with previous landlord
13-04-10 12:59
19 2K
Handing yer gaff over to a property management company...
13-04-10 20:47
8 1.1K
First Time Buyer - Apartment 123
20-02-10 22:11
71 9.4K
On rent supplement and moving house.
14-04-10 17:13
1 610
Moving out... deposit issues, really need advice
13-04-10 14:17
11 1.1K
Cheapest House Insurance
12-04-10 15:07
10 3.2K
Landlord Access
05-04-10 21:06
20 2.6K
Renting to Dublin City Council
14-04-10 12:01
0 580
Stamp Duty
14-04-10 7:56
2 578
09-04-10 22:20
17 2.6K
How much do you hear and notice your neighbours (on average)?
10-04-10 16:29
20 6.6K
KPM/Heatherford Management Co.
24-05-06 11:51
15 3.4K
Looking for a short term lease
13-04-10 15:18
0 406
Corporation Point System.
13-04-10 14:31
2 1.6K
Will it ever be as cheap to build as it is now?
13-04-10 12:56
2 698
Rent Allowance
12-04-10 21:23
4 3.2K
Short Term Accommodation Wanted 12/05/2010 - 12/06/2010
13-04-10 11:27
0 514
Never too young to start saving for a house deposit! Some questions/advice please.
31-01-10 0:48
28 5.8K
Transferring rent allowance
10-04-10 7:02
3 577
Where do I stand?
12-04-10 22:11
1 476
Shared drains: Advice please!
07-04-10 16:57
13 6K