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  • 03-01-2016 10:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭

    Hi guys I'll be starting college next September and was wondering if anyone could recommend a laptop.

    Budget: ~€700
    Intended use: Starting an engineering course in college, general Internet browsing, just a small bit of video editing(nothing serious)
    Mobility: quite important as I'll be using it for college and I'll be commuting. I was thinking about a 13"
    Warranty: Not very important

    I was thinking about saving up for a MacBook Air 11" due to its size and portability and also its reliability but I'm sure someone could recommend maybe a better laptop that's within my budget.

    Thank you!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,456 ✭✭✭FSL

    If you will only be using it while at college for note taking and looking things up on the internet, then consider a small tablet and bluetooth keyboard. They are much lighter, easier to transport and cheaper to replace if dropped or 'lost'.

    You can then transfer your notes to a laptop or desktop when back home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,487 ✭✭✭✭machiavellianme

    "MacBook" and "engineering" aren't two words I would put together.
    As an electrical (and former electronic) engineer with over 10 years experience post PhD, I can still count on one had the number of engineers I've seen that are happy to use a MacBook (apart from those who have sold their soul and went the MBA/Management route).

    If you are going for a laptop, getting something with an i5 or i7 to have any chance of it lasting the course and not being entirely obsolete come final year project (when you'll need it most for simulations).

    Good luck with the course.
