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Extend range of Vodafone Mobile WiFi R216

  • 20-06-2015 3:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭

    Hi Guys,

    I recently purchased a Vodafone Mobile WiFi R216 for my parents who live in an area where fixed line broadband is pretty brutal... 55 KB/sec is the most they can ever get.

    The modem itself is impressively small and stylish, but I have concerns about the reach of the signal - our uncles lives next door and it would make sense to share to broadband allowance with them... the 15 GB allowance would never be reached otherwise.

    I look extensively online but I can't anything that would appear to fit the mini USB slot in an antenna type capacity.

    Can anybody point me in the right direction or confirm one way or another if this modem supports external antennas or even if the network itself can be extended by remote repeaters?


