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[Photographer Profile] #28 adox

  • 17-05-2015 9:32pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19,017 ✭✭✭✭

    The idea of these threads is to give some insight as to how some of your fellow photographers operate. Each person invited will write about their photography and provide some examples. This thread will be sticky for about a fortnight (longer if needed) During this time feel free to comment and ask questions. Please allow the subject to answer questions and do not do so on their behalf. While this process is taking place, the subject will approach the next person to be highlighted. Please keep this secret and do not prompt. All normal site and forum rules apply.

    Well I`m kinda here by default as the next in line for this is currently on holidays and asked me to step in when he is away.

    My name is Adrian Dooley, 48 years of age, living in Rush in County Dublin.
    I`ve only gotten into photography in the last two years when I was having(another) mid life crisis and looking for a hobby to take up. My wife had been telling me for a couple of years to find a hobby to take up that I liked, for her sake as well as my own.
    I decided I would try my hand at photography and decided to buy a DSLR. At the same time our postman who lives very close by, and is a photographer himself, told me of a local small camera group he was a member of - Rush Library Camera Group, and asked me to come to a meeting to see what it was about.
    I ordered my first camera off Amazon - a Nikon D3200 and joined the camera group around the same time the camera arrived, that was April 2013.

    Heres the first image I uploaded to Flickr:
    Baldungan Church
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    I kept attending the camera meetings and going out on shoots with the members, along with taking in as much information as I could to try and understand the process of taking a photo, be it youtube videos, books or quizzing the group members. The group is very small, maybe a dozen to 15 regular members which was a huge benefit to me at the start. I asked as many questions as I could to the more experienced members without becoming a nuisance. I soon learned that the group were heavily weighed towards landscape/seascape shots and sports shots and I guess I kind of fell into landscape as my thing
    The Hidden Forest
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr


    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    Although it became apparent to me I was most likely going to be a landscape photographer I was still trying my hand at other subject matters with varying success:

    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    I spent the first 10 months or so with the D3200 and a very heavy tripod and went out as much as I could with the camera group, picking up tips, asking questions and trying to improve as I went along. I eventually upgraded the body to a D7100 and got a carbon fibre tripod and started investing in some Lee filters as it was clear to me they would be used in a lot of my shots going forward. I became a little more confident with what I was doing and also a little more familiar with the likes of Lightroom for processing:

    Port Salon Sunrise
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    Bad Eddie
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    The Bloody Forelands
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    I had defintiely found my skin at this stage, photography wise. Landscape/seascape was the thing for me. I loved and love the whole process involved in it. From the travelling to locations, checking the weather and the light, to the set up process of looking for "the" shot and setting up your tripod, using fliters etc to get the shot you want, to being out in the middle of nowhere in more often that not, beautiful scenery. My mind is never clearer than when Im out with the camera. I forget about everyday problems etc and my mind is totally focused on the surroundings and the process of getting a shot. I find it extremely therapeutic and even if I go home and haven taken anything of note I still find the whole thing hugely enjoyable:

    The High Rock
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    Lough Na Fooey
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    Fanad Lighthouse
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr
    Ballycurrin Lighthouse
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr


    Copper Coast
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr


    Rush North Beach Sunset Boats
    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr

    I`m still on a huge learning curve photography wise. Ive only 2 years under my belt so have very limited experience but I`m glad a found a style of photography that I like very early on(largely thanks to the camera group) and concentrated on that from an early stage. Ive loved putting photos up here in the photography forum and admired and enjoyed othere peoples photos here too. Ive had the pleasure of meeting a few photographer from boards on two photo walks, one in Skerries in 2013 and one in Howth earlier this year. It was great to put a few faces to the names that you know from the forum and have admired their stuff.

    I seem to have put up alot of shots in thsi short piece but Id like to add one more which is among the favourite photos I have taken. Maybe because it is one that is not a landscape photo and one that had me out of my comfort zone completely and I had to ask shooting advice from a club member before heading out to try and get some shots. Its from the Giro D`Italia last year when it passed by Lusk, not far from where I live. It got loads of views on Flickr with relatively few favourites to it, but I really love it so thought I would leave it as my final image. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading:

    by Adrian Dooley, on Flickr


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭mystic86

    Hi Adox, nice write-up :)

    Met you on the photowalk in Howth back in January, very good company :)

    Can't believe you are only doing it a couple of years, I really like your work!

    Well done! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,017 ✭✭✭✭adox

    mystic86 wrote: »
    Hi Adox, nice write-up :)

    Met you on the photowalk in Howth back in January, very good company :)

    Can't believe you are only doing it a couple of years, I really like your work!

    Well done! :)

    Thanks a lot. I remember you well. Had a good chat with you on the trek back up to where the cars were parked. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,264 ✭✭✭secman

    Well done Adrian, lovely set of images there. Nice way to chill and forget about footy and all the stress that comes with it !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,991 ✭✭✭el tel

    Awesome photos there adox. A mere click on a "Thanks" button would not have been enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Super post Adrian, really interesting read and I agree with those above who said it's amazing to think you're at it for such a short time. I'm afraid of what you'll be posting in another two years! Keep it up, really enjoy seeing your posts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 677 ✭✭✭Loki98

    Well done Adox, a great body of work, some fabulous photos

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,254 ✭✭✭LeoB

    Think what Adrian gets out of photography is very important to the whole enjoyment of it, getting out and about to new locations and the therapeutic value that in itself is. His images are also excellent and you can see at meetings if we have covered something he has tried it or researched it.

    What Adrian did omit is what he gives back to people. He is excellent at sharing what he has picked up. With newer group members of the group Adrian always gives time and encourages people to have a go which is the cornerstone of Rush Library Camera Group.

    Now despite only 2 years Adrian is a vital member of the group.

    Well done Adrian and excellent write up
    "The Postman"

  • Registered Users Posts: 892 ✭✭✭Art Deko

    Super stuff Adrian. Great display of images. Really enjoyed that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭pwllor

    Bad Eddie is my favourites. Amazing!
